Monday, March 31, 2008

Huge Heart for a BIG cause

Saturday, wow, what a night. I would like to start by saying how proud i am of our girl heartland. She put on an amazing event! She is an example to us all of when you love and care so much for a cause, it shows in your work! are FABULOUS!!!!! I loved the guy on stilts... There were many great pictures from that evening. I am still so blown way by how many items there were in the auction. I kept bidding on this painting done by The Groom. I loved it! I have the perfect space in my house picked out for it. Problem... i don't know if i won it. If i did not, i am going to need the number of the ass that out bid me...

Friday, March 28, 2008

I didn't give you up for lent, but im thankful...

I would just like to thank all of my beautiful smart ladies that sent me their support after last night. I ad a great night out, but in the back of my mind all could think about was how grateful i am about having such great friends that care for me... I must get my beauty sleep to get ready to workout with the Colombian princess and i must look for an outfit for the HUGE Campheartland benefit! Until tomorrow... hugs and kisses to my ladies! I apologize if none of this mks sense... i have been drinking some wine, ok, a lot o wine...

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yes, for a good whole minute i was speechless.. It was my reaction after the non-chalante "oh and you know that i started seeing someone from Fond Du Lac before i left for China" Speechless... its almost like you could hear the music from Jeopardy playing in the background while he was looking at me. My feelings were a mixture of WTF, i'm going to rip your balls off, and wow i don't even care. How weird is that? I guess that in my mind i already knew that i did not want to be with him, but i still wanted him to want me. This sucks. I can't even be mad at him. He was honest about it. I do give him the credit for telling me, but in he same breath, why couldn't he have told me before he left? All in all, the night wasn't a total bust, we had a good time catching up. I just can't stop thinking about what he said when he dropped me off. "I had a great time, I'm still very attracted to you, i still really want to be friends. Can we get together next week?" Yeah, I'm just not sure what to think at this point. If he is seeing another girl, why is he taking me out to dinner? If he really does just want to be friends why was this not talked about earlier? At this point, who knows. I am just happy that i was not waiting around for him while he was gone. NEXT...

Hairy Situation...

So tonight's the night! I do not know where we are going yet. but my true concern is myself... more specifically my body hair. Dear god, how am i supposed to feel sexy if under my cloths i look like a damn YEDDI. (at this time you may insert the chubacca sound). Now it's not like i really fret about my hairy legs or pits in general, but when you are going out on a date and you want to look and feel sexy...this is no good. My Britney looks like I've got buckwheat in a headlock! I did try to shave, but it has been so long that i forgot to get a new shaver. it was like shaving my a Kleenex. Oh well He's not getting any Sexy Sexy tonight anyway... until tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Apple a Day

As they say, "An apple a day, Keeps the Doctor away". Well, i have run out of apples, and the Doctor has come calling. Just when i stopped thinking about him all together, he called. I was so shocked to see his name on my caller ID i just picked up. I can't lie, it was really good to hear from him. He has since gotten back from his trip to China, moved to Milwaukee. He asked if he could take me to dinner, and said that he got me a present from China... I wonder what it is. I hope its not SARS! TO BE CONTINUED....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I can't believe what i just read... Tyra banks has issued a court order against a guy for stalking her. Who on Gods green earth would want to stalk that crazy ho? She is crazy! The very sound of her voice is like nails on a chalk board! I don't know who gave her her own talk show, but she thinks she is God. Just ask her, she will tell you! She has made people on her talk show do the stupidest things. Like wearing their swim suits with their weight written on the front. That was after she went on crying about the tabloids calling her fat in her swimming suit. Girl... she looked huge. (and i mean that in the she still thinks that she is a size 0 way huge) I have nothing against women with meat on their bones.. I'm one of them. But I don't go around acting like I'm a Victoria secret model and gods gift to men. That girl is delusional, i think she is on the same horse tranquilizers as Britney. Tyra should be banished to a remote island with Naomi Campbell, Heidi Montag, and Spencer. I can guarantee that Naomi would get pissed and throw a phone at her head, Heidi would roll around in the sand singing, and Spencer would give her the "crazy eyes"


Seriously, men are a total mystery to me... just when you think your in the clear they come creeping back in. I am pertaining to a text message that i received from the Smoker this past Friday night. I know that he did it to prompt a text back... but i didn't give in. Hell No! Well... at least not until Saturday night. Please if you are my friend i ask you to please take away my phone after 3 glasses of bubbly and a pitcher of beer...PLEASE! I don't remember what i said, but i can guarantee that if i did remember, i wouldn't want to... But bless his heart he was very nice about it. I think the worst was having to go get my credit card Monday Morning... The walk of shame is always the worst! At least i wasn't in the same cloths. All around i think that the night was a success! Heartland, Sundance, and Sunshine... girls you know how to have a good time! I would have to say that MY OFFICE can insure you a good time, and a fabulous JuKe Box! Can any of you girls fill me in on these flash backs i am having about a foreign guy with his shirt open talking to me?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweatin' to the oldies

As i sat on my couch, eating Reese's peanut buttercups minis, i got a sudden urge to run.( please note that when eating the Reese's minis it is ok to eat more of them. They are small! (I refuse to feel guilty) So... I got a Gym membership last night. It was so painful... I started working out and my body so horrifically reminded me how out of shape i am. UGH. I know it will get better, but it is literally a pain in the ass to work out. I woke up to my butt twitching in pain(that was creepy, i think it freaked my cat out). My normal sudden urges consist of shoes shopping, or cocktailing. NOT WORKING OUT! But,I will try real hard to keep to this work out routine. First i need a routine... I was paying for the membership when salmonella called and wanted to meet for drinks... i did a quick 30 min cardio and was ready for wine! I have no choice but to start working out. I looked in the mirror and saw that my thighs were growing at a rapid pace. Gross. Summer is just around the corner, we need to get our kickin' bodies in gear!

Note: As i am writing this i am wolfing down a burrito.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

London's Calling...

Did any of you watch The Bachelor? let me fill you in. The bachelor is hot, British and what i love the most is he is goofy. Now the girls. Oh dear God where do i start. So my pick for the winner is Amanda R, the first girl our dear Matt set eyes on. She was also the girl that got the first impression rose, she is going all the way to the alter! Now down to business. I love the girls that just cant seem to be normal. There was the girl who smiled with her neck, and did a crazy booty dance, shes gone. Good. The girl that played the Clarinet... he he he. And i can imagine that Crazy Stacy was the girl whom everyone can agree made you feel so much better about yourself. Where to start? In a quick recap, she got drunk, insulted London, stuffed her panties into Matts suit jacket, and passed out face down in a random bed. At the rose ceremony i swear someone was behind her propping her up. Classic! How could anyone not like this show?!? It is pure entertainment! This is going to be a good season.

I can not help but to include a tid bit about Rock of Love that was on last night as well. Have any of you watched it? The only thing that i can concentrate on lately is Brett's package! It looks like he stuffed it with dog toys... just you watch. You will know what im talking about. I just don't know how these women can stay so calm around him. I love it when my man wears more eye liner than i do, stuffs his crotch, and makes-out with other women in front of me. What a dream guy!

It was a great night. The corned beef and cabbage turned out awesome, in case you were wondering.

Oh! i almost forgot! So i was at Lunch with The Columbian Princess. I met a super hot guy! I saw him and sent him and his friend over a beer. After they were done eating they came over and sat with us. I could barely look at him, i thought he was so damn hot. I gave him my card. Think he'll call? I will be sure to keep you posted.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Big Week...

Big Week!! There are some really great things that are happening this week... Lets start with St. Patty's Day... its not a day that I normally celebrate, but i am partaking in cooking of st Patty's fare... I'm making Corned beef and cabbage. I hope it turns out! i will keep you posted. Next, the new bachelor starts Monday night. He is hot and British. What more could a girl want. I do have a small obsession with watching the girls make asses of themselves, and the bachelorbe a man whore. And for my last excitement, I start at my new massage space this week. Yes it is time that i get my booty off the couch and go back to work! I am very excited! I think that the news is just as exciting as the new TV show POP FICTION. If you haven't watched it, do. If you do watch it, I'm sure you love it!

Friday, March 14, 2008

A whole different world...

I went to Cudhay today. Gross. It is definitely a whole different world down there. Now let me explain. There is the BEST Thai restaurant ever. Bangkok House. Check it out! I ordered food and had to wait for it to be ready so i went out on an adventure in the strip mall that it is in. Nothing but class this strip mall has the dollar tree and Fashion Bug. i had to chuckle to myself. The women were Peg Bundy look alikes and the men resembled Larry the Cable guy. He he he... So weird that it is so close to downtown but yet sooo creepy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ex sighting #2

ladies prepare........Yes i saw the smoker last night... I would have to say i did not handle myself as well as i wished, but hey that's me. We were out for the CP's birthday dinner. In walked the smoker. i panicked. Lame i know, but that is what happens when you still care about the guy i guess... he happened to be sitting with two, count them, two girls. At first CP and i were told there was one, and she was his real estate person, then there were two, and they were friends, then they were bartenders doing business with him. Well whoever they were, they had fake designer bags and ugly coats. I cant tell you what they looked like, because i couldn't get past the outfits. So there was a scramble with the the birthday cake, and the next thing i know i was responding to his hello and running out of the room. Ugh... are you feeling my pain? Well it gets worse. After the birthday song, CP called him to our table as he was walking out of the restaurant. He made no eye contact, and when he turned to leave i yelled out "enjoy your date!" ahhhh, why couldn't i have just acted cool. I guess cool is not my style in situations like this, put me in a room with a man that calls me bitch and sings hall and oats, I'm fine, but put me in close proximity with an ex that i have yet to fizzle the sizzle, and I'm an ass... Maybe that's what i get for dating a guy who has his full name his license plate...

This does not fair good for me. If i keep seeing exes' i may have to move out of town...

It was the Bee's Knees!

Wow what a success! The Colombian princess's party went great! Everyone looked so fabulous in their 20's flapper and gangster gear! I loved it!. Turned out that our sweet birthday girl was the murderer and she didn't even know it! It truly was a great time! If you ever have the chance to do or go to a murder mystery party, DO! It is hard work, but so worth the effort! i think that she had a "killer time"! Pictures to come...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Horse Hair

As i was watching TV last night, i stumbled across the worst look ever...A Phony Pony... Oh yes it was bad! Please tell me why women insist on wearing these putrid things. It didnt even match her hair. This is the biggest problem. People think that they match their hair when in fact they don't at all. I worked for this nut case once who wore them all the time. I don't think that she understood the fact that they should match your hair. She has very dark almost black hair, and she would come in wearing blonde hair pieces. She also had one with dreads, and braids in it...that was my favorite What a dumb ass. The only thing creepier than people wearing them is that at the mall there are whole kiosks of dead hair hanging there on display. Thats bad but i go nuts when they try to chase you with them wanting to put these dead animal things in your hair. No thanks! The only time i think that they may be appropriate is at the Brides up-coming wedding... With that thought i will pick up matching ones for all us girls attending.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ok What the f*!%... Brett Favre retires and the whole world revolves around him...It was on every station! I missed Rachael Ray. Honestly his retirement news has gotten more press than the damn assassination of JFK. They make him out to be this god send. Constant pictures of him everywhere and watching people moping around, Oh enough. HE JUST PLAYED FOOTBALL PEOPLE!!! Every news station has been broadcasting these movie time lines of him...but somehow, shockingly they forgot to add the years of womanizing and pill popping... hmmm fishy. I do give him props for his commitment to our team. But in all reality, this was going to happen, people quit their jobs. When i quit my job all i got was ignored and had to buy my own cocktails. I didnt get no fricking news cast. Note. it took me a day to write this so i was not a complete asshole, I allowed all of you Farve lovers to mourn. Now buck-up buttercups his retirement is not serious news that needs to interfere with daily functioning. Ps. his butt was starting to sag anyway... we need some fresh ass on the team.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Yes I am Alive

Hey guys! Wow! it has been a long time since i have blogged. I feel like one of those mothers that leaves their kid in the car on hot day while they go into the bar, they know its wrong but still dont care... So anyways BIG NEWS!! Pick'n'Save has reduced the prices of 5,000 items in the store. I was in heaven, everywhere i went there was yellow tags saying "LOOK IM CHEAPER"... I kinda felt like i was at Wal-Mart, but without all the creepy incest people. Wal-Mart is a breeding ground for socially inept people i swear... And dont' you all sit there thinking im mean. You know what im talking about.
I did go to the costume shop today. gosh what a fun place! And note, a much better place than wally world. I went to buy a Flapper outfit for the Colombian princess's roaring 20's murder mystery party. It should be super fun! Thanks to sprint, this party should go off without wrinkle. Well hopefully... Im sure that there will be some great pictures!