Monday, September 29, 2008
Look at what i can win!
So along the side of my blog is a list of the prizes that i can win for the Iron Cupcake Earth competition. Check them out! What a great loot bag that would be to win. Also, if you like them for yourself, i being as computer savvy as i am, not!, you can click on the pictures and it will take you to the sponsors website! Oh and one that i did not add. Taste of Home, they have been around forever and still never let us down. Thanks Sponsors! So Please if you have not voted, please do so. You have until Thursday Oct 2nd at noon! If i win, i promise to host a cupcake party!!! all voters invited!

Thats right! to all my friends the polls are now open for you to vote for my cupcake creations in the IRON CUPCAKE EARTH online competition. I entered Two entries. The first is a Key Lime Basil Cupcake with Mereinge Frosting. Beautiful just beautiful... And tasty has a great lime flavore that is slighty calmed byt the sweet and savory basil. Yummy! And for you chocolate lovers i made a Chocolate Ganache Cupcake with a Marshmallow Basil cream filling. Need i really say more about that one??? It melts in your mouth. The cupcake is dense with chocolate goodness. Ladies... no man will ever make you feel as good as this cupcake does! Both of my creations are listed under my name...Miss Hollywood on the voting area. So Please!!! take the time to vote. And by that i mean vote for me! And tell all your friends!
You can vote at >>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<>
I get the chance to win a bunch of fabulous prizes! i will post those shortly!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Balls! I thought that i had until Friday at noon to put in my submission for Iron Cupcake earth, and i just checked and it is Tomorrow at noon... BALLS!!! I will be baking up a storm this evening. May the force be with me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank you Susie Homemaker!

So i was wondering on Susie's blog the other day, ok really it was like a week ago, and i got my very first Blog award! Bless her sweet heart! I met her a few weeks back at the Iron Cupcake competition where she placed with her fantastic Calatrava cupcakes. OHHHH but the best part. As i was talking with her she told me that she makes these delightful cookie dough balls dipped in chocolate. OMG! If that is not the epitome of a female late night snake i dont know what is! She sells them via the world wide web. Please go check it out! Here is the link to Susie's balls... he he he ( )I think that cookie dough is the best snack! I often find my self making cookie batter, and eating it and never getting to the point of baking the stuff! I have often been warned that it could make me sick, but I can't help it... don't you judge me. That is my fat snack and i love it and i am proud! (Note: i have not been as smart as Susie to not add the eggs...) I think that they say you can get worms from that sort of thing. Sick... if i got worms that would suck, but im sure would offer much entertainment to my friends...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Why Not?!?!

Ok so after my needed rant this morning i have gotten A LOT done. So to bring you up to speed on things, i have Perfected the recipe for my IRON CUPCAKE EARTH entries. I am super excited to blog about them! I have to have all of my info and pictures submitted by Friday at noon so make sure you keep checking for the blog about all that. Also!!! he he he i filled out my Audition submission form for the Rachael Ray's Hey! Can you Cook Competition. I am excited! Now i know it sounds a little funny but why not?! Life is meant to be fun, and i want to have no regrets, so if that mean sending in a corny audition tape of myself cooking to one of my favorite celebs (Rachael Ray) then that is what i am going to do! For any of you reading i challenge you do do something that you have said that you should do but never even attempt it... why not?! So about that, I'm pretty sure that my chances are slim to none about getting picked, but i can say that i tried! And in my opinion i think that the Food Network could use a little of Miss Hollywood! Fabulous! oh how fun! And yes to embarrass myself even more i am contemplating posting my audition tape on my blog... And yes, if you ask me... i CAN cook
Patience is a virtue
My oh my have my patience have been tried today. It all started when i went to pick up a pair of shoes that have gotten fixed. They were not fixed. They were not even started. they were supposed to be done this past Friday. A call would have been much appreciated, seeing as that is why the guy took my number right? right? On to the next. A MAN driver decided that he wanted to be in my lane and swerve on in when... oh gee sorry my car was there! UGH! so then i had to slam on the brakes in hope that the semi behind me would be able to do the same so i did not get flattened all because the ass was not paying attention. Then... i got to the store. Now if you know me you know that i am very particular about things. Some people call it OCD, i call it, well i don't know but that is another day. So i get to the store and it looks a mess. There is a girl that moves everything when she is here. It drives me nuts! I try to stay calm about it but i am ready to tell her that when she gets the great idea to redecorate, to just let that feeling pass. Then i did the cash drawer and that was off. She worked for 5 hours and only had two sales. Now you can not tell me that she did not have time to count out. UGH! then the worst... She drank my sparkling water! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! there is nothing more irritating than when i go to eat or drink something that i bought just for me and it is gone! But a funny thing about it is she left a note on the empty can that said "whoever's this is i was really thirsty and tap water is gross." signed with a heart. Get the hell out of town with that stinking note!!! That is adding insult to injury! She is on the list... and you know what list i am talking about. We ALL have one of those lists. The only thing i wish of the world today is that please no more trying my patience... because i have none left. To all of you... please please have a great day!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I can see clearer now... the rain is gone
Ok so i think that i may now finally be out of my 2 day pity party. And no it was not that i did not do as well as i had hoped at Iron Cupcake. (note: i realize that i would have done better had i done a visually more appealing creation... Next time!) Oh and thanks to The cupcake queen for her words of encouragement.So anyways, It must have been hormonal, but i feel better.Maybe it may have something to do with the fact that it is ladies night and i am rearing for a Martini! Ah! i LOVE girls night out! There is nothing like a group of chatty girls cocktailing and talk about life. Ahhh... just the very thought of it brings a smile to my face.
Oh! ha ha yet another adventure... i think that i am going to enter myself into Rachael Ray's So you think you can Cook competition! Lol... oh my gosh i crack myself up, so what i have to do is record a video of myself in the kitchen, telling her how i can cook. Oh this will be fun. Now i think the real kicker in this is that on the past SYTYCC competitions, Michael Buble' (my husband) was a judge. Yeah thats right i am that lame to enter myself in a cooking contest, for the slightest hope that Michael, will be a judge. I think he would love me. He is single now in case you did not know that... That is my newest plan/adventure. hey i know i can bake, cook... yeah I'm not bad, so why the hell not? what else am i doing? There are 24 usable hours in every day!
Oh! ha ha yet another adventure... i think that i am going to enter myself into Rachael Ray's So you think you can Cook competition! Lol... oh my gosh i crack myself up, so what i have to do is record a video of myself in the kitchen, telling her how i can cook. Oh this will be fun. Now i think the real kicker in this is that on the past SYTYCC competitions, Michael Buble' (my husband) was a judge. Yeah thats right i am that lame to enter myself in a cooking contest, for the slightest hope that Michael, will be a judge. I think he would love me. He is single now in case you did not know that... That is my newest plan/adventure. hey i know i can bake, cook... yeah I'm not bad, so why the hell not? what else am i doing? There are 24 usable hours in every day!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Milwaukee Man-Cakes
I would Like for you all to meet my Newest cupcake, and Iron cupcake contender Milwaukee Man-Cakes. This sweet creation will be entered in this evenings Iron Cupcake Competition being held at Fratellos. Oh yeah this cupcake is 4 inches of fury. It is a German Chocolate sauerkraut cupcake with a Sweet beer cheese frosting. My little cupcake is ready to whoop some cupcake ass! Well... at least i hope it does! It was lots of fun coming up with the recipe and even more fun tasting it because it was actually a great treat! Now don't you wrinkle your nose at the sauerkraut thought. You can't even taste the flavor of the kraut, it is just there to make the cupcake super moist. I am VERY excited to enter it. How fun! I can't believe that i am going to be in a cupcake competition. LOL... My life is such a strange journey. OK i will keep you posted on how i do in the competition. May the force be with me!!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Paris Hilton...EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!!
I just could not resist!!! When i saw this wig at Target i HAD to get it for my little Princess Poquita! Omg it is so stinking cute on her i cant even stand it. She looks like such super model! If she had boobs, she would look like Dolly. Ha ha ha. I think that i might get her the blonde one as well. The only bad thing was that she got very embarrassed when i put it on her. I don't get it... how could she be so embarrassed with a long luscious hot pink wig on? weird. And i am happy to report that there is a mullet wig at Target as well that has Carpell's ( he is my cat) name written all over it! No Joke! Im almost positive that he is gay. Yes, i have a gay cat... Gays live for this type of dress up drag entertainment, well at least my gays do...Now you tell me, who wouldn't want to have a wig for their cat that gives them a striking resemblance to Billy Ray Cyrus. :-) He is going to love it...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Cupcakes fix everything...except dead people
Wow, so as you know the INDIAN GIVER has yet to pay me for the cupcakes. So in true me style, i sent him a text today that read "so... were you ever going to pay me for the already eaten cupcakes that you so much enjoyed?" And you know what i get back?????? Let me tell you! " Yeah, i will be back in town Fri. it has been an F'ed up vacation. Sorry i have a lot on my mind" So i wrote back " Sorry that sucks" Then i get this " My car broke down and my uncle died" OMG!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! Now i cant decide who is a bigger asshole, him or me! My God! REALLY! Poor guys uncle died and I'm giving him lip about cupcakes... only me, only me. So i have tucked my tale between my legs and i am going to go bake off my sassyness. LOL wow, i hope i didn't sound heartless, which i might have... hmmm... gosh i hope not
Monday, September 8, 2008
fairy tale
So it was kind of a weird morning. And I'm sure like everyone else i did not want to get out of bed... But i did. I went to breakfast with a man friend. it was nice. i had pancakes. I love pancakes. Then i went to work, and when i checked my email i found this.
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girls said: “NO!' And the girl lived happily ever-after and went shopping, dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't get fat, traveled more, had many lovers, didn't save money, and had all the hot water to herself. She went to the theater, never watched sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her butt, had high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants and was pleasant all the time. THE END
Now that made me smile... Whos knows, that may be how my life will be. Not too shabby :-) Oh and the only thing the story left out was a cupcake shop... it needs that too!
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girls said: “NO!' And the girl lived happily ever-after and went shopping, dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't get fat, traveled more, had many lovers, didn't save money, and had all the hot water to herself. She went to the theater, never watched sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her butt, had high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants and was pleasant all the time. THE END
Now that made me smile... Whos knows, that may be how my life will be. Not too shabby :-) Oh and the only thing the story left out was a cupcake shop... it needs that too!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Long live the Queen!

OMG!!! I met the Milwaukee cupcake queen last night, and she is FABULOUS! When i walked in it was like we have been friends forever! I had such a blast with her. I am really glad to know there is someone in town here that shares my same love for cupcakes. And according to her and my research, this cupcake thing is Crazy huge! Love it! So we met at Fratellos. The Queen and i shared the Peanut Butter cup cupcake and tiramisu. I would have to say, i was not completely impressed by the cupcake (sorry chef x), but the tiramisu was delicious. She is a fiesty littl vixin... all of you ladies will love her! So, i will be competing in the local iron cupcake competition as well. It is Monday Sept 15th. This will be a blast. You have to come! friends are the Judges!!! How could you not want to go... cupcakes and booze. Hello!!! i have already started my brain storming on what i am going to bake. I cant tell you my ideas, but i will tell you that the theme for this bake-off is Milwaukee themed. What do you think of when you think Milwaukee..... hmmm. Like i said i do have a few ideas, but i would love to hear what any of you think about when you hear Milwaukee. (Please note: i will NOT do a Bradford beach theme cupcake. if i did it would have to be the flavor of poop, and i don't do poop flavor.) So please feel free to shoot my some ideas, preferably not gross ones. thanks!
Oh and what i going on this weekend? Anything fun? any Par-tays? i feel so out of the loop since i have embarked on this wild cupcake adventure. I also have to say that i think we are past do for male strippers, drunken debauchery, and public urination... In the words of the Bride... who wants to go find our lost shaker of salt?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Before my vary eyes...
I know that all of you will laugh a this but it was pure horror for me. So my sweet grandpa and grandma are in town. Now let me set it up for you my gramps has dementia. He is not himself, and since it has set on, he has taken up the craziest and sometime grossest actions ever. Such as chewing food but then spitting it out... icky. But i get it. Hes old. i let him do his thing. However when i was much younger i do remember him "farmer blowing" his nose before we went into the local Target. Oh god that was so embarrassing. just blowing a uge wad of snot out of his nose. I remember thinking to myself, my god where did all that mucus come from... So anyways back to today. Now he LOVES to go out on car rides. Yes car rides, where you just drive around with no destination in mind you just drive. Well that drives me nuts... i love point A to point B and getting there as fast as i can. So because i do love my gramps, i took him on a car ride. So it took me about 20 mins to get him off the chair and in motion to go out to the car. So as he is on his way around to the passenger side of the car i hear a loud as hell sucking nose sound then a ridiculously loud "wacktoooo" My dear gramps spit a huge loogie in the garage. Now this normally would not have been a huge deal, ACCEPT!!!!!! it just so happens that on that side of the garage are all of the open boxes of MY SHOES!!! Dear lord i thought i was going to have a heart attack! He loogied into my shoes!!!!! Stop laughing it is not funny it is horrific. I cant believe that that really happened. Only my luck
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I think im obsessed..

Ok i know i am at this point. I know that i have many addictions, but this is the sweetest one of all. I may have a problem. lately all i can think about is these damn cupcakes! i even had a dream about them. Everywhere i look there are cupcake things. So i was on the Tiffany's website, and i may have mentioned this before but they have a cupcake charm that i MUST HAVE!!! it is the sweetest thing ever. Ok so i have also been in contact with the Cupcake queen all morning. I will be meeting her officially either tonight or tomorrow night. We will be meeting over cupcakes and cocktails at Fratellos. I am very excited! it will be fun talking with someone who also has such a love for cupcakes. Ok stop rolling your eyes! i get it! I'm a freak! But hey you won't be complaining when i do more cupcake tastings! So i think that i may be in the up-coming Iron Cupcake. I have to find out what the special ingredient will be. I have already started to write my recipe for the Iron Cupcake earth, which is done via blog. I will let you know when i post my sweet concoction so you can vote for your favorite cupcake creator... BTW that is me if you did not get that settle hint *wink wink* So the iron cupcake earth seem pretty cool. The ingredient for the online competition is basil... I LOVE LOVE LOVE basil. i have some great ideas, but if you have any thoughts please pass them my way... For now my concoction will remain a secret until it has been posted... But like i said please be ready for some taste testing!
FYI if this all seems a little weird, it is but i realized that i really am going to do all that i can to get this cupcake thing going. I wont let the Harley Fest flop get me down dammit!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So today has been all about trying to get things back to normal. It still amazes me that Holiday weekends really screw everything up. I like my schedule, i know my schedule. Well OK maybe that is a lie. i don't know my schedule. My cell broke this past weekend. I have my whole life on the damn thing and now it is all gone... I still have not had time to go to the store and see what is going on with it. So if i was supposed to call any of you i apologize... i don't know your number. What else, oh i am taking the scoot home today. Oh it will be great to take a nice long scoot ride. I LOVE the scoot, you know its no Harley, but for now it will do. Oh! SATC movie comes out on the 23rd.... is anyone else thinking what i am??? Theme Party!!!! Oh and we can do trivia night! I can't believe that i have not gotten to play that yet... your all going down! Well what else... oh yes. i am meeting with The Cupcake Queen this week. She emailed me and wants to chat! How fun! She is going to tell me all about Iron Cupcake. hmmm i think that is it for now.
WAIT!!!!! Update: it is confirmed that the Indian giver is a total douche bag. He has yet to pay me for the cake and cupcakes that i made him for his god forsaken birthday.... Bastard
WAIT!!!!! Update: it is confirmed that the Indian giver is a total douche bag. He has yet to pay me for the cake and cupcakes that i made him for his god forsaken birthday.... Bastard
Monday, September 1, 2008
My cupcakes bring all the boys to the yard...
Well, i would be lying if i said that my cupcake adventure was a success. Sales were terrible. I had anticipated that they were going to be a huge seller, but i was wrong. Upset? yes! I spent a ton of money getting this thing going, and time and lost sleep, and hopfully no friendships... But i think that now that i have had some time to think about what happened, the only thing i regret is buying soooooooo many ingredients. Any one need flour of powdered sugar? i have 200 lbs of each of them left...It has been a tough couple of weeks working up to this, as I'm sure you know in loo of my disappearance. So this is a long one just so i Can get you to speed on what has been going on. So Thursday night i was baking till 11:30 at night. Then i was back at Mimmas at 9 am the next morning to bake more. Oh forgot to tell you on Thursday night i totally fell on my ass in the kitchen and cupcake batter was everywhere on me. The funny part, was it was red velvet and when it was all over me it looked like i was in a horror movie and had been stabbed, like i was bleeding all over. Needless to say i think that it was my comic relief moment. I was crying i was laughing so hard. It was so nice to laugh at myself at that moment... i was so stressed. Ok so then i "sold" cupcakes (note i use the term sold very lightly) Thursday until 11:30. Back to it Friday morn at 9am. took a short break to go on a Harley ride with State farm, that's what we will call him, ( i will fill you in on him so enough) then back to selling. I was there until o geez 2:30 am. That was a fun night! Special thanks to sprint who grew a very large pair of balloon boobs and was the life of the party! Girl you can sling some cupcakes, and have tons of fun doing it... if i open up shop, I'm coming to you to be my sales chica! oh and i was paid to smash cupcakes in peoples faces! Long story... then back "selling" again at about 4 on sat. It was crazy. I really thought that i had a great idea doing this... . Its not that i don't want to not go on with the cupcake thing, i just thought they would have sold better. YUP! Add yet anther notch to the board of my latest failures. I wont give up. I will promise mself that much. I understand that this is gong to be hard work. I did have tons of people take cards... as of now they have not contated me, but i will keep my fingers crossed. Oh! i met the Milwaukee Cupcake queen. she asked if i was interested in doing iron cupcake... i will have to get more info, I'm not sure what it all entails or what the hell it is. So for now i am at home with my leftover 200 cupcakes and my stack of receipts... boy, i really am trying to find the good in all of this i really am, but i am EXHAUSTED. It was a good learning experience, i just need to figure it out from here.
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