Sunday, April 26, 2009
Shes my Girl....
Well ill be dammed if i don't love Rachael Ray more. She is my girl! So, in loo of trying to not be a party girl two nights in a row, i asked wing man if he would like to come over for dinner last night. I made Rachael Rays You wont be single for long Vodka Cream Pasta. He got to enjoy my kitchen skills. Hmm. I worked :-)
Chicken, bawk bawk bawk
I am so chicken shit to have the "talk" with wing man that i had to break down and TEXT him asking him if we are exclusive....Yes i did that just right now, after having spent all last night with him. i am so effing lame i can't even tell you! Isn't it funny that i am not afraid to to do about anything, but i can't ask a man that i like if we are exclusive to his face???? What is wrong with me? This is exactly what will drive a woman to madness.i am VERY disappointed in myself for being so chicken right now. I hope he doesn't think I'm a mental person
i am still waiting a response...
If i dont get the response i am hoping for, would that be considered the TEXT OF DEATH? :-) Ha ha
i am still waiting a response...
If i dont get the response i am hoping for, would that be considered the TEXT OF DEATH? :-) Ha ha
RIP Bea... i love you

Sad Sad Sad.... i really almost cried. Bea Arthur has passed. She dies of cancer yesterday at the ripe age of 86. Bless her heart! Oh if this seems a little odd to you, did i ever tell you about my OBSESSION with the show GOLDEN GIRLS? I have been watching the GG since i was in elementary school. I remember staying up late on those hot summer nights, and watching the hilarious ladies. I just cant get enough of that show! i have been on the search for the first couple of seasons of the show on DVD with Little success. So we should all bow our heads and sing this little tune in her honor....
Thank you for being a friend Traveled down the road and back again Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant. And if you through a party Invited everyone you ever knew You would see the biggest gift would be from me And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.
Your forever my Dorothy Zbornak
Friday, April 24, 2009
A day in the life of Facebook
I have had a LOVE/Hate relationship with face book. Some days i love it, and some days i want to delete my account. However, it has me hooked. I am a 25 year old woman and i can't seem to escape the heroin like addiction to the stupid networking site! But today brings this whole face book thing to a new level. I often find that i have to censor myself due to the fact, that it A. can been seen by numerous people, including one that i don't want to see it. 2. It could come back to bite me in the ass one day and 3. i just don't want to know what people think :-) With that said i posted this on my fb today in which i know will get a sloo of comments... let the games begin. I posted on my status.
...some people sit at home and cry wondering why they are single. not me, i know EXACTLy why i am single.
Oh i can see the comments now. People that dont want to rock the boat will say something like, oh your a great catch... dont be silly. It is not those comments i am worried about. Actually worry is the wrong word for this. It is more like shit someone is going to call me out on my ass behavior and say they know why i am single to, and i better knock it off if i ever want to be in a relationship....
Hmm. that is some food for thought. and here is some other fb findings today that makes me want to slap someone. I try to censor myself so i dont offend the masses, but dont you think that least some people can do is the same. This comes to my attention because of a picture. Now it is kind of cute when people use pictures other than themselves for their profile pic, sometimes. Now hear me out. Yes you have the people that use their dogs, or their kids, or something super random, but this girls that i just saw went way out of line.... well at least in my opinion. She used a picture of her child as her profile pic. Her UNBORN FETUS child was her pic. Oh yes ji do not lie, but i gaged a little. Im sorry but that is just f-ing sick. Really do you think that it is ok to subject others to a picture of your fetus!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!! use your heads! thats just sick. Sorry if this makes me seem like an asshole, but that is my opinion... it looked like a damn alien for gods sake
...some people sit at home and cry wondering why they are single. not me, i know EXACTLy why i am single.
Oh i can see the comments now. People that dont want to rock the boat will say something like, oh your a great catch... dont be silly. It is not those comments i am worried about. Actually worry is the wrong word for this. It is more like shit someone is going to call me out on my ass behavior and say they know why i am single to, and i better knock it off if i ever want to be in a relationship....
Hmm. that is some food for thought. and here is some other fb findings today that makes me want to slap someone. I try to censor myself so i dont offend the masses, but dont you think that least some people can do is the same. This comes to my attention because of a picture. Now it is kind of cute when people use pictures other than themselves for their profile pic, sometimes. Now hear me out. Yes you have the people that use their dogs, or their kids, or something super random, but this girls that i just saw went way out of line.... well at least in my opinion. She used a picture of her child as her profile pic. Her UNBORN FETUS child was her pic. Oh yes ji do not lie, but i gaged a little. Im sorry but that is just f-ing sick. Really do you think that it is ok to subject others to a picture of your fetus!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!! use your heads! thats just sick. Sorry if this makes me seem like an asshole, but that is my opinion... it looked like a damn alien for gods sake
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
secret smile
So... i was cornered by the dear wing man at work this morning... Men!! I gave in.. he did this shity grin while asking me if i was still mad at him. ugh! i couldn't keep up my angry front... hes taking me to dinner tonight. Tonight may be the night that the talk has to happen. I guess i will have to see what this evening will bring. No pressure
Monday, April 20, 2009
Greek dissapointment
I celebrated my first Greek Easter yesterday. And for those of you who do not know, yes, Greek Easter is real. It is a week after the "normal" Easter. The food was amazing, drinks were flowing, and the company was inviting. My disappointment does not lay in any of these, but in me date, or should i say lack there of. Yup, wing man... I am a little disappointed. I am trying not to be, and i don't feel that i am over reacting, but this is the sitch.
I had asked him earlier in the week, and he said that he was going to be very busy with work seeing as he was gone for a week, but he would for sure try. Yesterday morning rolls around. I texted him that dinner was at 3, and that i hope he was still coming. He texted back " i think i can make it, ill call you later" So i go about my business happy that I'm sure he will be able to make it. I'm getting ready, and 2:00 comes and goes, with no call. 2:30, I'm in the car running slightly late, still no call. So i call him. I leave a message. saying that It is 20 to 3 and you have not called me like you said you would, and i want to know if he is coming. Driving driving driving... no call. I get to the dinner... stall for 2 minutes, then give myself that hey its OK whatever pep-talk. Get into the party. The moment i so wanted to avoid... " hey ash! great seeing you! Where is wing man? CRICKETS........ At this point i did not know what to say... I'm embarrassed. i try my best to hide it, but how can i hide that from my besty the Colombian princess (shes good... she knows my faces), So i just shrugged my shoulders and kissed the sweet little doggy that came to greet me. Now thankful that the subject was not pushed, but UGH!!!!!! how frustrating! So i grab a cocktail and settle in. Both to the room filled with my friends, and the thought that of f!$# it... hes not coming. About an hour later i go to check my phone. Missed call. It was him. listened to the message. " Hey it me just saw you called, call me" OK breath... I called back. i was sent to Voicemail... so i texted him that i tried calling. I went back to the party. 20 min later come back to check my phone. He is calling. I answer. Hey... " hi, i missed your call. are you at the dinner?" Breath... yes i am at the dinner. "oh, yeah i just don't think I'm going to make it, i don't really feel up to it" Well no shit Sherlock!!!! By now i get that! So i was like ok fine, i have to go. Click.
OK, i was not going to throw a fit about it and this point, but hear me out. Yes i am disappointed, I wanted him to be thee, but i understand. BUT... the part that chaps my ass (i love saying that) He did not have the respect to call me before the dinner began to call me and decline the invite. Now... I'm sure, actually i would bet on it that this morning when he woke up, he knew that he did not want to come to the dinner. Which is fine, but couldn't he have told me that... That's all i would have liked. Just a simple hey thanks for the invite, but i am going to pass for whatever reason. All i wanted was that. Tell me that you are not going to come BEFORE i show up without you, to avoid the embarrassment.
With that said, i had a wonderful evening. then... my damn purse called him. damn it!!! He calls... hey i saw that you just called, whats up? I did not mean to call him. Actually i did not even want to talk to him. I'm trying to not be all 16 year old girl on him, but seriously i was disappointed. So he makes small talk with me asking what my week looks like, he wasn't to get together, if i can make some time... he will call me tomorrow
I slept on it (actually i should say tried to sleep). I'm still slightly upset. I can't help it. This is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I start to like him, and the disappointment rolls in. I am starting to feel myself slowly receded into the pre wing man MAN-tality... hmmm
I had asked him earlier in the week, and he said that he was going to be very busy with work seeing as he was gone for a week, but he would for sure try. Yesterday morning rolls around. I texted him that dinner was at 3, and that i hope he was still coming. He texted back " i think i can make it, ill call you later" So i go about my business happy that I'm sure he will be able to make it. I'm getting ready, and 2:00 comes and goes, with no call. 2:30, I'm in the car running slightly late, still no call. So i call him. I leave a message. saying that It is 20 to 3 and you have not called me like you said you would, and i want to know if he is coming. Driving driving driving... no call. I get to the dinner... stall for 2 minutes, then give myself that hey its OK whatever pep-talk. Get into the party. The moment i so wanted to avoid... " hey ash! great seeing you! Where is wing man? CRICKETS........ At this point i did not know what to say... I'm embarrassed. i try my best to hide it, but how can i hide that from my besty the Colombian princess (shes good... she knows my faces), So i just shrugged my shoulders and kissed the sweet little doggy that came to greet me. Now thankful that the subject was not pushed, but UGH!!!!!! how frustrating! So i grab a cocktail and settle in. Both to the room filled with my friends, and the thought that of f!$# it... hes not coming. About an hour later i go to check my phone. Missed call. It was him. listened to the message. " Hey it me just saw you called, call me" OK breath... I called back. i was sent to Voicemail... so i texted him that i tried calling. I went back to the party. 20 min later come back to check my phone. He is calling. I answer. Hey... " hi, i missed your call. are you at the dinner?" Breath... yes i am at the dinner. "oh, yeah i just don't think I'm going to make it, i don't really feel up to it" Well no shit Sherlock!!!! By now i get that! So i was like ok fine, i have to go. Click.
OK, i was not going to throw a fit about it and this point, but hear me out. Yes i am disappointed, I wanted him to be thee, but i understand. BUT... the part that chaps my ass (i love saying that) He did not have the respect to call me before the dinner began to call me and decline the invite. Now... I'm sure, actually i would bet on it that this morning when he woke up, he knew that he did not want to come to the dinner. Which is fine, but couldn't he have told me that... That's all i would have liked. Just a simple hey thanks for the invite, but i am going to pass for whatever reason. All i wanted was that. Tell me that you are not going to come BEFORE i show up without you, to avoid the embarrassment.
With that said, i had a wonderful evening. then... my damn purse called him. damn it!!! He calls... hey i saw that you just called, whats up? I did not mean to call him. Actually i did not even want to talk to him. I'm trying to not be all 16 year old girl on him, but seriously i was disappointed. So he makes small talk with me asking what my week looks like, he wasn't to get together, if i can make some time... he will call me tomorrow
I slept on it (actually i should say tried to sleep). I'm still slightly upset. I can't help it. This is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I start to like him, and the disappointment rolls in. I am starting to feel myself slowly receded into the pre wing man MAN-tality... hmmm
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The list
NO not a bucket list, but a list indeed. I am creating a list (so i wont ever forget) of the things that weird Brady street people try to sell me. This could take some thought... there have been a few that i may forget, but i must do this list none the less
1. knit bible covers. The guy thought they would be a good seller in our SHOE store...
2. A water color picture done by a 35 year old man.
3. a very ugly "french" painting from France, I would like to know how the homeless man got this "french painting"
4. A giant metal scuba diving helmet. To date this has been my favorite, and i do regret not asking the price :-)
5. sewing machine
6. a bag of used bras
Gosh there has to be more, but i just can't think of them... great list isn't it :-) lol
1. knit bible covers. The guy thought they would be a good seller in our SHOE store...
2. A water color picture done by a 35 year old man.
3. a very ugly "french" painting from France, I would like to know how the homeless man got this "french painting"
4. A giant metal scuba diving helmet. To date this has been my favorite, and i do regret not asking the price :-)
5. sewing machine
6. a bag of used bras
Gosh there has to be more, but i just can't think of them... great list isn't it :-) lol
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Why O Why... vent time
Ugh, Ok so i consider myself a good business person. I listen and think before answering. Oh sorry, this is about the shoe store. I was about to blog about this yesterday and did not get the chance to give you the full story. I just opened the store yesterday and a mom, her two very young children and the grandma came in. Now, when i see kids coming through the door of the store i get this sick feeling in my stomach, and i cringe. I should say this. i don't hate kids, i kinda like them, they just from my experiences act like wild animals in which their trainers (parents) choose to let them loose and not watch. Moving on, so the kids come in, and of course the shoe store is their playground... (this is where i start to cuss under my breath through a smile) The kids were all over, picking up and throwing shoes, shaking the plant stands ( very heavy plants rest on these... needless to say, if the plant falls it would of course be the stores fault...) running in the back room, and the little girl actually how she did it i don't know opened the cash register. Little shit. So, the mom and the grams were both shopping. Taking their time trying on shoes, oh i like these, oh what about these, no these. yes one of those, in which i would say i normally don't mind at all, i love when people spend time in the store, i just can't take it when they bring their unruly Cheetos faced kids in to tear the store apart and not watch. And what makes it worse, is i can't say anything!!!!!! Nothing!!! Moms can NEVER be told to watch their kids without themselves throwing a fit, or be astonished that i would even think to tell them how to parent... Moving on, so, she decides on a pair of shoes. They were 50% off, being a grand total of 23.00 and non-returnable...... Which brings us to today. She calls " I came in yesterday, i had the cute kids, (and by saying cute kids I'm sure she ment the uncontrollable beasts) I bought some shoes, and they look funny." Me " what do you mean they look funny?" Well they are multi colored but they look like two different colors, like scuffed, like they were worn, but i looked at the bottoms and they were not worn" me " OK so they look like they were worn, but not, and they are multi colored like they are supposed to be.?" "yes, well you should look at them" me "OK bring them in, but i am sorry they are a final sale, so i am not sure what you are looking for me to do. our policy is in effect for a reason, and you looked at them and you wanted them," her" Well you should just look at them, but i live in Appleton" WTF... Ok at this point i told her that i will just have to call her back. Now i will say this, i would NEVER sell a pair of worn shoes, and they were 50% off, and you tried them on! So what am i supposed to do? really? Im not trying to be a bitch about this but she bought the shoes, she thinks they look kinda "weird" and they are non-refundable... I got nothing, nothing... Now i can see calling me about this if they were on the pricier side, but they are 23.00... Am i crazy? am i being out of line?
Oh god... i type this as a hear of kids comes through the door and is heading straight to the large mirror to press their face up against
Oh god... i type this as a hear of kids comes through the door and is heading straight to the large mirror to press their face up against
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
never a dull day on brady...
So about 20 minutes a guy came into the store, walked straight up to me and said. Hey i used to live down here, you know on Brady, and i want to know where i can buy a water bong, and a pocket pipe... lol I proceeded to tell him to try a store down the street :-0
But not long before that, there was a sweet girl that came in, but she looked like she could have been a crazy bag lady... (remember that lady that came in and sporadically yelled out WOODSTOCK!) lol... anyways she kept flinching in pain... she soon after asked me if i ever broke a rib. No no i have not, but my sister has. Yup she did when she willingly went into the mosh pit at a BEastie Boys concert. Smart sister, real smart. Anyways, being my nosey little self i had to ask, why do you have a broken rib? Quickly she says, yeah my family is weird.... WTF??? you have a broken rib from your family on Easter! Wow that really tops my Easter. We all sat around looking at each other, while my mom sneakily gave my brother in law The naked man dick coffee cup! Yeah, the shirtless man wears undies until the hot liquid makes them disappear... since then i can't get my Grandma to stop using that mug.
But not long before that, there was a sweet girl that came in, but she looked like she could have been a crazy bag lady... (remember that lady that came in and sporadically yelled out WOODSTOCK!) lol... anyways she kept flinching in pain... she soon after asked me if i ever broke a rib. No no i have not, but my sister has. Yup she did when she willingly went into the mosh pit at a BEastie Boys concert. Smart sister, real smart. Anyways, being my nosey little self i had to ask, why do you have a broken rib? Quickly she says, yeah my family is weird.... WTF??? you have a broken rib from your family on Easter! Wow that really tops my Easter. We all sat around looking at each other, while my mom sneakily gave my brother in law The naked man dick coffee cup! Yeah, the shirtless man wears undies until the hot liquid makes them disappear... since then i can't get my Grandma to stop using that mug.
Iron cupcake frenzy
Wow!!! What a turn out at last nights Iron Cupcake Challenge. The ingredient was wine. Gosh i love wine! And can you believe it, I won! That makes it two months in a row!!! wahoo!!! It was tons of fun! I would have to say though, if there was an award for the best looking creation, it would go to Susie. Here cuppies were insane!!! they were cupcake pops... i will get a pic for you. It was some serious creativity!
So while thinking about this whole cupcake thing, i have decided that i mind as well Start a miss cupcake blog... well seeing as that is me, and i might want to start keeping my cupcakes and man trouble separate... what do you think? I don't know, after all it is hard enough for me to keep up with this blog, but maybe, just maybe, like Susie said i can have a "different voice" for each of my blogs... hmmmm serious thought!
Oh and did i mention that i won :-) The Faith in my cupcake baking abilities has been restored!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Bay of Pigs
While checking my messages today i came across a saved voicemail from Juan Bandito... "Hey, just thinking about you. call me. I would love to go out" Well that was one of the couple of times he called. I haven't called him back, he never left his number on the message. Oh and did i mention that he currently has a girlfriend that he has been with for the last 3 years...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
If i can convince you to do this one thing...

... You will feel so much better about yourself. Now, I have wanted to blog about this before, it just was never the right time. Well, today is the day! I am a HUGE advocate of Bringing re-usable bags to the store for my groceries, and other such items. OK, I'm sure you were thinking that i was going to say something else. But really, I think that you ALL should change to using re-usable bags, and not using plastic bags. I have about 10 super cute bags, that i take with me into the store. And i take them into every store. not just for groceries. I take them to target, to much hated wal-mart (what a dump), OK i wont keep listing, i think you get the gist. Ok so what brought this on was i was reading my coveted Everyday With Rachael Ray, and they had a small blurb on why it is a good idea to use your own bags. Which Reads... (just in case you don't get the mag)
DID YOU KNOW?? Reusable bags don't just help save the environment. Plastic bags cost big grocery store chains about $16 million per year. So A&P, Whole foods and other chains around the country are REWARDING Eco-conscious shoppers by lopping off up to 10 cents per re-usable bag from their bills (depending on the region and store). If you shop twice a week, you can save up to $50 a year -lauren Gitlin
Well thanks Lauren. I save 5 cents per bag i use. I think i may have saved about $2.00 so far... oh yeah don't be jealous... I could get myself a jar of olives for martinis with that! So what i am saying is Try it... at first you might feel weird, and the baggers at the store may look at you like you are an uppity bitch, but do it, it will make you feel good. I converted my mom into using re-usable bags. I think that progress! And a tip, keep the bags in your car, so you don't forget them. I forgot my bags once so i used my bra. i held about $80 worth of groceries in it :-)
Monday, April 6, 2009
So... I am starting to get into a mood... Yeah a mood, like crabby for no reason, but i know the reason, but i wish that i would not get crabby, but is almost inevitable. So i could use some words of encouragement. Anything send'em my way i need 'em. please and thank you.
Come on!!!! i cant get in a "mood" It is the season premiere of the HILLS tonight!
Come on!!!! i cant get in a "mood" It is the season premiere of the HILLS tonight!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Gross gross gross
Eeewwww!!! Ok so i have a semi long list of things that really creep me out and One just happened before my very eyes... a cute little Asian kid was walking past the shoe store outside with his fists pretty much in his mouth flossing his teeth! And when he pulled the floss out, he looked at it and stuck it back in his mouth!!!!Gross!!! I'm gaging... Ugh! Now all i can think of is plague in my egg foo yung. Damn... and even worse then the flossing in public, is i HATE HATE HATE it when people use toothpicks. (gag sound) they creep me out so bad. This issue started when i was with my grandpa, bless his heart i love him to pieces, but he has an issue with getting food stuck in his teeth. As do most people, but my gramps takes this whole toothpicking to a whole new level. He will use the toothpick, dig out a half chewed t-bone steak from his teeth, pull it out on the toothpick, look at it, then eat it. AGAIN!! (gag sound) Ugh... too much for me, let me tell you... and yes this is the same gramps that hawked a huge loogie into a box of my shoes one day...Oh and then there are the unsuspecting people in the car who pick their noses and eat it!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! My hope is that one day the suspect-picker will look over after their mid-boogie snack and see my disgusted face... So the moral to all of this, is if you are going to do any of these things, do them in private, and wash your hands!
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