Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Random Weirdness

So in addition to the crazy scoot incident yesterday, i got a text message from a random number. Now this person was acting like they know who i am, when i have no clue who he is. In the text he said his name was Steve and that i was talking to him on his friend Kevins phone. I don't think that i know a Kevin. I could very well be that there is a big joke being played on me... who knows. The randomness of it is all too peculiar. I could have met him one drunken evening, but i don't give my number out... So last night i told him that i have no idea who he is. he then apologized and said that he likes text buddies. So i just went along with it. Still either way i dont really care. he kept asking me questions and asking if i had questions for him. he disclosed that he lives in Hales Corners, and that he works for a real estate development co. Blah blah blah i fell asleep, then he texted me again this morning. I thought that i could just get away with being nice for a night then would not be bothered in the morning. Oh so wrong. He texted me again saying good morning. then asked for my email. And the weird thing... he just asked me if i was curious at all to whom i was texting with.... creepy... i don't have any idea. I said that yes i was curious, but have not received a response. And how the hell does he have my number and i dont even know him... Does anybody know anything that i don't. If so please let me know. I'm just hoping that this guy is not some creepy bastard looking for his next kill... or the ex crazy, this is just weird.... TO BE CONTINUED


Anonymous said...

i hope each of those texts isn't costing you 5 cents. Tell him to get a life.

Uh, Hales Corners? Throw the phone off the long end of a short pier!

Anonymous said...

Ewww, I hate people who try to play the sexy stranger game when you know damn well they're not the least bit sexy.