Well ladies and gents, there has been a recent tragedy. Im not talking about Heath Ledger,bless his heart, may he rest in peace. No it is worse! It comes in the form of Heidi Montags new "Music Video"... I would put this video up there with tragedies such as 911, Katrina, and the birth of our enemies. Yes it is THAT bad. Actually entertaining as well. It took me a bit to compose myself after my horrific fit of laughter. After having a rough couple of days, i just watched and thought, "oh dear god, i could be her"! The video is a true sign of just how delusional love and an idiot for a boyfriend can make you. Unfortunately for her she has no friends, If she did they would not have let her release that! Also they would not let her do her "sexy walk" on the red carpet, because people like me are forced to imitate her in public bars. uh umm(Special note to the bride and sundance, i do it just for you!) So if we could all take the time and bow our heads and pray that 1. Heidi will not make anymore music videos. B. Hope that the editor at Maxim Mag was just playing and early April fools joke on us when he put her " sexy" half naked pics in the latest issue. And 3. She gets rid of that idiot boyfriend that convinced her that the music video would be a hit. If anything folks, this has been a great learning experience. We must cherish our friends and family, and hope to never lose them. If you do like in Heidi's case, you will have to surround yourself with a false feeling of fabulousness. She sucks, but she makes me laugh! To my ladies, you are always and forever FABULOUS!
1 comment:
I was always taught...if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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