Thursday, September 4, 2008

Before my vary eyes...

I know that all of you will laugh a this but it was pure horror for me. So my sweet grandpa and grandma are in town. Now let me set it up for you my gramps has dementia. He is not himself, and since it has set on, he has taken up the craziest and sometime grossest actions ever. Such as chewing food but then spitting it out... icky. But i get it. Hes old. i let him do his thing. However when i was much younger i do remember him "farmer blowing" his nose before we went into the local Target. Oh god that was so embarrassing. just blowing a uge wad of snot out of his nose. I remember thinking to myself, my god where did all that mucus come from... So anyways back to today. Now he LOVES to go out on car rides. Yes car rides, where you just drive around with no destination in mind you just drive. Well that drives me nuts... i love point A to point B and getting there as fast as i can. So because i do love my gramps, i took him on a car ride. So it took me about 20 mins to get him off the chair and in motion to go out to the car. So as he is on his way around to the passenger side of the car i hear a loud as hell sucking nose sound then a ridiculously loud "wacktoooo" My dear gramps spit a huge loogie in the garage. Now this normally would not have been a huge deal, ACCEPT!!!!!! it just so happens that on that side of the garage are all of the open boxes of MY SHOES!!! Dear lord i thought i was going to have a heart attack! He loogied into my shoes!!!!! Stop laughing it is not funny it is horrific. I cant believe that that really happened. Only my luck

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