Friday, August 22, 2008

Payback is a bitch...

OK so let me set this up for you leading to today's happenings. So, last week Patrick the fireman came over and asked if i would like to join him and the guys for dinner. I said that i would but wouldn't make it till later. So he comes back about 10 min later with a plate made up for me. it was super sweet of him, so i made a sign that said i heart pat, and put it in the window. he loved it. he was gloating like no other. So it was still up the next morning when Doug the fireman whom is single, and kinda cute and sweet came to work. Well from what i hear, Pat was bragging up a storm about this damn sign. When i came back to work the following day Doug did not come over to the store all day, which i found very weird. Normally the guys especially pat and Doug come across to talk. Well Doug finally made it over and told me that he was sad that i made that sign For Pat and not for him. So in true Ashley fashion i did not want him to be upset, so i made a I hear Doug sign. Well that did not go over well with Pat. I swear men are living soap operas! Which brings us to present day. So both Pat and Doug are working today and i hear all this commotion outside today moving the truck in and out, honking the horn and everything. So finally i go outside and i just bust out laughing. They put a big sign on the door of the fire house just for me.... How sweet... I must get them back, but how?

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