Saturday, February 2, 2008

Must have balance

I consider myself a true Libra. We have many great qualities such as, active, sociable, easygoing, polished, and very well liked. Our symbol is the scales, signifying balance, equilibrium, order and justice. How fitting, we libras must always have balance. Lately this has been an issue. In search for balance i have taken time the last few days to figure out what will make me happy and how i can move forward towards a much more balanced life. This is where my sounding board of friends have come in. I have had opportunities come to me in the last few weeks that i could not make a decision about. This has grown to be trying on my part. I want to make decisons, but i just cant. So today I am happy to declare, that i have made a big leap. I have made the necissary decisions in my life to more forward and to become more succesful. (Thanks poodle!) This has not been and easy thing to do. Why is it so hard to make up my mind, even when i know that it would be a great and positive thing? I know i am not the only one to struggle with this. I find that in most cases we ourselves are the only ones keeping us from doing the things that we want to do and most important, things that make us happy. So i say enough! stop the inner struggle and do what we think is best. By making this desicsion i know that the rest of my life will just fall into place... Well i hope... On that note i must leave you with this one question. Are you really making decisons to make yourself happy, or are you still putting others before you?

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