OK so maybe i am jinx-ing myself by complaining about this but here goes. I have not gotten hit on in awhile... well at least that i know of. (Note: getting hit on by the married firemen across the street does not count) So i am driving along the freeway minding my own business when some douche spots me. He starts to do the whole swerve speed up and slow down thing. Driving in front of me but facing back looking at me thing. Then he lowers all the windows and cranks the music. So i do what every self respecting creep ed out girl would do... i slow down hoping that he will; a. go away or 2 .get the point I'm not into his west Allis approach to hitting on me. Nope didn't work. he then proceeds to get around my car to the other side. he then starts screaming out the window at me... Now what the hell. does that really seem like a good approach? Seriously... what did he think i was going to do? fly a paper airplane into his car with my number? What and ass. Some men have no clue... it was the most pathetic attempt. ever.
But on a weired note, there was a Psychic in the store today. As i was ringing up her purchase she kept saying how sweet i was. (clearly she got me on a good day...) and she said that i was going to get married soon. But she told me not to do it within the next year, i have too much going on in the business world by opening a business and buying a house... hmmm has she been bugging my cell line? Whack-a-doodle!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Long time no blog...
Wow, it has been forever! Sorry to all of my blog fans i Have had one hell of a couple weeks. My recent weeks have been full of work, friendly fights and moving. God i am so happy to be done with moving. However i am starting to believe that the worst part is not the actual moving but the time when you get to your new place and can't find a thing. I swear that this last time was so going to be good at putting everything in the correct box, and know where it was. Wrong-O! i have been late for work that last 2 days to to my total incompetence of time management and not being able to put an outfit together because i don't know where my clothing is... Ugh. i hate it. And can you believe this i got an email from the new people moving into my place calling it a friendly reminder to cancel my cable. Well no shit Sherlock... of course i will cancel my cable. idiots. Well i might just be a tid bit bitter hence the whole retracting of wanting the paint colors. Thats right at the last minute they said that they no longer want the paint colors that i have which ironically they loved before. I had to paint back everything white. White. Very white. The completely white apartment has so much character now. I'm over it. I'm out, sooo glad to be out. Time to start a new adventure... Adios Becher st, hello WB
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A few of my favorite things
Wack-A-Doodle. that is my new favorite word... Expect for me to use it ALOT! Sitting her drinking WINE (another fav) i have composed little list of my favorite things. Here goes...
1. The color PINK
2. Champagne
3. Boy talk
4. Hot men at the grocery store (god... i swear it was hottie day out at Metro Market today... good god i was so hot they needed a clean up in aisle 3 if you know what i mean...
5. Sex-ting (there is a blog soon to follow as to what sex-ting is if you do not know what it is)
6.Chicken wings
Now there are many more favorite things of mine, i just did not want a favorite thing overload for the first blog back in a while....
1. The color PINK
2. Champagne
3. Boy talk
4. Hot men at the grocery store (god... i swear it was hottie day out at Metro Market today... good god i was so hot they needed a clean up in aisle 3 if you know what i mean...
5. Sex-ting (there is a blog soon to follow as to what sex-ting is if you do not know what it is)
6.Chicken wings
Now there are many more favorite things of mine, i just did not want a favorite thing overload for the first blog back in a while....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
HIPPO! No Rhino!

There is nothing like the feeling of getting mail presents. And by mail presents i mean packages of things that i have ordered online. What a great invention. I LOVE ONLINE SHOPPING!!!! So in my latest online shopping mascaraed, i bought 2 wonderful things. 1. the SEX AND THE CITY GAME. 2 The Children's book HIPPO! NO RHINO! Now first i have to say that i can't wait to have a girls night and play a little SATC trivia. I am going to whoop your asses! (well, as long as i have the bride on my team..) Cosmos and some game action anyone??? And now the good stuff. Now being 24 i have read some Children's books. Now I am not trying to be biased about the book HIPPO! NO RHINO! because i happen to be friends with the author, But this book is fantastic! (side note: this whole book thing may be old news to some of you but new to me, so let me be excited) The illustrations are incredible. I love how there is not much text, it is to the point and wonderful. Truly i loved it. I am very impressed by the illustrations. I could NEVER do anything like that. The book really lets your mind wonder, which i love. I give the book 2 tits up! fantastic work of art! So if any of you have not yet bought the book Please do. I know that not only will kids love it if they have not read it, but you adults will like it too, after all, aren't we kids at heart...? So buy it up my friends. Support our friend the groom! ps. there are other books by our dear friend as well, but the titles escape me..
Hippo! No Rhino! by Jeff Newman
(note: i don't normally use people real names in my blog, but this time i had to for purchasing reasons.)
Hey groom! Will you autograph my copy?
Cross my fingers
1 am. As i sit here i cant help but think of my life the past few months. There has been a lot of negative, and i am just wondering when something good will happen. By no means am i sitting here having a pitty party, but i am thinking that Jesus, after all of my recent events when will i catch a break? But i must tell you i do have a bit of good news, i found my Coco Chanel perfume after being lost since last October! That's a good thing! But seriously it must be a blip in the slump radar. There must be something good about to happen... i hope. I think of my future good luck as i am icing my ridiculously swollen ankle from the scoot accident, in the apartment that i have officially rented out and need to vacate by august... something good has to happen. And please oh please i hope it is Gorge Clooney naked with a bow around his waist. A girl can dream can't she... maybe i need a balls out girls night. George Clooneys balls out night :-)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Random Weirdo...
CONTINUED... yes he is trying to play sexy stranger, and he is SO NOT SEXY. Good god why did i have to be so nice and talk to him. I walked myself right into quicksand. (BTW that was a fun board game to play when i was little). he is still claiming the "I was off by one number for the phone number and got you ploy" Dammit... now he wont stop I'm getting 20 questions on my email and cell. Oh dear god! Breaking news. he just sent a pic. LOL shit. he is officially the short, chubby, desperate guy. if i could i would put his pic on here, but i am not that techie. Dear lord, i need a game plan. I am not sending him a pic of me. that will only give him more jack-off material for this evening while he is in his childhood room at his parents house. I need a game plan.... how do i dump a man that i have never met? i look at the pic and instantly make the ewey face. that cant be good. I do understand that i have been a little too cooperative, but really how desperate do you have to be to stalk someone you don't even know??? Ahh never a dull moment in my life...
Random Weirdness
So in addition to the crazy scoot incident yesterday, i got a text message from a random number. Now this person was acting like they know who i am, when i have no clue who he is. In the text he said his name was Steve and that i was talking to him on his friend Kevins phone. I don't think that i know a Kevin. I could very well be that there is a big joke being played on me... who knows. The randomness of it is all too peculiar. I could have met him one drunken evening, but i don't give my number out... So last night i told him that i have no idea who he is. he then apologized and said that he likes text buddies. So i just went along with it. Still either way i dont really care. he kept asking me questions and asking if i had questions for him. he disclosed that he lives in Hales Corners, and that he works for a real estate development co. Blah blah blah i fell asleep, then he texted me again this morning. I thought that i could just get away with being nice for a night then would not be bothered in the morning. Oh so wrong. He texted me again saying good morning. then asked for my email. And the weird thing... he just asked me if i was curious at all to whom i was texting with.... creepy... i don't have any idea. I said that yes i was curious, but have not received a response. And how the hell does he have my number and i dont even know him... Does anybody know anything that i don't. If so please let me know. I'm just hoping that this guy is not some creepy bastard looking for his next kill... or the ex crazy, this is just weird.... TO BE CONTINUED
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Crying over broken Tiffany's
To answer the immediate question you are going to ask, yes i am fine. I was in an accident with the road on my scooter today. The road won. I have a nasty case of road rash on the whole left side of my body, and am feeling more pain by the hour, but on a good note, i am still alive! Ouch i hurt. Some ass cut me off and slammed on his brakes, which made me slam onto the pavement. Little miss Poquita was in my bag but came out scratch free. Thank God! My Tiffany's bracelet broke and flew all over the road... but your damn right i tried to pick up every last bead. Damn i love that bracelet. The pink lady is scratched but no real damage. And in case you are wondering, no this will NOT stop me from scooting. However this situation did re-enforce why you should wear a helmet when on a Scoot or motorcycle. I cracked my head on the road, and have a killer headache. :-( And damn it i had a cute outfit on today that should be worn with heels, and i cant wear heels now for a while. what am i going to do? I must wear heels! Jesus I'm in pain... Lucky for me i am across from the firemans station. They ran over when they saw me pull up and bandaged me up. You can add this to the list of why im hot for firemen... Bless their hearts. I must make them some cupcakes. They are so sweet. I heart firemen
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