I can't believe what i just read... Tyra banks has issued a court order against a guy for stalking her. Who on Gods green earth would want to stalk that crazy ho? She is crazy! The very sound of her voice is like nails on a chalk board! I don't know who gave her her own talk show, but she thinks she is God. Just ask her, she will tell you! She has made people on her talk show do the stupidest things. Like wearing their swim suits with their weight written on the front. That was after she went on crying about the tabloids calling her fat in her swimming suit. Girl... she looked huge. (and i mean that in the she still thinks that she is a size 0 way huge) I have nothing against women with meat on their bones.. I'm one of them. But I don't go around acting like I'm a Victoria secret model and gods gift to men. That girl is delusional, i think she is on the same horse tranquilizers as Britney. Tyra should be banished to a remote island with Naomi Campbell, Heidi Montag, and Spencer. I can guarantee that Naomi would get pissed and throw a phone at her head, Heidi would roll around in the sand singing, and Spencer would give her the "crazy eyes"
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