Alright, tomorrow is a day that we have all been waiting for for a VERY long time! The opening night of SATC movie. I cant wait!So we don't really know what is going to happen but i would like to make a few predictions of what will... As we all have seen in the previews it Carrie and Big are engaged and to get married. I don't that that it will happen. Sorry Carrie no fairytale ending. Miranda, well i think that her and Steve are on the rocks. she just can't live in Brooklyn. She is just not a Brooklyn girl. Samantha, well she is having lots of sex. is she still with Smith?....hmmm i don't think that she is. it seems like she should stay with him, but i bet it just didn't work out. And last but not least Charlotte. Nothing really changes with her. she may have gotten a job or something but She is wrapped up in her new adopted girl and Hubby hairy. But who knows maybe she was able to get preggers. In case you all think that this is eerily insightful, i have not read any articles, gone on You-Tube or done and extra searching for the movie. The only thing that i have seen is the trailers that are on TV. I can't wait for tomorrow night! The movie of course will be fabulous, but my group of ladies and some cosmos...well that's just priceless!
Note: To answer your question about what shoe i would live in, I would take them all and make shoe-gloo. And igloo made of shoes!