Thursday, May 29, 2008

SATC predictions

Alright, tomorrow is a day that we have all been waiting for for a VERY long time! The opening night of SATC movie. I cant wait!So we don't really know what is going to happen but i would like to make a few predictions of what will... As we all have seen in the previews it Carrie and Big are engaged and to get married. I don't that that it will happen. Sorry Carrie no fairytale ending. Miranda, well i think that her and Steve are on the rocks. she just can't live in Brooklyn. She is just not a Brooklyn girl. Samantha, well she is having lots of sex. is she still with Smith?....hmmm i don't think that she is. it seems like she should stay with him, but i bet it just didn't work out. And last but not least Charlotte. Nothing really changes with her. she may have gotten a job or something but She is wrapped up in her new adopted girl and Hubby hairy. But who knows maybe she was able to get preggers. In case you all think that this is eerily insightful, i have not read any articles, gone on You-Tube or done and extra searching for the movie. The only thing that i have seen is the trailers that are on TV. I can't wait for tomorrow night! The movie of course will be fabulous, but my group of ladies and some cosmos...well that's just priceless!
Note: To answer your question about what shoe i would live in, I would take them all and make shoe-gloo. And igloo made of shoes!

Yeah Effing Right!!!!

I CAN NOT believe what i just read. As i do everyday to keep up with my current events, i went to my always pleasing TMZ.COM. and right there in front of my face was the craziest, most ridiculous thing that i have read since this mornings us magazine cover with Heidi Montag on it saying " I'm ready to say I DO." bullshit! But anyways there was the absurd news. Clay GAY-iken got some woman in her late forties knocked up!!!! What! This can't be true. If he is straight then i have 4 huge penises on my fore-head. it just is not possible. There must have been a turkey baster involved. He is so gay, he gives gay a whole new level! Not to mention, would you even want to have sex with a man that has hair just like Rose's from the golden girls? I think not. He is the lamest thing to ever come from the ever annoyingly popular American Idol. Case and Point, he once held a press conference to ask his female fans to please stop throwing their panties up on stage at his " Concerts". WTF. Seriously. I wish that i was friend with Kathy Griffin, so i could call her up and ask her what she thinks about this. i bet anything that she is having a field day with this breaking news. Still i don't think it is possible that he has sex with women. he is gay and he won't admit it. Clay you are gay! gay gay gay gay gay.... Oh and one more thing, that woman must be desperate! Like she couldn't have found anyone better?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Slowly cleaning my plate...

Well yesterday was very anxiety filled. Today i feel much better. I still have no idea where i am going to live come August first, but i do know that i will still put in my 60 day notice. Now don't any of you go getting upset... I will never be far from any of our parties! I feel pretty good about my decision. I think that when it comes down to it, we all have to pull the trigger at some point in our lives to get ahead.In loo of the SATC movie coming out Friday, i must ask. Do you really ever know what is going to happen when you pull the trigger? Seriously, I am leaving this great place for what? I have no idea what the next two months is going to bring, but i am pretty sure that it will be a roller coaster, with a few pit stops for shoe shopping. After all, i am moving to save up to buy a house. i need to do it now before i turn out to be the girl who lived in her shoes...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Home, sweet, where?

As i am sure most of you know that i have been in the midst of a housing crisis. My rent at my fabulous townhouse is going way up and i have made the decision to move. Now it was hard for me to come to this decision. I have some wonderful friends that live in the townhouses with me and i hate to move from them. The bride and groom included. (BTW is it time to change the brides name or does it just stick? please give me your feedback) Anyways, after much deliberation i have decided that paying the higher rent plus all my utilities is just stupid. After all is said and done, at the end of the month, i am paying a mortgage payment. I could own my own place and make it fabulous for what i am paying. Needless to say i do have a few things that i need to do and prepare for before i go out in the the wonderful,or not so wonderful world of being a home owner. So i figure, if i move, i will move to a place where the rent is not as much, and i can start to seriously save for my casa. And, if the bride is reading this, i am checking into the lower for you and your loved one to move as well. I know that you are rolling your eyes right now saying yeah right, but i can dream can't i?!? I'll let you use my washer and dryer... :-). But lets not get ahead of ourselves. i still need to find a place, but i am putting my 60 day notice in this weekend. Yikes! My pre-requisites... major closet space/or whole other room for closet, and a great kitchen with storage. Oh and neighbors that aren't crack heads. Oh i haven't told you about the recent news of the addict neighbors have i? hmmm that's a whole other blog!

I am officially gross...

I am totally grossing myself out sitting here at work in my own filth. Now, let me clarify. i am showered, but i have not washed my hair in a few days. gross... i can't believe that i am calling myself out on this but i can scratch my scalp, and watch it snow. sick. I am like that dirty girl in The Breakfast Club where she is in detention and draws a nice outdoor scene then lets her dandruff snow all over her picture. yes that is me! i am gross.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

15 mins of fame...

If you watch TV I'm sure you all have seen those Honey Bunches Of Oats commercials. You know the ones where they go around and hand out bowls of cereal to people and they say "wow this is really good". I'm positive you know what i am talking about now. So, as i was driving to work today, i saw those people out passing the cereal with the hard hats on!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! it was so exciting, for a reason i have no clue. I was so jealous that i did not work downtown! I could have eaten the cereal and been taped for the commercial saying that the cereal was really good. I'm sure i would have been taped, I'm in a really cute outfit and am actually wearing make-up. Seriously who wouldn't want me in their commercial. I'm a marketing genius. I'm still waiting for my Nobel prize... If they come down by Brady st i still may have a chance! I will keep you posted!

Just a side note: It was so wonderful seeing my dad last night. He lost weight he looks really good. It was nice to be there and know that he did not lose his humor. We were talking about my new business adventure of airbrush tanning. He said that he had saw a commercial of this fat guy getting airbrush tanned, then they airbrushed abs on him!!!! that is hilarious! Oh it was really a good time, considering the circumstances...

And another thing. The colombian Princess and i are heading to the Highbury for cocktails after 7 tonight if anyone is interested. Sorry no mullets aloud. But fun is manditory!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life changing...

So as all of you have been reading, i have been nothing but a Debbie downer lately. Well after working a super long day yesterday, i decided to head over to my FAVORITE local pub the HIGHBURY. I love it there. I am sure that if you know me a love me you share the same love for it as well. But now to the good stuff. I was having a beer and talking to the bartender and he asked if i wanted to play a game. Then to my great amusement, out came GUITAR HERO!!!! I am changed forever. I felt like such a rock star. it took me a little bit to get into it, but i caught on and away i went. I got my best reviews on the song Cherry pie by Warrant. It was so funny. i was having a blast, well until i realized that i was giving myself carpel tunnel from playing. I need to get that game. Does anyone have a play station they are looking to sell???? i am addicted. I believe that the Colombian princess and i will be visiting that pub tonight, and i will give her a little taste of my new found talent of being a rock star! I hope some of you would join us... i might need a little pick me up. I'm going to see my dad tonight....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oh... one more thing

I cant believe that Heidi ditched her bosses the extremely rich hotel developers to go home with that douche bag Spencer. What an effing idiot. If i ever did something like that please give me a swift kick to the head. Oh and she should stop wearing only high waisted skirts. Its annoying and she has no waist to show off. Ye Haw!

Big girls do cry...

i am officially a cry baby. i went to MADACC to day to see if they had Carpell. They did not. needless to say i lost it and could barely keep my composer. I really thought that they had him. i saw two pictures that could very well have been him. They told me that they took some cats over to the Human society, so i went over there as well. Again, empty handed. I have no makeup left on my face, and my eyes are permanently red. My day has not been off to a good start. to make matters worse, i got a text from, i wont tell you, and it said that they were sorry that Carpell is gone and that it is time to let go. I will not let go, i am not ready. Please NO ONE tell me it is time to move on. i will yell at you! XOXO

Ps i am happy that the Bachelor picked Shane. I liked her, shes hot. Now i must go blonde!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Inner thoughts...

So as i call my girls and feel like i am constantly complaining, i realized that if i am annoying myself as much as i am i MUST be annoying them. I am sorry, i have decide to blog it out from here on...

On a more serious note: I have not yet found Carpell. I am going in thin morning to look in the cages at MADACC. I hope hope hope that i find him there. I have been searching the website and looking at pictures. I have to go in and take a look seeing as the descriptions do not really match many of the cats, and i found three pics of cats that could very well be my little man. Please please keep your fingers crossed. I believe that Poquita has been depressed. She is not as alert and Sweet as she normally is. All she does is sleep. For her sake alone i hope that i find him tomorrow.

Wednesday night is going to be a big night. It is going to be the first time since the beginning of February that i will see my daddy. i miss him so much. The only reason i am hesitant is i am not sure how i will react seeing him in the there. ugh. Why does this have to be such a mind battle?

I went on the best date ever this past Friday night. We went to the Brewers game then to a few bars. What a great night! I felt so comfortable around him. It would be nice to go out with him again, however in true style of being on my man diet, i will not keep my hopes up and keep to my daily grind. But it would be great to kiss him...

The brides wedding was FABULOUS!!!!!! I have to put the pics on my computer yet, and when i do i will tell more. But to give the subject justice, The Bride was stunning, and the groom... he was so handsome and i have never seen them happier... Well besides the next day when all the house guests finally left the house!

As a foot note, i will try to blog more. I need to blog more. I want to blog more. I still have a plethora of bones to pick...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I just wanted to give a special thanks to Colombian Princess, The Bride, and Heartland. You have been such great sounding boards and have really helped me through this rough patch. Now please find my cat.

Ode To The Bride

This is a little snippet From Jodi's ladies night. I love how she shakes it.This is sure to give you some comic relief.

Thats life...

" I say that's life, its what all the people say. Riding high in April, shot down in May.." Sinatra couldn't have sang it any better. That's life. I still feel like i am spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. I would love 1 week to be nice and Sweet and UN-eventful. Just normal. That is all that i ask is for one normal week where some crazy S*!@ don't happen. I have come to the conclusion that i am officially Debbie Downer. I fear that my friends sigh, and roll their eyes before they answer my calls, knowing that i must have more issues to complain about. It try not to, really ladies i do, i just need to get past a few things and it will be good ole me again. Well, that's the plan anyway... :-)

Well to start off. I must apologize for blowing "the week of Jodi" I had the best intentions and then yet again more drama, and i have been super busy. However i do know that my chaos is not an excuse. Believe me i will make it up to you all. So let me get you up to speed. I had a Fabulous Cinco De Mayo Party on Monday night. The food was fab the drinks were amazing, but the company made the party! Our little Vixen the Colombian princess had on a super hot backless shirt. (PS i want it where did you got it, I'm sure i asked you already, but i swear that Sangria we had, had roofies in it. That night is a little hazy...) I on the other hand sported a super hot super huge sombrero, and maracas. Note: When i say maracas i mean the instruments that you shake not my boobs... Y'all have dirty minds... So everyone ate and drank themselves happy. Mission accomplished! Next, the story which brings me to the reason why i am blogging at 4:30 in the morning. My sweet sweet kitty has run away. Carpell is the worlds coolest cat. He i so handsome. Oh i miss him so. He has been gone for officially 2 days. I got a call from my neighbors saying that they saw him. I hope it was him that they saw! I have been walking around like one of those crazy cat ladies shaking his treats and calling for him. Gosh i am just worried sick about him. I have slept on the couch the last two nights hoping to hear him Meow and let him in. There was a false alarm a little bit ago at around 3:45 am. I thought that i heard him meow... well he wasn't out at the door. I have come to the conclusion that i have gone crazy from the past months drama, and my mind is playing tricks on me. Knowing Carpell he is outside walking around like hes the man while the tune of "Stray cat strut" plays in his head. Stay tuned more to come...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rock and a hard place

So i am in a huge dilemma. I have no idea what to do. Do i move? Or do i just suck it up and pay more in rent. do i rent my out my unit and move home? What do i do? i wish that it was easy to make this decision but it is not. I know that this came up for a reason. Something in my life needs to change, i just didn't think that it would be my living situation! But if i move back home, will i really be saving that much more money? I would be driving a ton. It would be very inconvenient... I need some sort of sign that will help guide me... It would be great to buy a house, but i don't think that i could get my stuff together that soon. Seriously, im stuck...