... how those wonderful people at the coffee shops make my lattes' and capps so pretty by making shapes of hearts and such with the foam in my mug. I am so fascinated. I think that if i could learn how to do it, people would find me very skillful and interesting to be with in the morning while making coffee. But really, isn't that just the neatest thing. I remember once a while back, i went to my favorite coffee shop EVER... may it RIP it closed... but i was having a bad morning and i went in to enjoy my daily cup of Jo, and when the cute baristo
(is that what they are called? it sound better than coffee boy) brought over my latte it had a heart on the top!!! Awww that melted my heart... literally. But it brightened my day, and i want to know how they stumbled on that little skill of joy. i am currently enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at work, minus the delightful frothy shape.... so i ask of you if you know how or know of anyone who does know how to, please let me know.
(is that what they are called? it sound better than coffee boy) brought over my latte it had a heart on the top!!! Awww that melted my heart... literally. But it brightened my day, and i want to know how they stumbled on that little skill of joy. i am currently enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at work, minus the delightful frothy shape.... so i ask of you if you know how or know of anyone who does know how to, please let me know.
1 comment:
My daughter used to work at Starbucks and I think it is the way you pour it.
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