Starting next Monday each day i will blog. In the blog every day will be a Ode To The Bride... through out these past months leading to her BIG DAY on the 10th I will be featuring little tidbits of stories, events and pictures of her and others. Yes maybe even video footage! So this is a gentle reminder to all, if you have any pictures, stories or just want to say something sweet to our blushing bride, email me and i will be sure to include it in THE ODE TO THE BRIDE! Oh and i think that Laura bush is an asshole thinking that she can have her wedding on the same day. If she thinks that she is going to steal the spotlight from our beautiful bride... she has another thing coming!
Note to THE BRIDE: I will include nothing on the blog about the drive home from your Bachelorette party yelling at the guys in the car next to us that your Brittany Tastes Like Roses.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Im Sorry
Geez... i didn't think that my blog was that monumental that i am getting hate mail from not blogging. Well there has been a lot of drama going on, in addition to my sudden burst of a non-stop work ethic. So lets see. I have been fighting with my friend/ landlord. Oh let me tell you not fun! Not knowing about a living situation will pull the sturdy carpet right out from under you. Oh what else, I having a Cinco De Mayo Party, ummm.... i went to dinner with the smoker last night. Oh i know! I am such a sucker. I picked him up and we went to this Italian place that we both love, then got some ice cream. It wasn't a bad evening. He gave me a huge guilt trip about not going to Florida with him, which quickly turned to i have to drive down for my closing will you come? Ugh... to be honest I'm not sure if it would be such great idea. In a car with him for 20 hours... we would kill each other. The only reason why it would sound good is that i have not been on vacation it what seems like forever and i really need to get the hell out of dodge... decisions decisions. But to stop your wheels from turning, no i do not see myself getting back together with him, and i did not spend the night.I am still on the man diet, but not opposed to a little taste of some man sugar. I need a man that makes enough lettuce to support my shoe fetish...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My husband
I have never been the girl to host a celebrity crush. However i do have to announce that Michael Buble' is my husband but he doesn't know it yet! I love him! he woos me with his amazing Sinatra-esk voice. he is in town today for his concert that is tonight that i don't have tickets for... Boo Hiss. I did put feeler's out there for tickets... keep your fingers crossed for me! I am still holding on to the crazy thought that he is looking for a new pair of shoes and will come into the store today to sweep me off my feet. It not too unrealistic of a thought, is it? yes it is a long shot i know, but i think he would really like me if he met me. I am officially creepy...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Smoker Strikes again...
The first text came at about midnight. So get this the texting goes from are you out? to, will you come to Florida with me?! I have no idea what s going on with that boy. he kept pressing and pushing for me to take of of work and come down wit him. He tried tempting me with a convertible... that almost worked. He said tat he wantd me to cme down there with him to get a woman's point of view on condos that he is looking at. I don't get it. Why me? I said that he should ask another girl, or his friend that lives down in Florida whom is a lady. He just laughed and and asked me to go again... Ugh i could really use a holiday, but this is not the week to do it. That was my brain busting evening.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Blah Blah Judgment Blah Blah
Hour 5 of no sleep. No joke i think that we just have had a mini earth quake. I'm not crazy. On to another subject that has kept me up. I have just a little bone to pick than i am done. Girlfriends are your girlfriends for a reason, right? And with close girlfriends you should be able to tell them anything and not feel stupid, crazy or even guilty, right? Than why do we have such an issue with telling some of our friends what is really going on in our lives? Is it that we are not being honest with ourselves in certain situations, or are we afraid of the judgement? I admit that i am guilty of both judging and withholding info. You are to, you know you are. OMG!!!!!!! breaking news on tv. There was a 5.4 earth quake in Illinois! I felt it! i felt it! Told you I'm not crazy! So anyways back to that bone. As my girl Heartland says " being a friend means never having to apologize" for your feelings and rants that is. So i add to that. Being a friend means Trying not to judge. And that goes both ways... I'm not sure if that made any sense but i feel like Carrie Bradshaw, and now i know why she smoked when she wrote. I could use a cig... Ha ha not really but wouldn't that be funny watching me try to smoke. Oh BTW at 3 i deleted the Doctors number.
counting sheep
I am now going on hour 4 of a sleepless night. I find it so frustrating when i can't sleep because i have so much on my mind (as I'm sure all of you do). I have found it ironic that this week was not by any means a bad week, but all of a sudden it feels like the sky is falling. I got a promotion and a raise,I should be so happy! Maybe P Diddy said it best Mo money Mo problems. Happily i would like to note that my problems have nothing to do with what coast i live on or anybody looking to bust a cap in my ass. I do however have this feeling like i am hamster on one of those wheels, running and running but going nowhere. I can't wait for this feeling to pass. Funny how i think to just last week, when i seemed to have it all figured out. Now this week, i cant seem to grasp anything even if i tried. Boo Hiss. Someone shake me. Please. I think that i am going to chalk this one up to being one of those girly pms days when nothing seems right...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

If it wasn't worse enough that we cant figure out what has happened to Heidi Montag's face she wants to go back under the knife. She has been quoted that " yes no matter how hard i work in the gym my butt just isn't big enough. I want Butt implants" I can't even stand it!!! ugh! she is so lame. Now how am i going to imitate her red carpet walk after she does that stupid ass surgery. Pun intended
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Very large salute!
So im working at the shoe store today and decided to do some spring cleaning. It is such a gorgeous day, however a little windy... In loo of the beautiful spring weather i am wearing a cute little flowy shirt today. Super cute! Just minding my own business, the wind starts to blow, and up goes my shirt while i was sweeping the stoop! So imagine this, the shirt goes up in front, so i hold it down, then it goes up in the back, then it goes up in the front yet again. For the life of me for a good 30 seconds i could not keep my shirt down. Now normally this would have not really bothered me, however our store happens to be across from a firehouse. and of course, all the guys were outside just in time to catch my large royal salute! Im not sure how served and protected i feel right about now, But if there is a fire i know a new tactic to get their attention!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Man Diet
Yes I have put myself on a man diet. I am avoiding all possibilities of a relationship. I want to focus on myself and my work, so the man diet was what i had to do. i find that when there is a man in the mix of my already chaotic life, shit really starts to hit the fan. Suddenly i have no "time to do anything else because my thoughts are preoccupied with him. I can't focus on everyday tasks because I'm acting like kid in a candy store... oh! no good. So man diet it is!
Of course my man diet does not mean that i cant still look or flirt shamelessly with the opposite gender, I'm just not going to date them. Which brings me to the secret crush... There is a new manager at the Target that i go to. He is so effing hot i can't even look him in the eyes. I have stared at his butt though. So being a manager he is always walking around, but it's like everywhere i turn he is there looking all hot. i did undress him in my mind once, he got all naked, but then when i went to check out the package, it literally was a package, target bag underwear to be exact... Jesus! what does a girl have to do to get a damn UN-censored daydream! But the stupidest thing of it all is i find myself primping in the car before i walk into Target. Oh god I'm lame! But it is funny and i laugh about it as well. It is kind of fun to have a secret crush on a guy that I will never meet... must stay on man diet. Must stay on man diet. Must stay on man diet.
Of course my man diet does not mean that i cant still look or flirt shamelessly with the opposite gender, I'm just not going to date them. Which brings me to the secret crush... There is a new manager at the Target that i go to. He is so effing hot i can't even look him in the eyes. I have stared at his butt though. So being a manager he is always walking around, but it's like everywhere i turn he is there looking all hot. i did undress him in my mind once, he got all naked, but then when i went to check out the package, it literally was a package, target bag underwear to be exact... Jesus! what does a girl have to do to get a damn UN-censored daydream! But the stupidest thing of it all is i find myself primping in the car before i walk into Target. Oh god I'm lame! But it is funny and i laugh about it as well. It is kind of fun to have a secret crush on a guy that I will never meet... must stay on man diet. Must stay on man diet. Must stay on man diet.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
That is how i feel today. Ugh! I just have this grumpy feeling that i don't enjoy having. or maybe I'm annoyed. Who knows. Maybe it's the weather. I WANT IT TO BE WARM!
So the Bachelor was great last night. It was absolutely hilarious watching Kelly get drunk and show her boobs to Matt. He he he. She was a hot mess! Speaking of hot mess... i have started working out again. My Thighs hurt so bad i could cry. No Pain No Gain. I have not been very interesting yet today, sorry, but the day is young...
So the Bachelor was great last night. It was absolutely hilarious watching Kelly get drunk and show her boobs to Matt. He he he. She was a hot mess! Speaking of hot mess... i have started working out again. My Thighs hurt so bad i could cry. No Pain No Gain. I have not been very interesting yet today, sorry, but the day is young...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
This could backfire....
I have to tell you that i have a secret crush... Its embarrassing, and yet i chose to reveal it publicly. Im in love with Paula Abdul's new song "Dance like there's no tomorrow" there i said it. Let the games begin... Speaking of letting the games begin. Tomorrow is huge! It's opening day at Miller Park. My boys are back in season. There's nothing like a day at the park with a beer brat and baseball. I love the tight pants. Question! do you think that they wear bigger cups than needed? They are always Standing there with the bulge...
The saga lives on...
So i was just minding my own business sitting with my beautiful girls The bride and Heartland when a man caught my eye. Oh yes... it was none other than Mr. St Patrick's day. You know the guy i sent a drink over to him and his friend during lunch... Well i did it again! this time i sent him another beer with a witty little note. he came over and we talked for a long time. He talked about his scooter that he just got. A scooter guy! I LOVE SCOOTING!!! I have to get the pink lady out of storage soon! But anyways, he was sweet and really cute! i was nervous when i first met him he had a hat on. I thought that he was hiding his bald spot. To my surprise... No bald spot! So, i still dont think that he will call, but it was fun to flirt. *Special note: I paid extra attention to see if he was gay. Hes not. He made sure to tell me that salsa dancing really isnt his thing. Sorry Sprint, your gay-dar was off this time.
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