Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Date worthy
I bought a new dress this weekend, and it is in need of going on a date. It is so super sexy i cant even stand it! It would be a perfect dress for a date. No i just need to find someone to go out on a date with. There is nothing like an LBD.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Pickle, rock and a hard place,dilemma city...on and on. But yes i am in a pickle. Its this damn Facebook again! UGH!!!! So i got a friend request the other day. From my aunt. The very same aunt that has made my life a living hell more than a few times... So here is the dilemma. She is a pain in the ass at times, but family non the less. So she knows i am on facebook. My cousin and my other aunt whom i am friends with on fb have befriended her. Now a week has passed since i have gotten this friend request. I can't bring myself to ignore her, but i also cant work up the nerve to be the bigger person and confirm her. She has done some really rotten things. Now not saying that i have anything that i don't want her to see, or that i am hiding things, but knowing her, she will tell family some crazy stuff and yet again i will be the "black sheep" What is a girl to do... f-ing facebook. All I'm saying is that when i was not a member of this online social addiction, i did not have to worry about problems like this. PLEASE someone... what do i do???
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
boy oh boy
Does the time sure fly. It has been June since the last time that i have blogged, and i swear so much has happened. Ok more like i know so much has happened. I feel like my life is on auto pilot and i have no control over the destination.
with that said, boy oh boy has this summer been a ride. I am finding it really hard to balance business and pleasure. But i have been doing a lot of both. I just don't know what has really changed, but i feel like i am maturing. Hmmm. yes this does seem like a "deep" blog post, but i have had some recent events that have cause me to take a good look at what i really want of my life. I just get a little confused as to how will all of them work! I am a true believer in that fact that there are 24 useable hours in each day. But that could be how i got myself into this mess. so. i am making a list. this list is of things that will want to accomplish throughout my life if not this year. After all i wish i could say that i want this all done within a week, but hey even i have to hang up the super girl uniform from time to time.
1. Get a house
2. Open the cupcake shop
3. get a man friend ( wait... did i really just say that out loud? shit! i did.)
OK this list can go on and on but i guess i should just focus on this for now.
with that said, boy oh boy has this summer been a ride. I am finding it really hard to balance business and pleasure. But i have been doing a lot of both. I just don't know what has really changed, but i feel like i am maturing. Hmmm. yes this does seem like a "deep" blog post, but i have had some recent events that have cause me to take a good look at what i really want of my life. I just get a little confused as to how will all of them work! I am a true believer in that fact that there are 24 useable hours in each day. But that could be how i got myself into this mess. so. i am making a list. this list is of things that will want to accomplish throughout my life if not this year. After all i wish i could say that i want this all done within a week, but hey even i have to hang up the super girl uniform from time to time.
1. Get a house
2. Open the cupcake shop
3. get a man friend ( wait... did i really just say that out loud? shit! i did.)
OK this list can go on and on but i guess i should just focus on this for now.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Legend of PF Changs...
I don't even know how to go about telling this story... It is so stupid and unbelievable that it could not be made up. So here goes. I met the Colombian Princess and her family (when i say her family i mean The Republicans family) out at Pf Chang's last night. So we sat down at the table and we are chatting and having some cocktails, and ordering blah blah blah. When in the middle of conversation there was a huge crash. A server had dropped a tray FULL of plates and such from across the room. Poor thing, you could tell she was super embarrassed, and then.... I felt a little prick. I look down and my eyes went completely wide. So I'm still looking down and now i am nudging the CP. SO as i am nudging her to get her attention from her conversation, i kept saying out loud, " T! T!, T! You are never going to believe this! "again T! T! T! You are NEVER going to believe this!" at that time i finally get her attention. She looks down, into my cleavage, and there was a chunk of a white porcelain plate stuck between my boobs! So in true CP fashion she digs in, grabs it out, and starts to die laughing. She then gets our servers attention and tells him that "lucky piece of plate flew across the room into my boobs. At this point the whole table is laughing. It was VERY funny i do have to say so myself. About 5 minutes later the restaurant manager comes over to say that that was the most amazing story he has had at the restaurant, and that the apps we had were on him for the evening! Ha ha! So we enjoyed the rest of the meal, and when leaving the manager was out front to bid us goodbye, when he say aloud " Miss you are a legend here at PF Chang's now!"
So my boobs and i are legends at PF Chang's. Ok maybe just my boobs. I told the server that i would autograph the shard for him if he would like. the end
So my boobs and i are legends at PF Chang's. Ok maybe just my boobs. I told the server that i would autograph the shard for him if he would like. the end
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wahoo For IRON CUPCAKE!!!!
This is just so fabulous! This deserves a hip hip Horay!!! Mke's Cupcake Queens baby is getting so big! And i am excited for the awesome plug in the article about myself as well. Well done MKE CQ... you deserve all the great press! Whats next??? Rachael Ray?Oprah? David Lettermen? Michael Buble'? Ok probably not Michael Buble, but a girl can dream! Hmmmm i wonder what his favorite flavor of cuppies is.... I hope it is me with a cherry on top :-) Ok ok never going to happen, so here is the link to JS Online of the article...
Iron Cupcake,
JS online,
Michael Buble',
Mke Cupcake Queen
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
no need to wonder...
He was there... he came later. As i was sitting down to dinner with Grecian Delight and POPstar and her boytoy, i spotted Wing man. He sat at the bar, and then GD taught his eye. I would have to say at first i was kinda nervous, but after listening to Popstar and her man i got some good Advise about the subject. Another chuckle moment, was that i was sitting next to popstars guy, so it looked like i was the one there with the guy! Te he he He kept looking back at the table. I wonder what he wa thinking. I would have to say though that for being so nervous to see him since the split, i had no feelings for him... hmmmm. But then the inevitable happened, i had to use the ladies room, and the only way to it was walking past him. I did ask if it would be totally crazy to go out the back door through the alley then in the front door all to avoid him, but i was quickly shot down by everyone saying that YES that was totally crazy. So i went. He saw me coming, and turned around to talk..... i said hi and kept walking.......... whewwwww. But then on the way back he stopped me. It was like 20 questions. How are you. What have you been up to, Whats going on tonight. How was the competition. What did you make, was it good, what did you do for Memorial day. How is the cupcake biz. Has it been busy. Blah Blah blah. So i answered his questions, and asked him NONE... Hey what was a girl to do. The guy said that there was "no spark" Why should i engage him in my "non-sparky" conversation :-) Then on cue, the wings were being delivered to the table and i was out... With no remorse i dug it the the wings, and not wing man. So with that i have to wonder. Is indifference the best revenge?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Can't help but wonder....
So tonight is yet another Iron cupcake competition. This time it will be hosted at one of my fav places, The Irish Pub in the third ward. I have a delightful little treat in store, but i can't help but wonder..... Do you think Wing Man will be showing his face? After all, it is one of his fav watering holes, and he loves cupcakes. Or do you think he will steer clear of the area knowing that i will be there? And if he is there, what would i say? I think that i would politely say hi and that is all i could muster.... Ok ladies... Lets rally!!! if you can make it to the Irish pub tonight, i would be grateful.... first round on me!!! Come on, you cant leave me there by myself in case he is ballsy enough to show...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Would it be considered stalking if....
So, there is this guy that i know, and have know for quite a while, and i can't stop wondering how he is. I met him the day that i graduated from massage school. He is handsome and super nice and we hung out for a while. He lived in Chicago, and would have to come up here on business and we would go out and have a blast! We never did anything date like, but he was kind of sweet on me. And for some reason i have been having dreams about him. So weird! In my dreams his head will be on my girlfriends bodies and stuff... ok that is creepy but weird non the less. So i have been wanting to get back in touch with him.... Problem is, i can't remember his last name, and i don't have his number anymore. I think that i may have his number in one of my old phones, but i am just not sure if i do. I have tried tracking him down on facebook, but without a last name that is next to impossible. He worked/ maybe still does for BMW so i went on that website to see if by chance they had a company directory, but i came up empty.... It has become a fascination trying to get in touch with him. Hmmm. kind of odd
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
If i cant laugh at myself....
...Goodness. So having a slightly depressing/stressed 24hours i decide to shop. Oh i can shop and can you imagine what i bought????? Drum roll please. Cupcake liners. $80 worth of cupcake liners. wa wa waaaaaaaaaaa not as exciting as you thought it would be is it? Yea... hence me laughing at myself. I'm bummed so I'm going to show the world by taking it out on my credit card with cupcake liners. I'm a dork. but gosh are the liners cute!
Visit Super cute stuff!!!
But seriously... i NEED to find a wholesale company for these damn things. they seem cheep and frivolous until you start blowing through about 100 a week. But hey i can't complain... business is picking up! Can't wait until the day when i am busy enough to need a store front... Yes MKE Cupcake Queen... it is coming
Visit Super cute stuff!!!
But seriously... i NEED to find a wholesale company for these damn things. they seem cheep and frivolous until you start blowing through about 100 a week. But hey i can't complain... business is picking up! Can't wait until the day when i am busy enough to need a store front... Yes MKE Cupcake Queen... it is coming
Labels or Love
whew... last night was a doozy. My questioning can now be layed to rest. I am Single. Again. (Ugh! please don't make that face... yeah the oh your single again... but why? face. Stop it!) I guess i was just kind of sick of the hmm he seem aloof, but not... You know what im talking about... So i bit the bullet. I had to ask wing man if he really wanted to be in this "relationship" or not. To make a long story short, he said that he did not feel the "spark" Hmmmm... he said that it just seemed like we were more friends than anything. Hmmm ok. I did not feel like we were just friends, i liked him. But to be honest. now that i stop and think, i dont think i had that real spark either. Don't get me wrong, i really liked him, but i never felt that UN containable need to be by him. Hmm... so he kept asking me if we could still hang out. I said sure, but don't expect me to call. If he wants to see me he can do all the work. I'm done with trying to put my all into something that inevitably did make me cry. I'm sad, irritated, numb.... then this happened....
I got a call from my BF. To go back a little. When i went to Mexico i had to have a guy friend of ours put some of my crazy cute shoes in his carry-on. Ends up he still had a pair in his bag and they have been living in his house since. I have tirelessly been trying to get them back since January, with no luck. So last night i come to find out that The f-ing moron borrowed them to some girl, and she has them. I SEE FIRE. I was like a bull in the ring seeing red. Ooooo i was pissed!! WTF!!! Who does that! needless to say, i was already so upset about the breakup, that i lost it, and i threatened his balls if those shoes are ruined.
Funny thing about last night is i don't know what i was more upset about, the break-up or my shoes.... hmm maybe the fact that i am so over-worked and exhausted, has left me numb to it all.
I got a call from my BF. To go back a little. When i went to Mexico i had to have a guy friend of ours put some of my crazy cute shoes in his carry-on. Ends up he still had a pair in his bag and they have been living in his house since. I have tirelessly been trying to get them back since January, with no luck. So last night i come to find out that The f-ing moron borrowed them to some girl, and she has them. I SEE FIRE. I was like a bull in the ring seeing red. Ooooo i was pissed!! WTF!!! Who does that! needless to say, i was already so upset about the breakup, that i lost it, and i threatened his balls if those shoes are ruined.
Funny thing about last night is i don't know what i was more upset about, the break-up or my shoes.... hmm maybe the fact that i am so over-worked and exhausted, has left me numb to it all.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Shes my Girl....
Well ill be dammed if i don't love Rachael Ray more. She is my girl! So, in loo of trying to not be a party girl two nights in a row, i asked wing man if he would like to come over for dinner last night. I made Rachael Rays You wont be single for long Vodka Cream Pasta. He got to enjoy my kitchen skills. Hmm. I worked :-)
Chicken, bawk bawk bawk
I am so chicken shit to have the "talk" with wing man that i had to break down and TEXT him asking him if we are exclusive....Yes i did that just right now, after having spent all last night with him. i am so effing lame i can't even tell you! Isn't it funny that i am not afraid to to do about anything, but i can't ask a man that i like if we are exclusive to his face???? What is wrong with me? This is exactly what will drive a woman to madness.i am VERY disappointed in myself for being so chicken right now. I hope he doesn't think I'm a mental person
i am still waiting a response...
If i dont get the response i am hoping for, would that be considered the TEXT OF DEATH? :-) Ha ha
i am still waiting a response...
If i dont get the response i am hoping for, would that be considered the TEXT OF DEATH? :-) Ha ha
RIP Bea... i love you

Sad Sad Sad.... i really almost cried. Bea Arthur has passed. She dies of cancer yesterday at the ripe age of 86. Bless her heart! Oh if this seems a little odd to you, did i ever tell you about my OBSESSION with the show GOLDEN GIRLS? I have been watching the GG since i was in elementary school. I remember staying up late on those hot summer nights, and watching the hilarious ladies. I just cant get enough of that show! i have been on the search for the first couple of seasons of the show on DVD with Little success. So we should all bow our heads and sing this little tune in her honor....
Thank you for being a friend Traveled down the road and back again Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant. And if you through a party Invited everyone you ever knew You would see the biggest gift would be from me And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.
Your forever my Dorothy Zbornak
Friday, April 24, 2009
A day in the life of Facebook
I have had a LOVE/Hate relationship with face book. Some days i love it, and some days i want to delete my account. However, it has me hooked. I am a 25 year old woman and i can't seem to escape the heroin like addiction to the stupid networking site! But today brings this whole face book thing to a new level. I often find that i have to censor myself due to the fact, that it A. can been seen by numerous people, including one that i don't want to see it. 2. It could come back to bite me in the ass one day and 3. i just don't want to know what people think :-) With that said i posted this on my fb today in which i know will get a sloo of comments... let the games begin. I posted on my status.
...some people sit at home and cry wondering why they are single. not me, i know EXACTLy why i am single.
Oh i can see the comments now. People that dont want to rock the boat will say something like, oh your a great catch... dont be silly. It is not those comments i am worried about. Actually worry is the wrong word for this. It is more like shit someone is going to call me out on my ass behavior and say they know why i am single to, and i better knock it off if i ever want to be in a relationship....
Hmm. that is some food for thought. and here is some other fb findings today that makes me want to slap someone. I try to censor myself so i dont offend the masses, but dont you think that least some people can do is the same. This comes to my attention because of a picture. Now it is kind of cute when people use pictures other than themselves for their profile pic, sometimes. Now hear me out. Yes you have the people that use their dogs, or their kids, or something super random, but this girls that i just saw went way out of line.... well at least in my opinion. She used a picture of her child as her profile pic. Her UNBORN FETUS child was her pic. Oh yes ji do not lie, but i gaged a little. Im sorry but that is just f-ing sick. Really do you think that it is ok to subject others to a picture of your fetus!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!! use your heads! thats just sick. Sorry if this makes me seem like an asshole, but that is my opinion... it looked like a damn alien for gods sake
...some people sit at home and cry wondering why they are single. not me, i know EXACTLy why i am single.
Oh i can see the comments now. People that dont want to rock the boat will say something like, oh your a great catch... dont be silly. It is not those comments i am worried about. Actually worry is the wrong word for this. It is more like shit someone is going to call me out on my ass behavior and say they know why i am single to, and i better knock it off if i ever want to be in a relationship....
Hmm. that is some food for thought. and here is some other fb findings today that makes me want to slap someone. I try to censor myself so i dont offend the masses, but dont you think that least some people can do is the same. This comes to my attention because of a picture. Now it is kind of cute when people use pictures other than themselves for their profile pic, sometimes. Now hear me out. Yes you have the people that use their dogs, or their kids, or something super random, but this girls that i just saw went way out of line.... well at least in my opinion. She used a picture of her child as her profile pic. Her UNBORN FETUS child was her pic. Oh yes ji do not lie, but i gaged a little. Im sorry but that is just f-ing sick. Really do you think that it is ok to subject others to a picture of your fetus!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!! use your heads! thats just sick. Sorry if this makes me seem like an asshole, but that is my opinion... it looked like a damn alien for gods sake
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
secret smile
So... i was cornered by the dear wing man at work this morning... Men!! I gave in.. he did this shity grin while asking me if i was still mad at him. ugh! i couldn't keep up my angry front... hes taking me to dinner tonight. Tonight may be the night that the talk has to happen. I guess i will have to see what this evening will bring. No pressure
Monday, April 20, 2009
Greek dissapointment
I celebrated my first Greek Easter yesterday. And for those of you who do not know, yes, Greek Easter is real. It is a week after the "normal" Easter. The food was amazing, drinks were flowing, and the company was inviting. My disappointment does not lay in any of these, but in me date, or should i say lack there of. Yup, wing man... I am a little disappointed. I am trying not to be, and i don't feel that i am over reacting, but this is the sitch.
I had asked him earlier in the week, and he said that he was going to be very busy with work seeing as he was gone for a week, but he would for sure try. Yesterday morning rolls around. I texted him that dinner was at 3, and that i hope he was still coming. He texted back " i think i can make it, ill call you later" So i go about my business happy that I'm sure he will be able to make it. I'm getting ready, and 2:00 comes and goes, with no call. 2:30, I'm in the car running slightly late, still no call. So i call him. I leave a message. saying that It is 20 to 3 and you have not called me like you said you would, and i want to know if he is coming. Driving driving driving... no call. I get to the dinner... stall for 2 minutes, then give myself that hey its OK whatever pep-talk. Get into the party. The moment i so wanted to avoid... " hey ash! great seeing you! Where is wing man? CRICKETS........ At this point i did not know what to say... I'm embarrassed. i try my best to hide it, but how can i hide that from my besty the Colombian princess (shes good... she knows my faces), So i just shrugged my shoulders and kissed the sweet little doggy that came to greet me. Now thankful that the subject was not pushed, but UGH!!!!!! how frustrating! So i grab a cocktail and settle in. Both to the room filled with my friends, and the thought that of f!$# it... hes not coming. About an hour later i go to check my phone. Missed call. It was him. listened to the message. " Hey it me just saw you called, call me" OK breath... I called back. i was sent to Voicemail... so i texted him that i tried calling. I went back to the party. 20 min later come back to check my phone. He is calling. I answer. Hey... " hi, i missed your call. are you at the dinner?" Breath... yes i am at the dinner. "oh, yeah i just don't think I'm going to make it, i don't really feel up to it" Well no shit Sherlock!!!! By now i get that! So i was like ok fine, i have to go. Click.
OK, i was not going to throw a fit about it and this point, but hear me out. Yes i am disappointed, I wanted him to be thee, but i understand. BUT... the part that chaps my ass (i love saying that) He did not have the respect to call me before the dinner began to call me and decline the invite. Now... I'm sure, actually i would bet on it that this morning when he woke up, he knew that he did not want to come to the dinner. Which is fine, but couldn't he have told me that... That's all i would have liked. Just a simple hey thanks for the invite, but i am going to pass for whatever reason. All i wanted was that. Tell me that you are not going to come BEFORE i show up without you, to avoid the embarrassment.
With that said, i had a wonderful evening. then... my damn purse called him. damn it!!! He calls... hey i saw that you just called, whats up? I did not mean to call him. Actually i did not even want to talk to him. I'm trying to not be all 16 year old girl on him, but seriously i was disappointed. So he makes small talk with me asking what my week looks like, he wasn't to get together, if i can make some time... he will call me tomorrow
I slept on it (actually i should say tried to sleep). I'm still slightly upset. I can't help it. This is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I start to like him, and the disappointment rolls in. I am starting to feel myself slowly receded into the pre wing man MAN-tality... hmmm
I had asked him earlier in the week, and he said that he was going to be very busy with work seeing as he was gone for a week, but he would for sure try. Yesterday morning rolls around. I texted him that dinner was at 3, and that i hope he was still coming. He texted back " i think i can make it, ill call you later" So i go about my business happy that I'm sure he will be able to make it. I'm getting ready, and 2:00 comes and goes, with no call. 2:30, I'm in the car running slightly late, still no call. So i call him. I leave a message. saying that It is 20 to 3 and you have not called me like you said you would, and i want to know if he is coming. Driving driving driving... no call. I get to the dinner... stall for 2 minutes, then give myself that hey its OK whatever pep-talk. Get into the party. The moment i so wanted to avoid... " hey ash! great seeing you! Where is wing man? CRICKETS........ At this point i did not know what to say... I'm embarrassed. i try my best to hide it, but how can i hide that from my besty the Colombian princess (shes good... she knows my faces), So i just shrugged my shoulders and kissed the sweet little doggy that came to greet me. Now thankful that the subject was not pushed, but UGH!!!!!! how frustrating! So i grab a cocktail and settle in. Both to the room filled with my friends, and the thought that of f!$# it... hes not coming. About an hour later i go to check my phone. Missed call. It was him. listened to the message. " Hey it me just saw you called, call me" OK breath... I called back. i was sent to Voicemail... so i texted him that i tried calling. I went back to the party. 20 min later come back to check my phone. He is calling. I answer. Hey... " hi, i missed your call. are you at the dinner?" Breath... yes i am at the dinner. "oh, yeah i just don't think I'm going to make it, i don't really feel up to it" Well no shit Sherlock!!!! By now i get that! So i was like ok fine, i have to go. Click.
OK, i was not going to throw a fit about it and this point, but hear me out. Yes i am disappointed, I wanted him to be thee, but i understand. BUT... the part that chaps my ass (i love saying that) He did not have the respect to call me before the dinner began to call me and decline the invite. Now... I'm sure, actually i would bet on it that this morning when he woke up, he knew that he did not want to come to the dinner. Which is fine, but couldn't he have told me that... That's all i would have liked. Just a simple hey thanks for the invite, but i am going to pass for whatever reason. All i wanted was that. Tell me that you are not going to come BEFORE i show up without you, to avoid the embarrassment.
With that said, i had a wonderful evening. then... my damn purse called him. damn it!!! He calls... hey i saw that you just called, whats up? I did not mean to call him. Actually i did not even want to talk to him. I'm trying to not be all 16 year old girl on him, but seriously i was disappointed. So he makes small talk with me asking what my week looks like, he wasn't to get together, if i can make some time... he will call me tomorrow
I slept on it (actually i should say tried to sleep). I'm still slightly upset. I can't help it. This is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I start to like him, and the disappointment rolls in. I am starting to feel myself slowly receded into the pre wing man MAN-tality... hmmm
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The list
NO not a bucket list, but a list indeed. I am creating a list (so i wont ever forget) of the things that weird Brady street people try to sell me. This could take some thought... there have been a few that i may forget, but i must do this list none the less
1. knit bible covers. The guy thought they would be a good seller in our SHOE store...
2. A water color picture done by a 35 year old man.
3. a very ugly "french" painting from France, I would like to know how the homeless man got this "french painting"
4. A giant metal scuba diving helmet. To date this has been my favorite, and i do regret not asking the price :-)
5. sewing machine
6. a bag of used bras
Gosh there has to be more, but i just can't think of them... great list isn't it :-) lol
1. knit bible covers. The guy thought they would be a good seller in our SHOE store...
2. A water color picture done by a 35 year old man.
3. a very ugly "french" painting from France, I would like to know how the homeless man got this "french painting"
4. A giant metal scuba diving helmet. To date this has been my favorite, and i do regret not asking the price :-)
5. sewing machine
6. a bag of used bras
Gosh there has to be more, but i just can't think of them... great list isn't it :-) lol
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Why O Why... vent time
Ugh, Ok so i consider myself a good business person. I listen and think before answering. Oh sorry, this is about the shoe store. I was about to blog about this yesterday and did not get the chance to give you the full story. I just opened the store yesterday and a mom, her two very young children and the grandma came in. Now, when i see kids coming through the door of the store i get this sick feeling in my stomach, and i cringe. I should say this. i don't hate kids, i kinda like them, they just from my experiences act like wild animals in which their trainers (parents) choose to let them loose and not watch. Moving on, so the kids come in, and of course the shoe store is their playground... (this is where i start to cuss under my breath through a smile) The kids were all over, picking up and throwing shoes, shaking the plant stands ( very heavy plants rest on these... needless to say, if the plant falls it would of course be the stores fault...) running in the back room, and the little girl actually how she did it i don't know opened the cash register. Little shit. So, the mom and the grams were both shopping. Taking their time trying on shoes, oh i like these, oh what about these, no these. yes one of those, in which i would say i normally don't mind at all, i love when people spend time in the store, i just can't take it when they bring their unruly Cheetos faced kids in to tear the store apart and not watch. And what makes it worse, is i can't say anything!!!!!! Nothing!!! Moms can NEVER be told to watch their kids without themselves throwing a fit, or be astonished that i would even think to tell them how to parent... Moving on, so, she decides on a pair of shoes. They were 50% off, being a grand total of 23.00 and non-returnable...... Which brings us to today. She calls " I came in yesterday, i had the cute kids, (and by saying cute kids I'm sure she ment the uncontrollable beasts) I bought some shoes, and they look funny." Me " what do you mean they look funny?" Well they are multi colored but they look like two different colors, like scuffed, like they were worn, but i looked at the bottoms and they were not worn" me " OK so they look like they were worn, but not, and they are multi colored like they are supposed to be.?" "yes, well you should look at them" me "OK bring them in, but i am sorry they are a final sale, so i am not sure what you are looking for me to do. our policy is in effect for a reason, and you looked at them and you wanted them," her" Well you should just look at them, but i live in Appleton" WTF... Ok at this point i told her that i will just have to call her back. Now i will say this, i would NEVER sell a pair of worn shoes, and they were 50% off, and you tried them on! So what am i supposed to do? really? Im not trying to be a bitch about this but she bought the shoes, she thinks they look kinda "weird" and they are non-refundable... I got nothing, nothing... Now i can see calling me about this if they were on the pricier side, but they are 23.00... Am i crazy? am i being out of line?
Oh god... i type this as a hear of kids comes through the door and is heading straight to the large mirror to press their face up against
Oh god... i type this as a hear of kids comes through the door and is heading straight to the large mirror to press their face up against
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
never a dull day on brady...
So about 20 minutes a guy came into the store, walked straight up to me and said. Hey i used to live down here, you know on Brady, and i want to know where i can buy a water bong, and a pocket pipe... lol I proceeded to tell him to try a store down the street :-0
But not long before that, there was a sweet girl that came in, but she looked like she could have been a crazy bag lady... (remember that lady that came in and sporadically yelled out WOODSTOCK!) lol... anyways she kept flinching in pain... she soon after asked me if i ever broke a rib. No no i have not, but my sister has. Yup she did when she willingly went into the mosh pit at a BEastie Boys concert. Smart sister, real smart. Anyways, being my nosey little self i had to ask, why do you have a broken rib? Quickly she says, yeah my family is weird.... WTF??? you have a broken rib from your family on Easter! Wow that really tops my Easter. We all sat around looking at each other, while my mom sneakily gave my brother in law The naked man dick coffee cup! Yeah, the shirtless man wears undies until the hot liquid makes them disappear... since then i can't get my Grandma to stop using that mug.
But not long before that, there was a sweet girl that came in, but she looked like she could have been a crazy bag lady... (remember that lady that came in and sporadically yelled out WOODSTOCK!) lol... anyways she kept flinching in pain... she soon after asked me if i ever broke a rib. No no i have not, but my sister has. Yup she did when she willingly went into the mosh pit at a BEastie Boys concert. Smart sister, real smart. Anyways, being my nosey little self i had to ask, why do you have a broken rib? Quickly she says, yeah my family is weird.... WTF??? you have a broken rib from your family on Easter! Wow that really tops my Easter. We all sat around looking at each other, while my mom sneakily gave my brother in law The naked man dick coffee cup! Yeah, the shirtless man wears undies until the hot liquid makes them disappear... since then i can't get my Grandma to stop using that mug.
Iron cupcake frenzy
Wow!!! What a turn out at last nights Iron Cupcake Challenge. The ingredient was wine. Gosh i love wine! And can you believe it, I won! That makes it two months in a row!!! wahoo!!! It was tons of fun! I would have to say though, if there was an award for the best looking creation, it would go to Susie. Here cuppies were insane!!! they were cupcake pops... i will get a pic for you. It was some serious creativity!
So while thinking about this whole cupcake thing, i have decided that i mind as well Start a miss cupcake blog... well seeing as that is me, and i might want to start keeping my cupcakes and man trouble separate... what do you think? I don't know, after all it is hard enough for me to keep up with this blog, but maybe, just maybe, like Susie said i can have a "different voice" for each of my blogs... hmmmm serious thought!
Oh and did i mention that i won :-) The Faith in my cupcake baking abilities has been restored!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Bay of Pigs
While checking my messages today i came across a saved voicemail from Juan Bandito... "Hey, just thinking about you. call me. I would love to go out" Well that was one of the couple of times he called. I haven't called him back, he never left his number on the message. Oh and did i mention that he currently has a girlfriend that he has been with for the last 3 years...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
If i can convince you to do this one thing...

... You will feel so much better about yourself. Now, I have wanted to blog about this before, it just was never the right time. Well, today is the day! I am a HUGE advocate of Bringing re-usable bags to the store for my groceries, and other such items. OK, I'm sure you were thinking that i was going to say something else. But really, I think that you ALL should change to using re-usable bags, and not using plastic bags. I have about 10 super cute bags, that i take with me into the store. And i take them into every store. not just for groceries. I take them to target, to much hated wal-mart (what a dump), OK i wont keep listing, i think you get the gist. Ok so what brought this on was i was reading my coveted Everyday With Rachael Ray, and they had a small blurb on why it is a good idea to use your own bags. Which Reads... (just in case you don't get the mag)
DID YOU KNOW?? Reusable bags don't just help save the environment. Plastic bags cost big grocery store chains about $16 million per year. So A&P, Whole foods and other chains around the country are REWARDING Eco-conscious shoppers by lopping off up to 10 cents per re-usable bag from their bills (depending on the region and store). If you shop twice a week, you can save up to $50 a year -lauren Gitlin
Well thanks Lauren. I save 5 cents per bag i use. I think i may have saved about $2.00 so far... oh yeah don't be jealous... I could get myself a jar of olives for martinis with that! So what i am saying is Try it... at first you might feel weird, and the baggers at the store may look at you like you are an uppity bitch, but do it, it will make you feel good. I converted my mom into using re-usable bags. I think that progress! And a tip, keep the bags in your car, so you don't forget them. I forgot my bags once so i used my bra. i held about $80 worth of groceries in it :-)
Monday, April 6, 2009
So... I am starting to get into a mood... Yeah a mood, like crabby for no reason, but i know the reason, but i wish that i would not get crabby, but is almost inevitable. So i could use some words of encouragement. Anything send'em my way i need 'em. please and thank you.
Come on!!!! i cant get in a "mood" It is the season premiere of the HILLS tonight!
Come on!!!! i cant get in a "mood" It is the season premiere of the HILLS tonight!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Gross gross gross
Eeewwww!!! Ok so i have a semi long list of things that really creep me out and One just happened before my very eyes... a cute little Asian kid was walking past the shoe store outside with his fists pretty much in his mouth flossing his teeth! And when he pulled the floss out, he looked at it and stuck it back in his mouth!!!!Gross!!! I'm gaging... Ugh! Now all i can think of is plague in my egg foo yung. Damn... and even worse then the flossing in public, is i HATE HATE HATE it when people use toothpicks. (gag sound) they creep me out so bad. This issue started when i was with my grandpa, bless his heart i love him to pieces, but he has an issue with getting food stuck in his teeth. As do most people, but my gramps takes this whole toothpicking to a whole new level. He will use the toothpick, dig out a half chewed t-bone steak from his teeth, pull it out on the toothpick, look at it, then eat it. AGAIN!! (gag sound) Ugh... too much for me, let me tell you... and yes this is the same gramps that hawked a huge loogie into a box of my shoes one day...Oh and then there are the unsuspecting people in the car who pick their noses and eat it!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! My hope is that one day the suspect-picker will look over after their mid-boogie snack and see my disgusted face... So the moral to all of this, is if you are going to do any of these things, do them in private, and wash your hands!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Juan Bandito uh oh...
Ok so i told you that i was in a Murder Mystery this weekend right? Well i was. I was just supposed to go to it, but then i ended up having to be in it. I was Sally Forth a proper English girl that was the sheriffs mail order bride. It was fun! I have pictures coming... So anyways. i had no idea who any of the other "actors" would be, but i thought huh, this should be fun. I went to the costume shop and got this crazy old dress with a big hoop skirt and i wore this crazy hat, and a parasol. Yes i went all out. So we did the murder mystery and we all had a great time, all of the actors got along. It was fun that is that. Oh! and I was the Murderer. Me sweet little Sally Forth.
Present time... I got an email from my mom this morning. It said that Juan Bandito was asking about me. What?!?! Really? We emailed back and forth, and She said that her friend at work told him where I worked. I thought the guys was married! So turns out that Juan Bandito is not married, and ready to go in for the kill... He showed up at the shoe store today!!! AHHHH!!! Juan came in with his friend and they were there for like 45 mins. So they were there hanging out, and he asks me if he can take me out for a drink. SILENCE. I teetered, and yes yeah that should be ok... Ok come on, his friend was right there. What was i supposed to say. Not to mention that while he is there at the store Wing Man is texting me asking where i want to go to dinner. So he asks me out, and not 2 seconds later, Wing Man walks into the store!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I thought that i was going to pass out! I turned bright red, started to sweat and did not say anything. In my mind i was like HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT.... i think you get the picture. Then at that point i was praying to god that Juan did not say ANYTHING out loud about asking me out for a drink. Oh god! that was a close call! One that i would not like to have again.
So after my could be SATC moment, Wing man and i went out to dinner.
Present time... I got an email from my mom this morning. It said that Juan Bandito was asking about me. What?!?! Really? We emailed back and forth, and She said that her friend at work told him where I worked. I thought the guys was married! So turns out that Juan Bandito is not married, and ready to go in for the kill... He showed up at the shoe store today!!! AHHHH!!! Juan came in with his friend and they were there for like 45 mins. So they were there hanging out, and he asks me if he can take me out for a drink. SILENCE. I teetered, and yes yeah that should be ok... Ok come on, his friend was right there. What was i supposed to say. Not to mention that while he is there at the store Wing Man is texting me asking where i want to go to dinner. So he asks me out, and not 2 seconds later, Wing Man walks into the store!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I thought that i was going to pass out! I turned bright red, started to sweat and did not say anything. In my mind i was like HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT.... i think you get the picture. Then at that point i was praying to god that Juan did not say ANYTHING out loud about asking me out for a drink. Oh god! that was a close call! One that i would not like to have again.
So after my could be SATC moment, Wing man and i went out to dinner.
The birds and the Bees....
What a weekend... I finally had a day off! it was great! But hidden amongst the relaxation and a Murder Mystery there was " The Talk" oh god Well maybe it was not "the the talk" but it was pretty damn close. So sometime between coffee and eggs i was talking with my mom about a comment she had about my last blog post. She was insightful, by saying that she knows that i am gun shy, and i should tell wing man that, but then my dad joined in... Oh yeah, I felt like i was under the lamp... They were asking questions, and handing out advice left and right. They asked if i liked the wing man a lot or a little, My dad was telling me the "secrets of man behavior" as he calls it. Now let me tell you... i was both insightful entertainment and cringe worthy at the same time! Goodness! i never thought that i would be talking about my blog posts about men to my parents, acting out scenarios of what i should do to see if he likes me.... Uh! too much! LOL But, they did have some good advice... my dad especially, even though it was super weird talking to him face to face, after my mom blurted out "WHAT ARE YOU JUST USING HIM FOR SEX OR WHAT"!!!!!! god if there was a hole i would have crawled in it at that very moment! I like him, but i don't want to completely put myself out there if he does not feel the same. or worse yet i come out and ask if we are man-friend girlfriend, and he stops calling... (much like the smoker and Baird) But as much as it was crazy surreal, it was useful info...
So with that out, i was told by my father that if i like wing man, i should have given him a day that i could go out with him instead of saying i was just busy. He said if i do that "game" a guy will just move on to a different girl, Then he asked if Wing man and i were exclusive.... the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. So i was like a teenage girl again when i said "Dad! Come on! This is embarrassing!" so he said this... i am supposed to "playfully" yes he used that wording, say something like "Are you busy Monday or do you have plans with another girl?" LOL... yes this was the scenario part when i am suppose to see if Wing man is dating other girls as well. I don't think that he is, but i thought that same thing with the Doctor and look where that got me.... whore! Anyways... yes that was Saturday morning convo at my house, and i know have to see how the cards play out with Wing man. We texted back and forth a little on Sat, and he said he was going out with friends, and would call me Sunday. No call and when i texted him on Saturday night to fill him in on the Murder Mystery that i did, he didn't text back... Now thanks to my father, i have this little bug in my head thinking that he IS seeing other girls... This is exactly what i did not want to do with wing man... i wanted it to just happen and take it as it goes... Ugh! Well i did just notice a missed call and message from him on my cell... TBC
So with that out, i was told by my father that if i like wing man, i should have given him a day that i could go out with him instead of saying i was just busy. He said if i do that "game" a guy will just move on to a different girl, Then he asked if Wing man and i were exclusive.... the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. So i was like a teenage girl again when i said "Dad! Come on! This is embarrassing!" so he said this... i am supposed to "playfully" yes he used that wording, say something like "Are you busy Monday or do you have plans with another girl?" LOL... yes this was the scenario part when i am suppose to see if Wing man is dating other girls as well. I don't think that he is, but i thought that same thing with the Doctor and look where that got me.... whore! Anyways... yes that was Saturday morning convo at my house, and i know have to see how the cards play out with Wing man. We texted back and forth a little on Sat, and he said he was going out with friends, and would call me Sunday. No call and when i texted him on Saturday night to fill him in on the Murder Mystery that i did, he didn't text back... Now thanks to my father, i have this little bug in my head thinking that he IS seeing other girls... This is exactly what i did not want to do with wing man... i wanted it to just happen and take it as it goes... Ugh! Well i did just notice a missed call and message from him on my cell... TBC
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Men are defianatly from mars
This is always the case... I don't get it nor do i necessarily agree with it. but here goes. SO... Why is it that when you like a guy and are pro-active about getting to know them do they disappear or, kindly obliged, but then disappear? OK before we get all worked up, this is not my issue. My issue or actually i should say situation is that when i am aloof and unavailable, do they come knocking down my door? Not saying that i am such a catch, but hear me out. Remember bad sweater guy? the guy that i went out with on like 2 dates, but was not into, then he sent me flowers, and brought me lunch to work, and would not leave.. yeah that guy... so he keeps calling and texting trying to as he would say "nail down" a date. Ugh! OK I'm not complaining per say, its just that i am not into him. He is really nice and funny and all, but i don't have the spark with him. I need the spark. But he keeps calling and texting like i said, and i am not by any means trying to lead him on, nor do i want to completely ignore him I just don't know how to tell him that i am not interested in him as mam-friend material. I do have to say something though. he keeps cracking jokes like i am playing hard to get. Sorry honey, I'm not a game player, i just don't know how to tell this perfectly normal guy, well wait that would be a lie. He is almost perfect, accept that im not into him, and he has this weird flat spot on the back of his head that kinda creeps me out, but other than that... great guy... Which brings me to this. I have started seeing/dating wing man. There has been no conversation on the matter of if we are girlfriend/man-friend yet, but REALLY i am in no rush to talk about THAT just yet. Moving on, he is great. he calls, he texts, and we go out. So this made me chuckle today. (i promise this is going somewhere) So he asked what i was up to tonight, and i said i was busy. Then he went on to ask Friday? busy. Saturday? busy. Sunday? busy at this point he laughed. OK well can you pencil me in next week...? I said i think that i am free on Monday or Tuesday. But then he comes back right away with what are you doing for lunch today? He brought me lunch... Now tell me please, why is it that when I am "unavailable" is it so urgent to see me? This "game" if that is what it is, is weird. And i have to say. I really am busy... well kinda :-) I think i just played a game on him and i didn't even know it... hmmm.... Well that's what he gets for tricking me into a date!
But honestly. i am not trying to play any games with him, i just don't want this new guy situation to take over my thoughts, and time... I do really like this guy, but i am also not going to not be realistic. I've liked other guys, and they turned around and went without blinking an eye. i will be proceeding with caution.
But honestly. i am not trying to play any games with him, i just don't want this new guy situation to take over my thoughts, and time... I do really like this guy, but i am also not going to not be realistic. I've liked other guys, and they turned around and went without blinking an eye. i will be proceeding with caution.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Post win glow, and the wining creation

Photos courtesy of Sandy (The Milwaukee Cupcake Queen)'s Blog. Thanks Sandy! i hope you don't mind! Go visit her blog... It is always entertaining! I just love her.
Other thanks go to: Susie... you are a doll and i ALWAYS enjoy your creations... speaking of creations i have to get some of your cookie dough balls! THanks to Engineers without boarders... they sponsored the event as well as Fratellos and Sandy. And thanks to all of my peeps who came! Did i already thank you? I can't remember... but if not thanks, and if yes than thanks again! And last but not least my parents Special thanks to you for letting me be crazy loud in the kitchen while you are trying to watch extreme makeover home edition... Oh and i would like to thank the Academy... Ok i know, i know... i will stop now...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Out of the wood work...

Ok so, i have a theory, which really isn't much a a theory as much as it is a fact. Spring time is here and the weather is getting better which means all the crazy people that roam Brady street are out. Yesterday a lady came in asking if i have any shoes in the store that were under $10. Sorry no. we don't. Then she asks if we have any shoes in size 9. I tell her yes, and she says " ok are they under $10?" Ummm no they are not... so she proceeds to go around the store picking up different shoes asking me if they are under $10. Now by this time i can barely hide my laughing... Then she goes by the jewelry. Seeing as i know that there is something a little off with her i know that i must keep an eye on her so a: she doesn't steal anything 2: pee on anything or c: try to stab me with a pencil or something. So as she is looking at the jewelry she asks if i went to Woodstock. I replied no i had not, and asked her if she did. She was like NO! So i let out a little giggle, because where does that question come out of right? Then sporadically she walks around the store dancing ever so slightly to the music and randomly yells out "WOODSTOCK!" Oh it was too much for me... she was carrying things around the store like she was "going to buy" the items, but she would ask the strangest requests. She asked for a pair of $20 shoes to be fixed on the bottom, because she would slip on grass in them.... yeah all too weird...
And just now, a older man came flying through the door holding one of those old scuba diving metal helmets asking if i wanted to buy it!!!! No joke! What the hell am i going to do with a huge metal scuba helmet? Oh i do love this street... it is so entertaining!
Oh and earlier i called a number to put a hold on something i ordered and i was directed to call another number... i called the other number and it turned out to be a dirty sex talk line!!! HA ha ha ! it would only happen to me.... i have such luck with porn calls dont I?
Horchata + Cupcake = 1st Place
THATS RIGHT!!!!!! I won!!! Finally!!! i am soooooo super excited! IT has been a long awaited victory! The theme was Latin Flavors. The Horchata (Mexican cinnamon rice milk) Cupcake was super tasty and the winner!!! I'm trying not to gloat but i can't help it! So i got a certificate saying that i won, and a $25 gift cert from Fratellos (thank you!) And of course... respect.... LOL Right i was starting to get nervous seeing as i want to open a bakery and have a cupcake business... it wasn't looking good that i hadn't won. Oh!!!! And i almost forgot... I was actually a double winner! I won the "popular vote" and i won the Engineers without boarders 1st place prize as well.... I Don't know what it is but i hope it is a pony! Or maybe.... what if i won a date with one of the member of Menudo???? how great would that be? he he he Oh and thanks to all of you that came to support me... OK... well i know that you really just all wanted to eat numerous cupcakes, but in my heart i think you came just for me! Now i have the itch to win. Wine 2.0 here i come!
As soon as i get it i will attach a picure of me with my wining glow and my award :-)
As soon as i get it i will attach a picure of me with my wining glow and my award :-)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Call me crazy, I don't really know why this bothers me but it does... I have been know to say "Oh bless your heart" numerous time's meaning it with lots of love, but i can't stand it when Someone says to me "Have a blessed day" These too ladies cam into the store and when they left they both turnned to me, saying "have a blessed day with that head down eyebrow raised look. You know that look... That your working today when you should be a curch bathing in holy water look. I know, this may make me sound like an ass but i can't help it. When people say that to be it makes my skin crawl... When they say it i have this feeling like any second after they do they are about to throw holy water on me. And what does that mean...? can't you just say have a great day. They throw this have a blessed day thing at me like i am a big sinner. They are judging me i know they are... Im not a sinner! Ok well maybe i am but thats besides the point...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Day 5...
Ahh... morning of day five of house sitting at the Castle. I CANT SLEEP! Now this is no secret that i cant sleep, but i am pretty sure that it has a little to do with the fact that i think, scratch that, heard that this beautiful ginormous house is haunted. Now i have not had any "hunting's" yet. I hope to keep it that way too... But i have come to notice that since i do not live on my own anymore, it is hard for me to fall asleep in a house in which i am completely alone. On that note, Wing man did stay over to "protect" me from the ghosts... yeah well turns out his method of keeping ghosts away is to talk in his sleep, and at one point I'm pretty sure he was sleep walking pant less through the OMG! I NEVER expected to wake up to that! Ha ha ha Oh And DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT TELL HIM THAT I BLOGGED about this! He would be soooo mad at me... come on... if you woke up to find a man sleep walking pant less in a mansion you would need to talk about it to... :-) The only possible thing funnier about it is him having to ask me if it really happened.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My clumsy ass...
In Loo of Celebrating The Milwaukee Cupcake Queens two Blogiversary i thought that i would share this Picture with everyone... Dear god! I was so stressed about The first ever cupcake sale, and getting my business off the ground, i must have taken it a little too literally... Did i ever talk about this? I may have, but if not it is sure to entertain.
So i was baking red velvet cupcakes for the 105th Harley Fest. I was a little baking machine in the Wonderful and so accommodating Mimma's restaurant basement. It was about 11pm when i was taking the last huge batch of cuppies to the oven to bake... little did i know that just minutes before the floor was washed in the kitchen... Yes you know where this is going... I was like "hey guys! this is my last batch!" When WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! i went flying across the floor, my legs went over my head and i fell flat on my back! Now normally something like that would hurt, but not this time, i think my pure and udder embarrassment and shock of the moment made me instantly laugh my ass off! Oh i still have not lived this down... Now it has come to my attention that a picture to prove the situation has surfaced from an unidentified source.... I know who you are! I am awaiting this picture. Please stay tuned
So happy anniversary Sandy!! i just love reading about your daily fun!
So i was baking red velvet cupcakes for the 105th Harley Fest. I was a little baking machine in the Wonderful and so accommodating Mimma's restaurant basement. It was about 11pm when i was taking the last huge batch of cuppies to the oven to bake... little did i know that just minutes before the floor was washed in the kitchen... Yes you know where this is going... I was like "hey guys! this is my last batch!" When WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! i went flying across the floor, my legs went over my head and i fell flat on my back! Now normally something like that would hurt, but not this time, i think my pure and udder embarrassment and shock of the moment made me instantly laugh my ass off! Oh i still have not lived this down... Now it has come to my attention that a picture to prove the situation has surfaced from an unidentified source.... I know who you are! I am awaiting this picture. Please stay tuned
So happy anniversary Sandy!! i just love reading about your daily fun!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Dirty Thirties...
i am helping welcome the Colombian princess into her dirty thirties this evening at dinner. I have Made some delicious treats and i am looking forward to a cocktail. But i have a big question plaguing me... Do i invite the Wing Man to the birthday dinner? Well i am aware that it is short notice and all, i think he has plans, but from the sounds of it, they may have fallen through...
HMMMMMM what is a girl to do. Is it too soon? He mentioned the other day when i said i was having a dinner for the CP that it sounded like fun and would like to meet her. Ahh! Now i LOVE LOVE LOVE all my friends, but with past dating history, it is like putting a guy in a war zone meeting them. Now i know you are like like "What? Us? we are not critical...." Bull shit! you know you are and you will pick him apart. Now i think he could Handel it, but can i? I like this guy... i kind of like that is is like he is a mystery to all you... Te he he he he. Oh what to do what to do.
Happy Birthday CP!!!! You will LOVE Ginger... the tapas are fabulous!
HMMMMMM what is a girl to do. Is it too soon? He mentioned the other day when i said i was having a dinner for the CP that it sounded like fun and would like to meet her. Ahh! Now i LOVE LOVE LOVE all my friends, but with past dating history, it is like putting a guy in a war zone meeting them. Now i know you are like like "What? Us? we are not critical...." Bull shit! you know you are and you will pick him apart. Now i think he could Handel it, but can i? I like this guy... i kind of like that is is like he is a mystery to all you... Te he he he he. Oh what to do what to do.
Happy Birthday CP!!!! You will LOVE Ginger... the tapas are fabulous!
Monday, March 9, 2009
As if waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Monday isn't bad enough, is it really necessary to be scolded the second i get out of bed, before i have had my "quite coffee time" Thanks to that, i have had a chip on my shoulder since 7 am... blah blah blah All work and no play makes Ashley a crabby girl. I need wings... or a new pair of shoes, or both
As if waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Monday isn't bad enough, is it really necessary to be scolded the second i get out of bed, before i have had my "quite coffee time" Thanks to that, i have had a chip on my shoulder since 7 am... blah blah blah All work and no play makes Ashley a crabby girl. I need wings... or a new pair of shoes, or both
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Back in the saddle...
... I think that is what you would say if i told you that i am going on a date tomorrow night right? :-) gOSH... Im kind of nervous. Oh it is with Wing Man. What a week for me... flowers from on guy and a date from another. I feel like i am a normal single girl for once. I tried to ask him where we were going for dinner so i knew what to wear, but he didnt tell me. he said casual should be fine. So i asked him if i wore a chicken suit would be ok.... i have yet to get a response. ha ha ha well i thought it was funny! So it is not the date thing that makes me nervous, i think it is the what if i like him thing. After all i had fun with him the first time we hung out and got wings, but who knows. I am sure it will be fun.
Oh just texted me said i was a dork, and he was undecided on location. all i can say is it better not be Jimmy Johns or pizza hut
Oh just texted me said i was a dork, and he was undecided on location. all i can say is it better not be Jimmy Johns or pizza hut
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
FLowers and Firemen...
I dont know how much better my day can get?!?!?!? When i got to work there was a beautiful vase full of flowers delivered to me. And hanging off the side was a box of cute cupcake liners!!!! Awwwwwww i kinda started to tear up! It was from bad sweater party guy. It was so sweet! It came with a card that said " Congrats on the cupcakes!" Oh i didnt tell you... It is because i booked 2 weddings for my cupcakes!!! wahooo.
And second... my fav fireman that was transferred to a different house came to visit. And he brought his fellow hotties with! Yum!!!
It is a good day!
And second... my fav fireman that was transferred to a different house came to visit. And he brought his fellow hotties with! Yum!!!
It is a good day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Darn touch screen phones!!!

Oh dear, last night i really embarrassed myself... and for those of you who know me well, that is not an easy task to do. So let me pain the scene for you. Yesterday i was SUPER hungry for wings... surprise surprise. So to just satisfy my curiosity i texted Wing Man the word wings. He promptly responded with "when are we going?" so we texted back and forth for a bit. Then it was time to close the store, and i got a call. It was Wing Man. "hello?" Hello? It was his pocket calling me... (much like that new t-mobile commercial that i love when the woman says that her mans butt is calling her. Oh i love that commercial!) So i hung up. I close the store get in my car, crank the radio and start singing. Now mind you i am singing to the stupidest country song. Ticks... its by brad paisley... "I'm gonna check you for ticks... and just as i am in my American Idol Moment, hitting all the high notes real loud, i pull out my cell from my pocket, and realize that my phone called Wing Man and i have been singing to him for the last 4 minutes. OMG!!!!!!!! how embarrassing... so i just hung up... i did not even want to know if he was listening to me... OMG OMG OMG so i have yet to hear from him again. I can't blame him!
Oh and this is a funny little thing that happened just this morning... it never ends i tell you... i could be my own reality show. I was on my way to work this morning, and i was going to call in an order at THE SPICE HOUSE for some vanilla beans for some baking i have to do tomorrow. So i get out my trusty dusty cell and text google to get the number. In a snap it texted back to number and i hit call.... Yeah well i got the SPICE HOUSE indeed. i called the SPICE HOUSE PORN SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear god... now i could barely keep it together while driving i was laughing so hard.... just my luck. That is my life... you are more than welcome to follow me with a camera at this rate. Im sure that my embarrassing moments and stupidness would not disappoint!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Freaky Fast is right!
Last night i had such a fun evening... I went out with two of my lovely hot ladies and it was super fun! Now when the Bride, Sundance and i get together you just never know what is going to come up in convo. But let me tell you... it was VERY interesting! Silly things girls talk about. But, the most amazing part of the evening was that I ordered Jimmy Johns and it got to my bar stool within 6 minutes!!! that is amazing! that seriously was freaky fast. My hats off to Jimmy Johns they never disappoint! 6 minutes.... thats just crazy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Silly little Universe
Shockingly enough there had been some action on the man front that i have yet to blog about. But today is the day, seeing as i can not escape the subject. I was prompted to do this after an ALWAYS insightful Carrie Bradshaw SATC moment while i was watching it in bed last night. It was the Bay Of Married Pigs episode where Carrie was talking about how married or committed couple find that they can't "figure out" their single friends. In which Carrie responds that maybe she has been single for so long that she is starting to believe that there will never be that guy for her... Well my recent happenings are somewhat on this line, but not quite.
After being on the phone with a long time man friend, listening to him sobbing about this girl that after 8 years finally said that she wanted to be in a relationship with wanted to "move to the next step". Well boy did he ever. He quit his job in Indonesia and Moved to Miami to be with her. Now after being there for 2 weeks, she has been yelling at him non-stop, and has told him that she wants him gone by this weekend. She is brutal! SO he is beside himself on what to do he has no job yet and dwindling funds, but he still says how much he is in love with her... I just don't get it. Especially after what i went through with DW and Dick, and the smoker, and the Crazy, do i want to let myself even get into this "thing they call love". But yet he was very insightfull in this conversation noting an interview he saw on GMA this morning. I think he said it was Steve Harvey, he wrote a book about dating called Act like a Lady, Think like a Man. Interesting.... which bring me to my current sitch.
Wing Guy. So WG came to my cupcake comp last week. I know him, but not super well. I met him through a good friend. he has always been really nice, very easy to talk to and such, and in a relationship. Hes cute, but no Michael Buble'... but really who is? :-) Anyways he texted my the morning of the comp and said that he is jcoming and that he is bringing some friends of his. I was delighted! i did not think that any of my friends or fam were going to be there. so i met him by the bar, and he was alone... no friends... he noted that one got sick and one was working. so i just moved on and we had fun tasting all the cupcakes and talking. And i friendly convo i asked him what were his big plans for the night. He was going to go next door for a drink after and then out for wings..... WINGS!!!! You know me i can't turn down wings. oh that sounded to good after the sugar shock of all the cupcake tasting. Somehow i was roped into his plans than. We went next door had a drink of wine, then off to wings. We walked a couple of blocks to the wing place, with some interesting convo. he was asking me questions about myself, and asked " whats up with your eyes?" I was like what??? he then responded with "they are really beautiful and exotic" OK really i was bracing myself for an insult of some sort, but maybe that is what he starts all compliments out with. how knows... so we go to the bar enjoy our wings, and i have to call it a night... We walk back to my car and he grabs for my hand and holds it............ whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? it was one of those moments like, um....i was NOT expecting this, but went with it. Oh did i forget to mention that some of his close friends happened to be at the bar as well... yeah moving on. So we get back to my car, and i told him i would drop him off at his car. So i drop him off and he moves in for the peck 'n' hug. Weird.. unexpected... i don't know.. On my way home it hits me like a tons of bricks..... HOLY SHIT! i was on a date and didn't even know it!!!! Sly dog...
In the passing week he has been texting me, and asked me out... and just yesterday i got word that he has a crush on me... this is weird. normally girls would see this coming, but i have been single for so long that i can't even recognize when I'm being courted...
After being on the phone with a long time man friend, listening to him sobbing about this girl that after 8 years finally said that she wanted to be in a relationship with wanted to "move to the next step". Well boy did he ever. He quit his job in Indonesia and Moved to Miami to be with her. Now after being there for 2 weeks, she has been yelling at him non-stop, and has told him that she wants him gone by this weekend. She is brutal! SO he is beside himself on what to do he has no job yet and dwindling funds, but he still says how much he is in love with her... I just don't get it. Especially after what i went through with DW and Dick, and the smoker, and the Crazy, do i want to let myself even get into this "thing they call love". But yet he was very insightfull in this conversation noting an interview he saw on GMA this morning. I think he said it was Steve Harvey, he wrote a book about dating called Act like a Lady, Think like a Man. Interesting.... which bring me to my current sitch.
Wing Guy. So WG came to my cupcake comp last week. I know him, but not super well. I met him through a good friend. he has always been really nice, very easy to talk to and such, and in a relationship. Hes cute, but no Michael Buble'... but really who is? :-) Anyways he texted my the morning of the comp and said that he is jcoming and that he is bringing some friends of his. I was delighted! i did not think that any of my friends or fam were going to be there. so i met him by the bar, and he was alone... no friends... he noted that one got sick and one was working. so i just moved on and we had fun tasting all the cupcakes and talking. And i friendly convo i asked him what were his big plans for the night. He was going to go next door for a drink after and then out for wings..... WINGS!!!! You know me i can't turn down wings. oh that sounded to good after the sugar shock of all the cupcake tasting. Somehow i was roped into his plans than. We went next door had a drink of wine, then off to wings. We walked a couple of blocks to the wing place, with some interesting convo. he was asking me questions about myself, and asked " whats up with your eyes?" I was like what??? he then responded with "they are really beautiful and exotic" OK really i was bracing myself for an insult of some sort, but maybe that is what he starts all compliments out with. how knows... so we go to the bar enjoy our wings, and i have to call it a night... We walk back to my car and he grabs for my hand and holds it............ whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? it was one of those moments like, um....i was NOT expecting this, but went with it. Oh did i forget to mention that some of his close friends happened to be at the bar as well... yeah moving on. So we get back to my car, and i told him i would drop him off at his car. So i drop him off and he moves in for the peck 'n' hug. Weird.. unexpected... i don't know.. On my way home it hits me like a tons of bricks..... HOLY SHIT! i was on a date and didn't even know it!!!! Sly dog...
In the passing week he has been texting me, and asked me out... and just yesterday i got word that he has a crush on me... this is weird. normally girls would see this coming, but i have been single for so long that i can't even recognize when I'm being courted...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A long time coming...
So i have to start out by saying, this is the very reason that i DID NOT want to join facebook. This is a long but juicy story so brace yourselves. Ok, i got a friend request, that i knew was coming. Now, I would not necessarily call it a friend request as much as i would a frenemy request. This girl, lets call her dirty whore, was my best best best friend in high school. She was a grade older than me, but we were inseparable. Seriously there was nowhere that i was that she was not there. We used to sign ourselves out of school and go down to Brewers games, and we had so much fun together! It was the summer that she graduated from school and i was about to be a senior. She moved to Waukesha to live with her mother. Now believe it or not, that changed nothing... i would drive back and forth up to 3 times a day from West Bend mind you to see her and hang out, and she would come up by me when she could get the car, but i had my own car so i did most of the driving. Then during that summer i reunited with an old flame of mine, i will call him Dick. So Dick and i were hanging out, and he had hurt me once before, but i was rather happy to be back with him. So after a bit i confessed to DW that i was seeing him again, and i thought that i was in love with him. DID you catch that. yes i said LOVE... So naturally we all started hanging out. Great times... The three of us spent tons of time together, as the summer was nearing an end, i would always go up to our families lake house on holiday. So i left for a week. Now this was like murder. DW could not come with me ... And to make this even worse... My cell phone did not have service in the boon docks...ahhhhh111 we all now how terrible this was for me a girl whom NEVER stops talking to be in the middle of nowhere and be out of human contact because me cell did not work. So i could not tell you how happy i was when finally after a long week I finally got Reception.... but as soon as that happened. to this day i can still remember, i had this weird sick feeling, like something was wrong. But regardless, i was super happy to call Dick, and then call DW. SO i was talking to them both, and they said that they both had good weeks, but yet they sounded weird.... that night it came out. When i was gone they hooked up!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes and by hooking up, i don't mean it Laguna beach style i mean it the Hills style. I'm sure at this moment you may even have a slightly sick feeling in your stomach. well i was devastated!! I lost my boyfriend and my best friend in one day. I felt betrayed beyond belief. It still makes me sick just thinking about it. For weeks, i walked around like a zombie, i felt dead inside. Now mind you i was not about to kill myself when this happened, but i felt so low that it was pretty damn close. How could my best friend do that to me. Why would she even think that that was remotely ok. DEVASTATED!
So after some time, i tried to forgive them, i did try. I tried to hangout with her one day, but i just could not do it. I was still so hurt! SO we just went our separate ways.
Present day. Within the last week and a half, she has tried to befriend me on facebook, TWICE. the second time was just this morning, but it was not just a request, she sent me a message with it. It reads..."Hey Ashley, wow, its been a long time, you look great! This is DW (OK i took her name out and put her new name in place). I got married, I have a 16 month old son, Charlie, and I work at a police dept...crazy world, huh!? How have you been? What are you up to ? Where you living, where you working? Whaaaaaat.... I ignored her before, but now she sent me a message.... I just can't click that accept button. I can't. Now this does not help that fact that i am curious to see what she looks like these days. Nothing would be more satisfying than seeing her really fat or something to that extent, but i think that my pride is stronger than my curiosity at this point.
I still blame those two sucky people for how i am in relationships now. They ruined me I can't forgive them for that nor should I. I would NEVER do that to a friend of mine. Never ever. That that i would but given the chance, it just might cross my mind to go Chris Brown on her...
On a happy note, the Fireman's Chili dinner is tonight... they may just have to put out my fire :-)
So after some time, i tried to forgive them, i did try. I tried to hangout with her one day, but i just could not do it. I was still so hurt! SO we just went our separate ways.
Present day. Within the last week and a half, she has tried to befriend me on facebook, TWICE. the second time was just this morning, but it was not just a request, she sent me a message with it. It reads..."Hey Ashley, wow, its been a long time, you look great! This is DW (OK i took her name out and put her new name in place). I got married, I have a 16 month old son, Charlie, and I work at a police dept...crazy world, huh!? How have you been? What are you up to ? Where you living, where you working? Whaaaaaat.... I ignored her before, but now she sent me a message.... I just can't click that accept button. I can't. Now this does not help that fact that i am curious to see what she looks like these days. Nothing would be more satisfying than seeing her really fat or something to that extent, but i think that my pride is stronger than my curiosity at this point.
I still blame those two sucky people for how i am in relationships now. They ruined me I can't forgive them for that nor should I. I would NEVER do that to a friend of mine. Never ever. That that i would but given the chance, it just might cross my mind to go Chris Brown on her...
On a happy note, the Fireman's Chili dinner is tonight... they may just have to put out my fire :-)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Nothing says love like V-D
Well i had that most fabulous Valentines day! It was so fun! I had an amazing dinner at the Colombian princesses house, and crazy enough, we ventured out after. OOO the food was so good i am still drooling. Oh was it good.. and we ended it with a chocolate fountain.... yummy! So it w=did go off without a hitch, unlike some i wish i could forget Valentines Days. So as i think back to some of the funny things i remember from last night, this one moment was just priceless. So we are at Trinity, not my choice, but a very college-y bar with drunk young-ins all over. SO we find a booth to sit at because this couple was leaving. So we sit down with them, and strike up polite conversation until they leave. Now at this point we all had some cocktails in us, and this random couple were very drunk. So she said to us " do you want to read the present that i gave my boyfriend. She pulls out this small crumpled piece of paper and we read. I love how you hold me. I love that you love me. I love that you wrote me a song. I love that you put up with my herpes. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt!!! Seriously no joke it said that and i almost spit my drink out of my mouth when i read it.!!! dear god! Really you had to slip that into your love list... Ah so i am trying not to laugh... and Minutes before the Columbian princess read it and said out loud. " You have herpes????" AHHHHHHH it was soooo funny! which the girl retracted with saying she meant cold sores... riiiiiight... oh god it was so funny. So with that Valentines day is a great day to show someone how much you love them. and nothing says forever better than a case of Herpes :-)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh goodness. So this week has been super eventful with the celebs. Some good some bad, and some just down right crazy. Not so good gossipy info first. I have a little comment for Chris Brown who went ape shit and used the sweet Rihanna's face for a punching bag.,... Your a douche bag Chris brown... Really??? You could not harness your anger, and hurt her pretty little face and bite her. My lord! You are not a toddler.... his career is sooooooooo over. Oh and lets not forget A-Roid.... whatever. I'm just pissed that he plays for the Yankees and now the Yankees have CC Sabathia. Boo... and oh dear this one is picture worthy. SJP what was she thinking? Camel toe is NEVER OK... Those boots are super creepy. FYI being the shoe whore that i am. I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER wear boots like these
Ok so off of my celeb rant of the day, i think you would be proud of me. I did something that i said i have wanted to do... I went to go see a movie all by myself!!! That is a huge step! I went to go see HES JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU... ironic... a girl sat down next to me and was like, are you alone? I said yes and then she gave me this pity look. Clearly she was thinking in her head that not even my girlfriends are that into me seeing as i was by myself, but i loved it! I think i will go see another movie by myself again, very soon.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I want to know.....

... how those wonderful people at the coffee shops make my lattes' and capps so pretty by making shapes of hearts and such with the foam in my mug. I am so fascinated. I think that if i could learn how to do it, people would find me very skillful and interesting to be with in the morning while making coffee. But really, isn't that just the neatest thing. I remember once a while back, i went to my favorite coffee shop EVER... may it RIP it closed... but i was having a bad morning and i went in to enjoy my daily cup of Jo, and when the cute baristo
(is that what they are called? it sound better than coffee boy) brought over my latte it had a heart on the top!!! Awww that melted my heart... literally. But it brightened my day, and i want to know how they stumbled on that little skill of joy. i am currently enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at work, minus the delightful frothy shape.... so i ask of you if you know how or know of anyone who does know how to, please let me know.
(is that what they are called? it sound better than coffee boy) brought over my latte it had a heart on the top!!! Awww that melted my heart... literally. But it brightened my day, and i want to know how they stumbled on that little skill of joy. i am currently enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at work, minus the delightful frothy shape.... so i ask of you if you know how or know of anyone who does know how to, please let me know.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
im hungry....
i am hungry for Indian food. I am hungry for Indian food and i am at work. And you know what the kicker is... Indian food places don't deliver. I think this is just ridiculous! OUTRAGEOUS!!! All i want is some dahl and maybe some nan and the really weird looking stuff with the hard boiled egg in it, but noooooooooooooo they don't deliver. Stupid. How can it be that this is the only food that can't be delivered to me. Wait! scratch that. Thai food doesn't deliver either. again, i find this really really stupid. And because it can not be delivered to me it makes me want it even more. So i am hungry for Indian food i have a crazy bad caffeine headache, and i am sitting here waiting for my over priced Deli sandwich to be delivered. Good ole Jimmy Johns... Freaky fast, freaking expensive, but with a smile... When that sammy gets her i am going to resent it, because really all i want is some Indian food. Do you know that there are like 6 Indian food places, and none of them deliver... All it will take is just one place to deliver and whamo! they will have cornered the market on delivery Indian food...When will these Indian people catch on like the china men did, and start to deliver there curry country goodness. I am going to leave a comment card the next time i am there... this is bullcorn
Monday, February 2, 2009
He's Back!!!!!!!!!!!! By he i mean my dad, and by back i mean home! We went to go pick him up at 8 am this morning, and i have to tell you i was never so happy to see my dad. EVER. Whew! I finally have that feeling back, you know the feeling that things are going to be OK, the feeling of comfort again... WOW i can't believe a whole year has passed. The time flys, but really i did not go fast enough, but i don't have to worry about that anymore! He is back!!!!!!!!!! Let the fun begin!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
the FLU sucks
I have had the FLU since MOnday night... IT SUCKS! It has an iron grip on me and wont let go. I can't tell you how much it has sucked. BLAH! I just want to be better, and be out of this medicated fog. So i am sort of feeling better, and this is a big week, so i have to get better! I have a feeling that some good things are going to happen this week... i can't wait! If this has made no sense i am sorry... again this medicine is making me loopy
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Boo Hiss
Tequila Sunrise...
That has a whole new meaning to me since i just got back from beautiful Ixtapa Mexico... Go ahead and be jealous... you should be! It was an amazing time. I went down formally because the Colombian Princess got hitched.... After 8 years i was about time, but i was honored to be part of it! She looked stunning, i kept tearing up, i had the chin quiver thing going on.. whew! i got a little sappy, i couldn't help it!
Beside the wonderful wedding, i had a blast! There were 31 of us that went down and it was surprisingly drama free! And i made a new friend... No i don't mean a boy, but i do have a new Mexican boyfriend. His name is Victor Hugo (prefect name) ha ha.. But no i have a new friend She is super fun! i don't have a good enough code name for her yet so i will have to work on that.
Oh it is good to be back, but let me tell you waking up every morning to a beautiful 80 degrees and a beautiful view of the ocean/beach, and walking down for coffee, then stake claim on the sand... life couldn't be better. The Sunsets were to die for... i swear when i watched them i was dreaming.Oh!!!! and the food! Dear god i died and went to heaven... i have a vacation flavored cupcake in the works...
Boy i almost forgot what it felt like to blog... there is so much i have to talk about yet!
Monday, January 5, 2009
count down...
It is officially the count down week... 4 days and counting until i step off that plane in sunny Mexico. Ahhhh i can smell the ocean now. I can't wait for the sun to brun me to a crisp! Ok maybe not burn me, but my white ass needs some serious sun. I am not into tanning beds, but i went tanning today for the frist time, in loo of trying to get a "base tan". really i just smell like burnt skin. gross
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