Monday, August 18, 2008

Can you believe this guy!?!?!?!?!?

Ok so, the last girls night out i had was a week back. i met this guy. We will call him the Indian. So the Indian has been stopping in by the store, a lot, calling texting the whole ball of wax. Now in general i would say that he is a nice guy. Am i attracted to him? No, is he funny? yes. he has asked me out to dinner and to go on the Harley and all but i have yet to take him up on his offer, and after today i for sure will not. So here is the deal he is kinda funny, but he is a true sales man. he constantly is cracking jokes, that he repeat a few times during the conversation just to make himself laugh yet again. Totally lame! the worst part is it is like pulling teeth for me to want to talk to him. So this morning he called, already. Good god he calls me like 3 times a day weather i pick up or not. Ok so this morning i was at breakfast and he called. i sent it to voice mail and texted him that i cant talk i was at breakfast and asked him if he needed anything. He responds with "oh i accidentally called you"... right... so just sitting here at work minding my own business i get a text from him... Brace yourselves... it read word for word

"You have the sex appeal of a school bus fire. You remind me of my ex's vagina, your fuckin useless, yet you still work"

Can you believe it??????? What an Idiot! Did he expect me to laugh and tell him how funny he is? Seriously! So i texted him back saying wow i never knew yo felt that way and told him that he is an asshole. :-) he texted back right away saying that it was joke and he was trying to get me to smile this morning. Well guess what asshole, i was smiling before i got that! he can add this situation to the list of reasons why he is single and always will be.

Get outta town with that message. Needless to say he just made it very easy for me to not feel bad about EVER wanting to talk to him again. PS Indian is not really my style. Oh and he just called and left a message. I really hope he doesn't try to stop in here today... ugh!

PS... the Smoker is back in action with texting me. again.


Anonymous said...

The smoker is your Mr're going to marry his someday!

Anonymous said...

I just gagged on my Gummi bears. Indian = yuck. What an effed up thing to text!!