... You will feel so much better about yourself. Now, I have wanted to blog about this before, it just was never the right time. Well, today is the day! I am a HUGE advocate of Bringing re-usable bags to the store for my groceries, and other such items. OK, I'm sure you were thinking that i was going to say something else. But really, I think that you ALL should change to using re-usable bags, and not using plastic bags. I have about 10 super cute bags, that i take with me into the store. And i take them into every store. not just for groceries. I take them to target, to much hated wal-mart (what a dump), OK i wont keep listing, i think you get the gist. Ok so what brought this on was i was reading my coveted Everyday With Rachael Ray, and they had a small blurb on why it is a good idea to use your own bags. Which Reads... (just in case you don't get the mag)
DID YOU KNOW?? Reusable bags don't just help save the environment. Plastic bags cost big grocery store chains about $16 million per year. So A&P, Whole foods and other chains around the country are REWARDING Eco-conscious shoppers by lopping off up to 10 cents per re-usable bag from their bills (depending on the region and store). If you shop twice a week, you can save up to $50 a year -lauren Gitlin
Well thanks Lauren. I save 5 cents per bag i use. I think i may have saved about $2.00 so far... oh yeah don't be jealous... I could get myself a jar of olives for martinis with that! So what i am saying is Try it... at first you might feel weird, and the baggers at the store may look at you like you are an uppity bitch, but do it, it will make you feel good. I converted my mom into using re-usable bags. I think that progress! And a tip, keep the bags in your car, so you don't forget them. I forgot my bags once so i used my bra. i held about $80 worth of groceries in it :-)
1 comment:
If Pick N Save makes the leap, then I will too. We reuse our plastic and paper bags right now so...
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