Ok so i told you that i was in a Murder Mystery this weekend right? Well i was. I was just supposed to go to it, but then i ended up having to be in it. I was Sally Forth a proper English girl that was the sheriffs mail order bride. It was fun! I have pictures coming... So anyways. i had no idea who any of the other "actors" would be, but i thought huh, this should be fun. I went to the costume shop and got this crazy old dress with a big hoop skirt and i wore this crazy hat, and a parasol. Yes i went all out. So we did the murder mystery and we all had a great time, all of the actors got along. It was fun that is that. Oh! and I was the Murderer. Me sweet little Sally Forth.
Present time... I got an email from my mom this morning. It said that Juan Bandito was asking about me. What?!?! Really? We emailed back and forth, and She said that her friend at work told him where I worked. I thought the guys was married! So turns out that Juan Bandito is not married, and ready to go in for the kill... He showed up at the shoe store today!!! AHHHH!!! Juan came in with his friend and they were there for like 45 mins. So they were there hanging out, and he asks me if he can take me out for a drink. SILENCE. I teetered, and yes yeah that should be ok... Ok come on, his friend was right there. What was i supposed to say. Not to mention that while he is there at the store Wing Man is texting me asking where i want to go to dinner. So he asks me out, and not 2 seconds later, Wing Man walks into the store!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I thought that i was going to pass out! I turned bright red, started to sweat and did not say anything. In my mind i was like HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT.... i think you get the picture. Then at that point i was praying to god that Juan did not say ANYTHING out loud about asking me out for a drink. Oh god! that was a close call! One that i would not like to have again.
So after my could be SATC moment, Wing man and i went out to dinner.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The birds and the Bees....
What a weekend... I finally had a day off! it was great! But hidden amongst the relaxation and a Murder Mystery there was " The Talk" oh god Well maybe it was not "the the talk" but it was pretty damn close. So sometime between coffee and eggs i was talking with my mom about a comment she had about my last blog post. She was insightful, by saying that she knows that i am gun shy, and i should tell wing man that, but then my dad joined in... Oh yeah, I felt like i was under the lamp... They were asking questions, and handing out advice left and right. They asked if i liked the wing man a lot or a little, My dad was telling me the "secrets of man behavior" as he calls it. Now let me tell you... i was both insightful entertainment and cringe worthy at the same time! Goodness! i never thought that i would be talking about my blog posts about men to my parents, acting out scenarios of what i should do to see if he likes me.... Uh! too much! LOL But, they did have some good advice... my dad especially, even though it was super weird talking to him face to face, after my mom blurted out "WHAT ARE YOU JUST USING HIM FOR SEX OR WHAT"!!!!!! god if there was a hole i would have crawled in it at that very moment! I like him, but i don't want to completely put myself out there if he does not feel the same. or worse yet i come out and ask if we are man-friend girlfriend, and he stops calling... (much like the smoker and Baird) But as much as it was crazy surreal, it was useful info...
So with that out, i was told by my father that if i like wing man, i should have given him a day that i could go out with him instead of saying i was just busy. He said if i do that "game" a guy will just move on to a different girl, Then he asked if Wing man and i were exclusive.... the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. So i was like a teenage girl again when i said "Dad! Come on! This is embarrassing!" so he said this... i am supposed to "playfully" yes he used that wording, say something like "Are you busy Monday or do you have plans with another girl?" LOL... yes this was the scenario part when i am suppose to see if Wing man is dating other girls as well. I don't think that he is, but i thought that same thing with the Doctor and look where that got me.... whore! Anyways... yes that was Saturday morning convo at my house, and i know have to see how the cards play out with Wing man. We texted back and forth a little on Sat, and he said he was going out with friends, and would call me Sunday. No call and when i texted him on Saturday night to fill him in on the Murder Mystery that i did, he didn't text back... Now thanks to my father, i have this little bug in my head thinking that he IS seeing other girls... This is exactly what i did not want to do with wing man... i wanted it to just happen and take it as it goes... Ugh! Well i did just notice a missed call and message from him on my cell... TBC
So with that out, i was told by my father that if i like wing man, i should have given him a day that i could go out with him instead of saying i was just busy. He said if i do that "game" a guy will just move on to a different girl, Then he asked if Wing man and i were exclusive.... the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. So i was like a teenage girl again when i said "Dad! Come on! This is embarrassing!" so he said this... i am supposed to "playfully" yes he used that wording, say something like "Are you busy Monday or do you have plans with another girl?" LOL... yes this was the scenario part when i am suppose to see if Wing man is dating other girls as well. I don't think that he is, but i thought that same thing with the Doctor and look where that got me.... whore! Anyways... yes that was Saturday morning convo at my house, and i know have to see how the cards play out with Wing man. We texted back and forth a little on Sat, and he said he was going out with friends, and would call me Sunday. No call and when i texted him on Saturday night to fill him in on the Murder Mystery that i did, he didn't text back... Now thanks to my father, i have this little bug in my head thinking that he IS seeing other girls... This is exactly what i did not want to do with wing man... i wanted it to just happen and take it as it goes... Ugh! Well i did just notice a missed call and message from him on my cell... TBC
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Men are defianatly from mars
This is always the case... I don't get it nor do i necessarily agree with it. but here goes. SO... Why is it that when you like a guy and are pro-active about getting to know them do they disappear or, kindly obliged, but then disappear? OK before we get all worked up, this is not my issue. My issue or actually i should say situation is that when i am aloof and unavailable, do they come knocking down my door? Not saying that i am such a catch, but hear me out. Remember bad sweater guy? the guy that i went out with on like 2 dates, but was not into, then he sent me flowers, and brought me lunch to work, and would not leave.. yeah that guy... so he keeps calling and texting trying to as he would say "nail down" a date. Ugh! OK I'm not complaining per say, its just that i am not into him. He is really nice and funny and all, but i don't have the spark with him. I need the spark. But he keeps calling and texting like i said, and i am not by any means trying to lead him on, nor do i want to completely ignore him I just don't know how to tell him that i am not interested in him as mam-friend material. I do have to say something though. he keeps cracking jokes like i am playing hard to get. Sorry honey, I'm not a game player, i just don't know how to tell this perfectly normal guy, well wait that would be a lie. He is almost perfect, accept that im not into him, and he has this weird flat spot on the back of his head that kinda creeps me out, but other than that... great guy... Which brings me to this. I have started seeing/dating wing man. There has been no conversation on the matter of if we are girlfriend/man-friend yet, but REALLY i am in no rush to talk about THAT just yet. Moving on, he is great. he calls, he texts, and we go out. So this made me chuckle today. (i promise this is going somewhere) So he asked what i was up to tonight, and i said i was busy. Then he went on to ask Friday? busy. Saturday? busy. Sunday? busy at this point he laughed. OK well can you pencil me in next week...? I said i think that i am free on Monday or Tuesday. But then he comes back right away with what are you doing for lunch today? He brought me lunch... Now tell me please, why is it that when I am "unavailable" is it so urgent to see me? This "game" if that is what it is, is weird. And i have to say. I really am busy... well kinda :-) I think i just played a game on him and i didn't even know it... hmmm.... Well that's what he gets for tricking me into a date!
But honestly. i am not trying to play any games with him, i just don't want this new guy situation to take over my thoughts, and time... I do really like this guy, but i am also not going to not be realistic. I've liked other guys, and they turned around and went without blinking an eye. i will be proceeding with caution.
But honestly. i am not trying to play any games with him, i just don't want this new guy situation to take over my thoughts, and time... I do really like this guy, but i am also not going to not be realistic. I've liked other guys, and they turned around and went without blinking an eye. i will be proceeding with caution.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Post win glow, and the wining creation

Photos courtesy of Sandy (The Milwaukee Cupcake Queen)'s Blog. Thanks Sandy! i hope you don't mind! Go visit her blog... It is always entertaining! I just love her. http://www.mkecupcakequeen.blogspot.com/
Other thanks go to: Susie... you are a doll and i ALWAYS enjoy your creations... speaking of creations i have to get some of your cookie dough balls! THanks to Engineers without boarders... they sponsored the event as well as Fratellos and Sandy. And thanks to all of my peeps who came! Did i already thank you? I can't remember... but if not thanks, and if yes than thanks again! And last but not least my parents Special thanks to you for letting me be crazy loud in the kitchen while you are trying to watch extreme makeover home edition... Oh and i would like to thank the Academy... Ok i know, i know... i will stop now...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Out of the wood work...

Ok so, i have a theory, which really isn't much a a theory as much as it is a fact. Spring time is here and the weather is getting better which means all the crazy people that roam Brady street are out. Yesterday a lady came in asking if i have any shoes in the store that were under $10. Sorry no. we don't. Then she asks if we have any shoes in size 9. I tell her yes, and she says " ok are they under $10?" Ummm no they are not... so she proceeds to go around the store picking up different shoes asking me if they are under $10. Now by this time i can barely hide my laughing... Then she goes by the jewelry. Seeing as i know that there is something a little off with her i know that i must keep an eye on her so a: she doesn't steal anything 2: pee on anything or c: try to stab me with a pencil or something. So as she is looking at the jewelry she asks if i went to Woodstock. I replied no i had not, and asked her if she did. She was like NO! So i let out a little giggle, because where does that question come out of right? Then sporadically she walks around the store dancing ever so slightly to the music and randomly yells out "WOODSTOCK!" Oh it was too much for me... she was carrying things around the store like she was "going to buy" the items, but she would ask the strangest requests. She asked for a pair of $20 shoes to be fixed on the bottom, because she would slip on grass in them.... yeah all too weird...
And just now, a older man came flying through the door holding one of those old scuba diving metal helmets asking if i wanted to buy it!!!! No joke! What the hell am i going to do with a huge metal scuba helmet? Oh i do love this street... it is so entertaining!
Oh and earlier i called a number to put a hold on something i ordered and i was directed to call another number... i called the other number and it turned out to be a dirty sex talk line!!! HA ha ha ! it would only happen to me.... i have such luck with porn calls dont I?
Horchata + Cupcake = 1st Place
THATS RIGHT!!!!!! I won!!! Finally!!! i am soooooo super excited! IT has been a long awaited victory! The theme was Latin Flavors. The Horchata (Mexican cinnamon rice milk) Cupcake was super tasty and the winner!!! I'm trying not to gloat but i can't help it! So i got a certificate saying that i won, and a $25 gift cert from Fratellos (thank you!) And of course... respect.... LOL Right i was starting to get nervous seeing as i want to open a bakery and have a cupcake business... it wasn't looking good that i hadn't won. Oh!!!! And i almost forgot... I was actually a double winner! I won the "popular vote" and i won the Engineers without boarders 1st place prize as well.... I Don't know what it is but i hope it is a pony! Or maybe.... what if i won a date with one of the member of Menudo???? how great would that be? he he he Oh and thanks to all of you that came to support me... OK... well i know that you really just all wanted to eat numerous cupcakes, but in my heart i think you came just for me! Now i have the itch to win. Wine 2.0 here i come!
As soon as i get it i will attach a picure of me with my wining glow and my award :-)
As soon as i get it i will attach a picure of me with my wining glow and my award :-)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Call me crazy, I don't really know why this bothers me but it does... I have been know to say "Oh bless your heart" numerous time's meaning it with lots of love, but i can't stand it when Someone says to me "Have a blessed day" These too ladies cam into the store and when they left they both turnned to me, saying "have a blessed day with that head down eyebrow raised look. You know that look... That your working today when you should be a curch bathing in holy water look. I know, this may make me sound like an ass but i can't help it. When people say that to be it makes my skin crawl... When they say it i have this feeling like any second after they do they are about to throw holy water on me. And what does that mean...? can't you just say have a great day. They throw this have a blessed day thing at me like i am a big sinner. They are judging me i know they are... Im not a sinner! Ok well maybe i am but thats besides the point...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Day 5...
Ahh... morning of day five of house sitting at the Castle. I CANT SLEEP! Now this is no secret that i cant sleep, but i am pretty sure that it has a little to do with the fact that i think, scratch that, heard that this beautiful ginormous house is haunted. Now i have not had any "hunting's" yet. I hope to keep it that way too... But i have come to notice that since i do not live on my own anymore, it is hard for me to fall asleep in a house in which i am completely alone. On that note, Wing man did stay over to "protect" me from the ghosts... yeah well turns out his method of keeping ghosts away is to talk in his sleep, and at one point I'm pretty sure he was sleep walking pant less through the house...lol... OMG! I NEVER expected to wake up to that! Ha ha ha Oh And DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT TELL HIM THAT I BLOGGED about this! He would be soooo mad at me... come on... if you woke up to find a man sleep walking pant less in a mansion you would need to talk about it to... :-) The only possible thing funnier about it is him having to ask me if it really happened.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My clumsy ass...
In Loo of Celebrating The Milwaukee Cupcake Queens two Blogiversary i thought that i would share this Picture with everyone... Dear god! I was so stressed about The first ever cupcake sale, and getting my business off the ground, i must have taken it a little too literally... Did i ever talk about this? I may have, but if not it is sure to entertain.
So i was baking red velvet cupcakes for the 105th Harley Fest. I was a little baking machine in the Wonderful and so accommodating Mimma's restaurant basement. It was about 11pm when i was taking the last huge batch of cuppies to the oven to bake... little did i know that just minutes before the floor was washed in the kitchen... Yes you know where this is going... I was like "hey guys! this is my last batch!" When WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! i went flying across the floor, my legs went over my head and i fell flat on my back! Now normally something like that would hurt, but not this time, i think my pure and udder embarrassment and shock of the moment made me instantly laugh my ass off! Oh i still have not lived this down... Now it has come to my attention that a picture to prove the situation has surfaced from an unidentified source.... I know who you are! I am awaiting this picture. Please stay tuned
So happy anniversary Sandy!! i just love reading about your daily fun!
So i was baking red velvet cupcakes for the 105th Harley Fest. I was a little baking machine in the Wonderful and so accommodating Mimma's restaurant basement. It was about 11pm when i was taking the last huge batch of cuppies to the oven to bake... little did i know that just minutes before the floor was washed in the kitchen... Yes you know where this is going... I was like "hey guys! this is my last batch!" When WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! i went flying across the floor, my legs went over my head and i fell flat on my back! Now normally something like that would hurt, but not this time, i think my pure and udder embarrassment and shock of the moment made me instantly laugh my ass off! Oh i still have not lived this down... Now it has come to my attention that a picture to prove the situation has surfaced from an unidentified source.... I know who you are! I am awaiting this picture. Please stay tuned
So happy anniversary Sandy!! i just love reading about your daily fun!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Dirty Thirties...
i am helping welcome the Colombian princess into her dirty thirties this evening at dinner. I have Made some delicious treats and i am looking forward to a cocktail. But i have a big question plaguing me... Do i invite the Wing Man to the birthday dinner? Well i am aware that it is short notice and all, i think he has plans, but from the sounds of it, they may have fallen through...
HMMMMMM what is a girl to do. Is it too soon? He mentioned the other day when i said i was having a dinner for the CP that it sounded like fun and would like to meet her. Ahh! Now i LOVE LOVE LOVE all my friends, but with past dating history, it is like putting a guy in a war zone meeting them. Now i know you are like like "What? Us? we are not critical...." Bull shit! you know you are and you will pick him apart. Now i think he could Handel it, but can i? I like this guy... i kind of like that is is like he is a mystery to all you... Te he he he he. Oh what to do what to do.
Happy Birthday CP!!!! You will LOVE Ginger... the tapas are fabulous!
HMMMMMM what is a girl to do. Is it too soon? He mentioned the other day when i said i was having a dinner for the CP that it sounded like fun and would like to meet her. Ahh! Now i LOVE LOVE LOVE all my friends, but with past dating history, it is like putting a guy in a war zone meeting them. Now i know you are like like "What? Us? we are not critical...." Bull shit! you know you are and you will pick him apart. Now i think he could Handel it, but can i? I like this guy... i kind of like that is is like he is a mystery to all you... Te he he he he. Oh what to do what to do.
Happy Birthday CP!!!! You will LOVE Ginger... the tapas are fabulous!
Monday, March 9, 2009
As if waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Monday isn't bad enough, is it really necessary to be scolded the second i get out of bed, before i have had my "quite coffee time" Thanks to that, i have had a chip on my shoulder since 7 am... blah blah blah All work and no play makes Ashley a crabby girl. I need wings... or a new pair of shoes, or both
As if waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Monday isn't bad enough, is it really necessary to be scolded the second i get out of bed, before i have had my "quite coffee time" Thanks to that, i have had a chip on my shoulder since 7 am... blah blah blah All work and no play makes Ashley a crabby girl. I need wings... or a new pair of shoes, or both
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Back in the saddle...
... I think that is what you would say if i told you that i am going on a date tomorrow night right? :-) gOSH... Im kind of nervous. Oh it is with Wing Man. What a week for me... flowers from on guy and a date from another. I feel like i am a normal single girl for once. I tried to ask him where we were going for dinner so i knew what to wear, but he didnt tell me. he said casual should be fine. So i asked him if i wore a chicken suit would be ok.... i have yet to get a response. ha ha ha well i thought it was funny! So it is not the date thing that makes me nervous, i think it is the what if i like him thing. After all i had fun with him the first time we hung out and got wings, but who knows. I am sure it will be fun.
Oh just texted me said i was a dork, and he was undecided on location. all i can say is it better not be Jimmy Johns or pizza hut
Oh just texted me said i was a dork, and he was undecided on location. all i can say is it better not be Jimmy Johns or pizza hut
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
FLowers and Firemen...
I dont know how much better my day can get?!?!?!? When i got to work there was a beautiful vase full of flowers delivered to me. And hanging off the side was a box of cute cupcake liners!!!! Awwwwwww i kinda started to tear up! It was from bad sweater party guy. It was so sweet! It came with a card that said " Congrats on the cupcakes!" Oh i didnt tell you... It is because i booked 2 weddings for my cupcakes!!! wahooo.
And second... my fav fireman that was transferred to a different house came to visit. And he brought his fellow hotties with! Yum!!!
It is a good day!
And second... my fav fireman that was transferred to a different house came to visit. And he brought his fellow hotties with! Yum!!!
It is a good day!
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