Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A few of my favorite things

Wack-A-Doodle. that is my new favorite word... Expect for me to use it ALOT! Sitting her drinking WINE (another fav) i have composed little list of my favorite things. Here goes...

1. The color PINK
2. Champagne
3. Boy talk
4. Hot men at the grocery store (god... i swear it was hottie day out at Metro Market today... good god i was so hot they needed a clean up in aisle 3 if you know what i mean...
5. Sex-ting (there is a blog soon to follow as to what sex-ting is if you do not know what it is)
6.Chicken wings

Now there are many more favorite things of mine, i just did not want a favorite thing overload for the first blog back in a while....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot Shoooz.