So i was having a great convo with my wonderful new friend heartland. She is fabulous! As we were talking about our new found singledom, the questions was asked. What's your type of guy? Well ladies let me tell you... i have no effing idea! I have dated all types, and none have yet to steal my heart and keep it forever.
I've dated all kinds... Ok so there was the construction worker (total meat head, huge biceps,mmm), The Foreign Guy from Moracco, i met him out in the clubs one night. he was so charming then said if i wanted to be his girl, i had to stop going out and make him dinner everynight.. ha ha ha, the only good that came out of him, was he introduced me to Sapphire and tonics. I could go for one of those now, rehashing is such and tedious task. Oh there was the latin lova, oooh he was so sexy when we danced. then he turned out to be too emotional. DRAG! The gay straight guy, i met him at the gay bar. he claims hes not gay, and he also never put the moves on me either...There was Big, the New yorker, still a sore subject. i will always have a place in my heart for him...or maybe just the city. Who knows, but i had some great times with him. Somewhere in the mix of all these guys were A bartender or two, The single dad, The sugar daddy, ok Sugar daddies..., the real estate guru who loved to get me drunk, The out of state business man, Oh the soccer coach, he was weird... And this brings me to the recent...
The crazy Italian, whom i dated for a year, he was completely irrational, bad in bed, and screwed with my head. Im still trying to piece myself back together after i dumped his stupid ass. Then the Smoker, No comment due to mutual friends... Then Baird, i did talk earlier this week about a recent sighting of him with the ugly girl. I chalk that breakup to that fact that he was recently divorced, and im too much woman for him, not to mention his love for country music. Yikes! Which brings us to the DOCTOR. He is in China now. He has not yet moved down to the brew city. When he is moved and ready i will state my case of him, verdict is still out, but i like him. He is a good guy.
Now looking back on all those guys... it looks to be that my type is breathing and walking. Hmmm... I may have not found Mr. Right, but i sure have had some fun! I guess it just comes down to this, I'm not going to look anymore, if it happens it happens, I've got my ladies to keep me company... So I purpose a toast! To my ladies, single or taken, No men will get us down, they are not worth it, We are too hot and spend too much money on our over priced make-up to let it run down our face! Ohh the best water proof mascara is Dior...