Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Silly little Universe

Shockingly enough there had been some action on the man front that i have yet to blog about. But today is the day, seeing as i can not escape the subject. I was prompted to do this after an ALWAYS insightful Carrie Bradshaw SATC moment while i was watching it in bed last night. It was the Bay Of Married Pigs episode where Carrie was talking about how married or committed couple find that they can't "figure out" their single friends. In which Carrie responds that maybe she has been single for so long that she is starting to believe that there will never be that guy for her... Well my recent happenings are somewhat on this line, but not quite.

After being on the phone with a long time man friend, listening to him sobbing about this girl that after 8 years finally said that she wanted to be in a relationship with wanted to "move to the next step". Well boy did he ever. He quit his job in Indonesia and Moved to Miami to be with her. Now after being there for 2 weeks, she has been yelling at him non-stop, and has told him that she wants him gone by this weekend. She is brutal! SO he is beside himself on what to do he has no job yet and dwindling funds, but he still says how much he is in love with her... I just don't get it. Especially after what i went through with DW and Dick, and the smoker, and the Crazy, do i want to let myself even get into this "thing they call love". But yet he was very insightfull in this conversation noting an interview he saw on GMA this morning. I think he said it was Steve Harvey, he wrote a book about dating called Act like a Lady, Think like a Man. Interesting.... which bring me to my current sitch.

Wing Guy. So WG came to my cupcake comp last week. I know him, but not super well. I met him through a good friend. he has always been really nice, very easy to talk to and such, and in a relationship. Hes cute, but no Michael Buble'... but really who is? :-) Anyways he texted my the morning of the comp and said that he is jcoming and that he is bringing some friends of his. I was delighted! i did not think that any of my friends or fam were going to be there. so i met him by the bar, and he was alone... no friends... he noted that one got sick and one was working. so i just moved on and we had fun tasting all the cupcakes and talking. And i friendly convo i asked him what were his big plans for the night. He was going to go next door for a drink after and then out for wings..... WINGS!!!! You know me i can't turn down wings. oh that sounded to good after the sugar shock of all the cupcake tasting. Somehow i was roped into his plans than. We went next door had a drink of wine, then off to wings. We walked a couple of blocks to the wing place, with some interesting convo. he was asking me questions about myself, and asked " whats up with your eyes?" I was like what??? he then responded with "they are really beautiful and exotic" OK really i was bracing myself for an insult of some sort, but maybe that is what he starts all compliments out with. how knows... so we go to the bar enjoy our wings, and i have to call it a night... We walk back to my car and he grabs for my hand and holds it............ whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? it was one of those moments like, um....i was NOT expecting this, but went with it. Oh did i forget to mention that some of his close friends happened to be at the bar as well... yeah moving on. So we get back to my car, and i told him i would drop him off at his car. So i drop him off and he moves in for the peck 'n' hug. Weird.. unexpected... i don't know.. On my way home it hits me like a tons of bricks..... HOLY SHIT! i was on a date and didn't even know it!!!! Sly dog...

In the passing week he has been texting me, and asked me out... and just yesterday i got word that he has a crush on me... this is weird. normally girls would see this coming, but i have been single for so long that i can't even recognize when I'm being courted...


Susie said...

It totally looked like a date to me:-)

Milwaukee Cupcake Queen said...

There's love in them cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

YOU BETTER introduce him to me HOE!