Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Im Sorry

Geez... i didn't think that my blog was that monumental that i am getting hate mail from not blogging. Well there has been a lot of drama going on, in addition to my sudden burst of a non-stop work ethic. So lets see. I have been fighting with my friend/ landlord. Oh let me tell you not fun! Not knowing about a living situation will pull the sturdy carpet right out from under you. Oh what else, I having a Cinco De Mayo Party, ummm.... i went to dinner with the smoker last night. Oh i know! I am such a sucker. I picked him up and we went to this Italian place that we both love, then got some ice cream. It wasn't a bad evening. He gave me a huge guilt trip about not going to Florida with him, which quickly turned to i have to drive down for my closing will you come? Ugh... to be honest I'm not sure if it would be such great idea. In a car with him for 20 hours... we would kill each other. The only reason why it would sound good is that i have not been on vacation it what seems like forever and i really need to get the hell out of dodge... decisions decisions. But to stop your wheels from turning, no i do not see myself getting back together with him, and i did not spend the night.I am still on the man diet, but not opposed to a little taste of some man sugar. I need a man that makes enough lettuce to support my shoe fetish...

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