TIME TO VOOOOOOTE for Iron Cupcake Cranberry! There looks to be quite a few tasty looking treats... The cupcakes i entered as i told you earlier in the week is a Sparkling Cranberry Champagne cupcake... Oh it is soo yummy! trust me! So please Please is you do nothing else today, please take the time to vote for me (Miss Hollywood's World) On The Milwaukee Cupcake Queen blog
Click here to link right on over for voting fun! http://www.mkecupcakequeen.blogspot.com/
To cast your vote Click the cupcaker you want to win on the Right side of the blog page. Thank you !!!! Sorry about the lame link... i still don't get the pretty word disguised Link... Oh and you can Goto my pevious IC cranberry post for my info on my cupcake, and the great prizes that are to be won!
Click here to link right on over for voting fun! http://www.mkecupcakequeen.blogspot.com/
To cast your vote Click the cupcaker you want to win on the Right side of the blog page. Thank you !!!! Sorry about the lame link... i still don't get the pretty word disguised Link... Oh and you can Goto my pevious IC cranberry post for my info on my cupcake, and the great prizes that are to be won!