There is nothing like the feeling of getting mail presents. And by mail presents i mean packages of things that i have ordered online. What a great invention. I LOVE ONLINE SHOPPING!!!! So in my latest online shopping mascaraed, i bought 2 wonderful things. 1. the SEX AND THE CITY GAME. 2 The Children's book HIPPO! NO RHINO! Now first i have to say that i can't wait to have a girls night and play a little SATC trivia. I am going to whoop your asses! (well, as long as i have the bride on my team..) Cosmos and some game action anyone??? And now the good stuff. Now being 24 i have read some Children's books. Now I am not trying to be biased about the book HIPPO! NO RHINO! because i happen to be friends with the author, But this book is fantastic! (side note: this whole book thing may be old news to some of you but new to me, so let me be excited) The illustrations are incredible. I love how there is not much text, it is to the point and wonderful. Truly i loved it. I am very impressed by the illustrations. I could NEVER do anything like that. The book really lets your mind wonder, which i love. I give the book 2 tits up! fantastic work of art! So if any of you have not yet bought the book Please do. I know that not only will kids love it if they have not read it, but you adults will like it too, after all, aren't we kids at heart...? So buy it up my friends. Support our friend the groom! ps. there are other books by our dear friend as well, but the titles escape me..
Hippo! No Rhino! by Jeff Newman
(note: i don't normally use people real names in my blog, but this time i had to for purchasing reasons.)
Hey groom! Will you autograph my copy?
He would be delighted to lend his autograph! Thanks for the shout-out, girl. And let's schedule the SATC trivia night PRONTO! We can take 'em all ... Luv, the Bride
You got it! Thanks for the pimp, Miss Hollywood!
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