Ok What the f*!%... Brett Favre retires and the whole world revolves around him...It was on every station! I missed Rachael Ray. Honestly his retirement news has gotten more press than the damn assassination of JFK. They make him out to be this god send. Constant pictures of him everywhere and watching people moping around, Oh enough. HE JUST PLAYED FOOTBALL PEOPLE!!! Every news station has been broadcasting these movie time lines of him...but somehow, shockingly they forgot to add the years of womanizing and pill popping... hmmm fishy. I do give him props for his commitment to our team. But in all reality, this was going to happen, people quit their jobs. When i quit my job all i got was ignored and had to buy my own cocktails. I didnt get no fricking news cast. Note. it took me a day to write this so i was not a complete asshole, I allowed all of you Farve lovers to mourn. Now buck-up buttercups his retirement is not serious news that needs to interfere with daily functioning. Ps. his butt was starting to sag anyway... we need some fresh ass on the team.
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I just blew Diet Coke out my nose, and my co-workers think I'm insane for laughing at my computer screen.
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