As I was in the tub today, I got to thinking. Could my addiction to self-help books be causing me to start fights with myself? We all know that us women can over analyze and look way to far into things, when there is no need to,right? For example, men. Before the books and the Famous Sex and The City episode "hes just not that into you", we women would find excuse after excuse for men. Crying on our friends shoulders all the time, talking about the so called "problem". But why? Crying "why didn't he call?", "well he said he couldn't call because he was in jail, but i wasn't his fault" (that was a funny for my friend the bride). If we would just stop talking and listen the truth is there. Men don't do the silly say one thing and mean another like we do, they are pretty straight forward. So in loo of getting yourself all upset over nothing and over-analyzing your situations, listen to what they tell you, and try not to let your "Well i read in this book that..." mentality get to you. I know that at times, i tend to let my book reading expertise be the end-all when instead, sometimes i should learn to trust what the guy is saying. And in the end if it didn't work out, its ok. But it is not ok to to stay just because you don't want to be lonely
*A special note to all the single/dating women out there. You know your relationships better than any of your friends. If the situation with a guy seems fishy it is. If you know that your friend doesn't like him, and you still spend all this time complaining about him, don't be mad at her for voicing her hatred for him, she is just looking out for you. But if you know he is a good guy that means well,give him a break. Stop over-analyzing a non-problem, it will only drive you mad, and your friends will be annoyed. Try to fill up the time that you use to complain about the situation with a new hobby instead, i did...your reading it.
*A special note to all the single/dating women out there. You know your relationships better than any of your friends. If the situation with a guy seems fishy it is. If you know that your friend doesn't like him, and you still spend all this time complaining about him, don't be mad at her for voicing her hatred for him, she is just looking out for you. But if you know he is a good guy that means well,give him a break. Stop over-analyzing a non-problem, it will only drive you mad, and your friends will be annoyed. Try to fill up the time that you use to complain about the situation with a new hobby instead, i did...your reading it.