my goodness... How could it be the last day of the year already? This year, and i think i always say this, but this year in particular went crazy fast! SO today i sat back and thought about what a year it has been. It could be discribed no other than a rollercoaster ride. This year has been particularily tough, but i guess that means that 2009 has to be filled with Good... right? Please i hope so. So i would like to say that i can't wait to see what 2009 will bring. Through 2008 i tried to stay so optomistic, but sometime it was so hard! At times it felt like the second something good happened, something terrible had to happen right after. But NO MORE!!!!! 2009 will be a great year. And with that i am doing my list of resolutions/not resolutions. they are in no particular order.
--I will work on not sweating the small stuff
--I will read 2 stupid girly books for every 1 self help/ business/ or any other so called important "must read books"
--I will try to stop looking up my ex's via facebook or google. (please note i said try not wont)
-- I will not make cupcakes for douche bags like the Indian Giver ever again. ( and no i still have not gotten paid)
-- I will try to staop talking about cupcakes when i see my friends/family's eyes glaze over in bordom
--I will try to limit my shopping addiction... i want, no need, to buy a house
--I will try not to let celebrity breakups effect my every day being
I am sure that there are more, but that is all i have for now.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ok so I am going to start by saying that this is crazy... I might be crazy, but i swear this happened and i am freaked out! Ok so i was sleeping last night, and was awakened by something weird. Ok, bare with me... so i heard, and saw my door swing open, and heard human foot steps kind of loud coming towards my bed. When i tried to sit up and look, i felt a "presence" and it was pushing down on my shoulders so i could not sit up... OMFG!!!!!!!!! I think that my house is haunted! Really this scared to poop out of me. Now i have been feeling a little under the weather, so the lack of oxygen going to my brain because of the sinus infection may have something to do with it, but i swear this was real... how creepy!!! great! just what i need is to be assaulted by a ghost!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Do the Holiday Hustle
Oh My!! it has been such a busy couple of weeks, this is the first time that i have even had the time to sit and blog. I do have to admit that i would rather be busy, than sitting there staring at the wall, but all this business has given me a little cold. Boo hoo..
So i am so excited to announce that i have had a FABULOUS week at Miss Cupcake. starting the 14 to this past Saturday i had to make 20 dozen cupcakes and deliver them! Whoo... it was fun. I did some of the best flavors i cant even tell you. Ok i can so i will. I made Choc Peppermint Ganache, Spiced Buttermilk, Brandy Alexander, Hot Choc, Cranberry Champagne, Pear Champagne, Red Velvet, German Choc, and Vanilla i think that is all. I had to make just a few... right!
In the midst of that as well i had 4 Holiday parties. Oh they were so much fun! I would have to say, i went to one of the parties that i made the biggest order of cupcakes for and i felt like i was a celebrity. I LOVED it! It was like out of a movie, when i walked in the room started buzzing with talk of Miss Cupcake. Te he he FABULOUS!!!!!
Oh and i can't forget the rest of the evening at Victors. Formally known as Victims... There is nothing like seeing grown men in Bad holiday sweaters and green velvet stretch pants. No lie. It was so funny i could not even make something up like that. the pictures are crazy! Oh the fun of the holidays. I think when it is all over i will sleep for a week. And yes i am done with my holiday shopping.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
"Jimmy" Johns
So as i am sitting here at work enjoying the first bite of my freaky fast Turkey tom sandwich i can't help but think " Wow the sprouts in my sandwich taste the smell of semen" OK and it gets worse. So then that now has prompted me to google semen. You know what i found??? A video of how to make fake semen... that ladies and gentlemen may be my next party trick :-)
Oooh i can't wait for The Hills tomorrow night... It will be juicy, Speidi gets hitched. Barf
Oooh i can't wait for The Hills tomorrow night... It will be juicy, Speidi gets hitched. Barf
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Crap Weather, Sexy Sights
Nothing like watching some sexy firemen shovel the sidewalk... MEOW! No need for hot coco on this cold winters day, I've got my firemen to keep me warm...
Monday, December 8, 2008
My Grandma The Stalker
Yes... im being stalked via cell phone by my grandma. Since 10 am she has called now 6 times... and counting. She left 2 messages... Wait! 7 times now. Ok now i am not ignoring her per say... The first 5 calls i did not know that it was her number. Now i know it's her and i just want to see how many times she will call, until she gets me. Sassy i know, but for a Monday i have to have some sort of entertainment. Im not trying to drive her mad, i just dont feel like talking on the phone with anyone at this time. I find it hard to believe that needing to know if me and my father are going to be in the gift exchange... Oh yes! i said my father and for those of you that understand the current situation, have to find that funny. I do! So yes, if you are wondering if i am going to call her back, yes i am, just not right now
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The things i do when i am bored...
Oh I may have just taken myself to a whole new level of oddness. So i have to fill you in on the whole story. Ok So, this guy came into the store yesterday to give me info about his credit card company and why we should switch. I will call him Visa. So visa is cute, and funny and ironic enough has my same sick sense of humor, in which i love. But anyways, so he came in and we were joking around and he was telling me about himself and the company and asked what i would look for in a processing company. I told him that obviously i want lower rates, and at noon everyday i want him to walk past the store window naked in a trench coat and boots! Normal right :-) I know i know im bad but i could not help i! S later we got to talking about how he was on Missed connections. Some guy saw him at Aala Reed and wrote and posted a message to him on Craigs List and was hoping to contact him... oh it was soo funny, seeing as he is not gay. So... i think that you might know where this is going so yes. after his second time in the store on the same day, i played a funny on him. I posted a missed connection... Mwahhhhh.... i still laugh... So i wrote. Naked under your trench coat... meow. I can't wait until you come by in your trench coat and boots and nothing... else. I will be waiting in the window with a shot of brandy to warm you up. ahhhhh i am not be be left bored or things like this happen! So the anticipation of me checking my email was killing me... I opened my email this morning and he had emailed me! At first the message was all business, then at the end, he said that he had checked Craigs List, and the he just about fell off his chair!!! Oh thank god he thought it was funny! Which it was but some people could have found that creepy. And to make it even better i got an email response form some random person saying that they would love to come flash me in the window!!!!! Ha ha ha good thing i did not put the store name in the post! Oh what an enjoyable morning! And i will make sure to keep current on Visa...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh Deer...
what have i gotten myself into. I was just asked out for a glass of wine by a man. A man with ALOT of baggage. He was a mutual friend turned client turn, separated from wife, turned trying to ask me out for wine. I said yes.... Oh gosh. it just slipped out he sounded so sad he said he would just like someone to talk to. Ugh! This screams Lifetime made for TV movie. oh geez. I'm not afraid to go to get a glass of wine with him, I'm just nervous that he thinks it would be a date... He wanted to go out Friday or Sat night.. i told him i was busy, he said he would call me later in the week to set up a time. What is a girl to do... i want to be nice and let him vent if he wants, but nothing else... And now i feel like i can't back out, because i may just be assuming too much... TO BE CONTINUED
Missed Opportunity...

Boo!!! I possibly could have just realized that i missed my opportunity to make it big... I can't believe it! So while checking my Facebook page this morning i found this new little section called updates... now i don't think that this so called updates does that great of a job, seeing as the update was from September. Ok Ok so, the update was that i could have applied to be an Official Hill's Blogger!!!!! OMFG!!!!!! How could i have missed that?!?! Seriously. I could just kick myself!! So i have a plan... I am going to email the person in charge and barge my way into season 5 blogging. Watch me! I will keep you posted. So in loo of this hiccup on my path to stardom, i will for sure be blogging about THE HILLS from now on on Monday nights or Tuesdays. Ahhh i love it.
so To recap, i Think that Lo had a super cute shirt on last night, the Blue on with the collar, Spencer's Flesh colored beard still drives me nuts, Don't you think he should have a shaved for his Nana, and 2 he should have cut down on saying Nana every other word. and 3. Who does he think he is fooling with this i call Nana everyday... Nana must have a wad of money stashed away and he wants to get his hands on it. But i do have to say that i was impressed that Speidi called into the after show. Nice work. And Lauren and Audrina.. dear god. Audrina Hello!!!! Just seriously let Justin Bobby go, and realize that he is driving you into a mad white woman.
PS. The Smoker called. He wanted to invite me over to his house on Friday for festivities... Still undecided if i will show. I might be washing my hair that night...
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