Monday, September 22, 2008

Patience is a virtue

My oh my have my patience have been tried today. It all started when i went to pick up a pair of shoes that have gotten fixed. They were not fixed. They were not even started. they were supposed to be done this past Friday. A call would have been much appreciated, seeing as that is why the guy took my number right? right? On to the next. A MAN driver decided that he wanted to be in my lane and swerve on in when... oh gee sorry my car was there! UGH! so then i had to slam on the brakes in hope that the semi behind me would be able to do the same so i did not get flattened all because the ass was not paying attention. Then... i got to the store. Now if you know me you know that i am very particular about things. Some people call it OCD, i call it, well i don't know but that is another day. So i get to the store and it looks a mess. There is a girl that moves everything when she is here. It drives me nuts! I try to stay calm about it but i am ready to tell her that when she gets the great idea to redecorate, to just let that feeling pass. Then i did the cash drawer and that was off. She worked for 5 hours and only had two sales. Now you can not tell me that she did not have time to count out. UGH! then the worst... She drank my sparkling water! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! there is nothing more irritating than when i go to eat or drink something that i bought just for me and it is gone! But a funny thing about it is she left a note on the empty can that said "whoever's this is i was really thirsty and tap water is gross." signed with a heart. Get the hell out of town with that stinking note!!! That is adding insult to injury! She is on the list... and you know what list i am talking about. We ALL have one of those lists. The only thing i wish of the world today is that please no more trying my patience... because i have none left. To all of you... please please have a great day!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having the Mother of all Mondays:-( I hope things get better. I can't believe the nerve of some people!!