Monday, August 25, 2008
Indian giver...
So get this. The Indian comes to get his cupcakes today, and says "oh thanks I"ll cut you a check on Friday" WTF I'm not an invoicing company. Boy when you come get your cakes you pay up! Girls this guy is so lame. I am so done i can't even tell you. What a turd! But he did love the cake. Hmmm... maybe this is a sign?
Wow, so i think that i might be evil. And i am pretty sure that when you read this you may think the same that i find such pleasure in this :-) Ok so Remember the Indian. ok well i cracked and talked to him when he asked me to make him cupcakes for his birthday in which he would pay me. I agreed. The cake is awesome it is a Cake in the shape of a cupcake with a Harley Davidson theme. So i worked my ass off on this cake and cupcakes. Devils food with buttercream frosting and the cupcakes are filled with marshmallow cream. yummy. So, i was on my way down to work and texted him to let him know he can come pick it up. I get a response that he will try but might not be able to. Pissed! So i asked why. Well ladies and gentlemen. he was in the hospital for food poisoning.... he he he he. Ok i know that laughing and grinning ear to ear for a good 20 minutes is mean but seriously. After that text message what do you expect me to do? baby him? HELL NO! So i reassured him that i did not poison his cupcakes.Silly little Indian... that's what he gets for sending me that rotten text message last week.Karma is a bitch ain't it! Oh goodness. now my only thing is i busted my ass on this cake and what if he doesn't come get it and the cupcakes... Damn him!! But to be honest, i am not even made if he doesn't get the cake and cupcakes... the fact that the Karma came back to bite him in the ass is the sweetest revenge of all... :-)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What have i gotten myself into...

Dear lord. So i had the genius idea to open a cupcake shop, ass you know. Well also as you know i got the best jump start from a local restaurateur. Well That jump was given just a few Weeks back, leaving me barely anytime to prepare selling cupcakes for the Harley fest on Brady street. I am so over my head. I have no Idea what i am doing. If it weren't for the help i am getting from some very special life saving friends (you know who you are) i would be up shit creek with no paddle. :-) My mom always says that and it makes me laugh every time! So i am pluggin'away at this, and i am very excited don't get me wrong, but what if my hard work is not enough? What if people don't like the cupcakes? What if someone hates my cupcake and throws it in my face and calls me ugly and walks away. then what? See, these are the thoughts going through my head. My craziest thoughts come to mind as i am piling 50 Lbs bags of flour and sugar in my cart, as i think about where am i going to get 4 gallons of red food coloring at the same time. Oh god... really what have i gotten myself into. Well luckily i do have some things done. Well as done as i can take it. But i have my EFFING FABULOUS logo. OMG i love it! Thanks to the bride. (take a bow) BTW was i supposed to change that name or keep it? Please let me know. I have the name. and i have recipes to make your grandma squeal with joy. Well at least that's what my mom thinks. And good for me, she is an honest person and would tell me if my cupcake tasted like ass. So unless see was on a lying spree they are good. Well im sure there will be more blogs of freak outs this week. but that is all for meow.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Payback is a bitch...
OK so let me set this up for you leading to today's happenings. So, last week Patrick the fireman came over and asked if i would like to join him and the guys for dinner. I said that i would but wouldn't make it till later. So he comes back about 10 min later with a plate made up for me. it was super sweet of him, so i made a sign that said i heart pat, and put it in the window. he loved it. he was gloating like no other. So it was still up the next morning when Doug the fireman whom is single, and kinda cute and sweet came to work. Well from what i hear, Pat was bragging up a storm about this damn sign. When i came back to work the following day Doug did not come over to the store all day, which i found very weird. Normally the guys especially pat and Doug come across to talk. Well Doug finally made it over and told me that he was sad that i made that sign For Pat and not for him. So in true Ashley fashion i did not want him to be upset, so i made a I hear Doug sign. Well that did not go over well with Pat. I swear men are living soap operas! Which brings us to present day. So both Pat and Doug are working today and i hear all this commotion outside today moving the truck in and out, honking the horn and everything. So finally i go outside and i just bust out laughing. They put a big sign on the door of the fire house just for me.... How sweet... I must get them back, but how?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Can you believe this guy!?!?!?!?!?
Ok so, the last girls night out i had was a week back. i met this guy. We will call him the Indian. So the Indian has been stopping in by the store, a lot, calling texting the whole ball of wax. Now in general i would say that he is a nice guy. Am i attracted to him? No, is he funny? yes. he has asked me out to dinner and to go on the Harley and all but i have yet to take him up on his offer, and after today i for sure will not. So here is the deal he is kinda funny, but he is a true sales man. he constantly is cracking jokes, that he repeat a few times during the conversation just to make himself laugh yet again. Totally lame! the worst part is it is like pulling teeth for me to want to talk to him. So this morning he called, already. Good god he calls me like 3 times a day weather i pick up or not. Ok so this morning i was at breakfast and he called. i sent it to voice mail and texted him that i cant talk i was at breakfast and asked him if he needed anything. He responds with "oh i accidentally called you"... right... so just sitting here at work minding my own business i get a text from him... Brace yourselves... it read word for word
"You have the sex appeal of a school bus fire. You remind me of my ex's vagina, your fuckin useless, yet you still work"
Can you believe it??????? What an Idiot! Did he expect me to laugh and tell him how funny he is? Seriously! So i texted him back saying wow i never knew yo felt that way and told him that he is an asshole. :-) he texted back right away saying that it was joke and he was trying to get me to smile this morning. Well guess what asshole, i was smiling before i got that! he can add this situation to the list of reasons why he is single and always will be.
Get outta town with that message. Needless to say he just made it very easy for me to not feel bad about EVER wanting to talk to him again. PS Indian is not really my style. Oh and he just called and left a message. I really hope he doesn't try to stop in here today... ugh!
PS... the Smoker is back in action with texting me. again.
"You have the sex appeal of a school bus fire. You remind me of my ex's vagina, your fuckin useless, yet you still work"
Can you believe it??????? What an Idiot! Did he expect me to laugh and tell him how funny he is? Seriously! So i texted him back saying wow i never knew yo felt that way and told him that he is an asshole. :-) he texted back right away saying that it was joke and he was trying to get me to smile this morning. Well guess what asshole, i was smiling before i got that! he can add this situation to the list of reasons why he is single and always will be.
Get outta town with that message. Needless to say he just made it very easy for me to not feel bad about EVER wanting to talk to him again. PS Indian is not really my style. Oh and he just called and left a message. I really hope he doesn't try to stop in here today... ugh!
PS... the Smoker is back in action with texting me. again.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm back from Sturgis and rearing for a Harley. Or a man with one... I had a great time on my well deserved holiday in South Dakota. Who knew that i could have so much fun on a Ranch in the middle of nowhere?! I have brought home some new ideas and items that many would find amusing. First, During the 50 wedding anniversary that i was out there for, with my gay, there was a YUCCA jar... it is one single huge mason jar filled with alcoholic goodness... (Note: it will make an appearance at the next scheduled party) i believe that i may have taken down half the jar myself... the other half was polished off by my mom. Let me tell you folks, there is no bond like that of a mother and daughter drinking together! FYI normally i get massive hangovers from drinking like that, but i woke up in the morning like a champ... Bring on the YUCCA!!!! Next... i met the hottest effing biker ever. He is so not my normal type, but good god he rev ed my engine. He has a ridiculous sense of sexiness to him. Yummy. Pictures to follow...Next...i took on the roll of a cowgirl the whole time i was there. I think that i might have a slight addiction to sassy cowboy hats and short shorts now. I got a sassy little t-shirt from the rally as well. Now if you have not had the chance to go to a biker rally, let me tell you it is a riot!!! OK, well cant think of anything else for now, so until i think of more interesting little tidbits...
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