Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Very large salute!

So im working at the shoe store today and decided to do some spring cleaning. It is such a gorgeous day, however a little windy... In loo of the beautiful spring weather i am wearing a cute little flowy shirt today. Super cute! Just minding my own business, the wind starts to blow, and up goes my shirt while i was sweeping the stoop! So imagine this, the shirt goes up in front, so i hold it down, then it goes up in the back, then it goes up in the front yet again. For the life of me for a good 30 seconds i could not keep my shirt down. Now normally this would have not really bothered me, however our store happens to be across from a firehouse. and of course, all the guys were outside just in time to catch my large royal salute! Im not sure how served and protected i feel right about now, But if there is a fire i know a new tactic to get their attention!

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